Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1261: Less (subscription)

The next night, Steve returned to New York by plane. This time, although he did not thoroughly understand Feng Yu, he did not fully understand the Chinese rich, but finally there was some progress. The most important thing is that Feng Yu admitted to becoming the world. The richest man, then the next issue of Forbes will definitely sell better!

At the same time, Hu Wei is also working hard. This issue of "Wind and Rain Business Weekly" will reprint the "Forbes" rich list, "Forbes" will also reprint the data on their list of China's richest people, and The interview with Qing Xian will be published on Forbes.

Time is flying fast, a new issue of "Wind and Rain Business Weekly" was released. Many people who ordered it found that Feng Yu, who has been rated as the richest man in Asia by Forbes, finally got an asset assessment, worth 60 billion US dollars!

Previously, "Wind and Rain Business Weekly" did not list Feng Yu in it, or the assets behind it were question marks. Only this time, the specific values ​​were given.

Everyone saw it and was shocked. Some people who have learned about Feng Yu’s family from foreign media and other media know that Feng Yu’s family is rich, but he did not expect it to be so much. Even if the unit of the dollar of the asset is replaced by rmb, Feng Yu is still the richest man in China!

And some people who never know how much Feng Yu’s family is, are shocked to see this data, especially the world’s richest man!

Feng Yucheng is the richest man in the world? The richest man in the world, is the Chinese? !

The news was also noticed by the above leaders. Some people frowned. It felt that it was not a good thing to have too many personal assets. Some people think that this is the money that others have earned from their own merits. They should vigorously publicize and let foreigners know that China This country is not so closed in their legends, and there is no such thing as a political axe to confiscate personal assets. Otherwise, how can the world's richest man appear?

At this time, Huaxia is still in a situation of attracting foreign investment and needs to rely on external funds for development. Feng Yu can be said to be a business card. If properly promoted, it will definitely attract more foreign investment and make China's economic development speed even higher.

The above leaders finally decided to discuss with Feng Yu and hoped that Feng Yu could give more help to the country.


The new issue of Forbes magazine has updated the list of the world's richest people, and the first place on the list is no longer Bill Gates, but Feng Yu, whose assets are 60 billion US dollars!

Any asset that is followed by an integer is estimated. Many people are not satisfied, so what is Feng Yu's asset estimate so high? I haven't seen the company that Feng Yu is in charge of.

Bill Gates is in charge of Microsoft, and they have all been suppressed to the second place. Is there no problem with this data?

So they turned back and there was an answer to Feng Yu's assets. It is written that Feng Yu’s assets come from two companies and two holding companies. The registration of one family is in Huaxia, and the other is in the Virgin Islands.

Among the two companies, Feng Yujun is the controlling shareholder, and the specific shareholding ratio is unknown. The two holding companies, one asset is estimated at 50 billion US dollars, and the other is estimated at 30 billion US dollars. That is to say, Forbes is estimated according to Feng Yu's average holding of 75%.

The market value of the two companies is not high, compared with those of the Fortune 500 companies, not worth mentioning. Those companies in front of the Fortune 500, even if the stock price fell again and again, the market value is more than 100 billion US dollars, and even Microsoft and other companies, the market value is still more than 300 billion US dollars.

However, they are surprised that Feng Yu’s shareholding ratio in these two companies is so high. What makes them feel incredible is that the two holding group companies do not have several listed subsidiaries below.

According to last year's asset assessment, the annual income of the two companies is more than 20%. To know that most of the companies in the past two years are losing money, what Bill Gates, what is the **** of Warren, are losing money, Feng Yu can actually make money, profits are not low.

The more assets a company has, the lower the profit margin, but with a huge foundation, the profit will not be low. Companies with 100 billion sales, a profit margin of 5 percent, and a profit of 5 billion, but a company with 10 billion sales, a profit margin of 20 percent, and a profit of only 2 billion.

Bill Gates is also in the office, looking at Forbes magazine, he does not need to order, every issue, someone will be sent to his office, this is one of his privileges as a top rich.

Paul Allen pushed the door in and threw a copy of Forbes on the table: "Bill, how could that von have a $60 billion net worth? Steve must have made a mistake!"

Bill Gates closed Forbes and looked up at Paul Allen: "So which asset do you think is wrong?"

Paul Allen stunned. He just didn't want to believe it. He asked him what was wrong, and he couldn't say it. Regarding Feng Yu's asset evaluation, he certainly saw it in detail. The above evaluations are not big.

This is all analyzed by Forbes magazine through some aspects of tax payment, and some aspects of understanding. Of course, some of the taxes on the Chinese side are not known to them, so most of them are still estimated.

Bill Gates looked at Paul Allen seriously: "I think there are some problems."

Paul Allen is overjoyed, Bill sees the problem?

"What problem, let's talk."

"I think that Steve's assessment of Feng Yu's family is less!"

The joy of Paul Allen’s face disappeared instantly. What do you mean, is it less? Does Bill think that Feng Yu’s real body should be more than 60 billion US dollars? !

Bill Gates began to give examples and prove his point.

For example, Taihua Supermarket Group, Asia's largest retail group, the market value is not high, on the grounds that there are many loans. How much can be loaned, not mentioned above. If the Taihua Supermarket Group is listed, the stock price will not reach the height of Wal-Mart, but it will not be much worse. After all, Huaxia has a larger population, the supermarket has a larger passenger flow, and the turnover is definitely not bad. And this company has not yet been listed.

For example, companies such as Wind and Rain Electronics have the same reason that the loan amount is too high, so the asset evaluation is not high. But look at how good the electronic products of the wind and rain brand are selling, and how strong the rising momentum is, knowing how much potential this company has. And this company has not yet listed, if the listing, the stock price is definitely skyrocketing.

There are also similar wind and rain appliances, Aihua Electronics, Aihua Electric, etc., the potential is very huge.

Even Bill Gates believes that Feng Yu definitely has some assets of the company. This is not investigated. Bill Gates suspects that Feng Yu’s assets should be comparable to his peak two years ago, that is, 80 billion. Above the dollar!

Of course, this is just a guess. No one knows how much it is, except Feng Yu himself.

... (to be continued.)

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