Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1290: Domestically

"Come, wife, eat apples."

Li Na looked at the apple that Feng Yu handed over, cut a skin, and cut an apple half, and it was really level!

"You can eat it yourself, I can't really eat it."

Well, Feng Yuzhen solved the cut apple in a few mouthfuls.

"A few days I went to Russia and then I went to the country."

"Well, you have been with me for a long time at home, and I can't help you with business."

"Reassured, back and forth very quickly, about half a month or so."

Going to Russia, is the full moon of the brother of the brother, Feng Yu still does not know, Russia also set up a full moon wine, perhaps it is the Mr. Feng Shui said. Feng Yun also took a look at the Russian side of the business, Russia also began to do online shopping malls, Feng Yu wants to see how the development.

Of course, the national conditions of different countries, Feng Yu's experience may not be appropriate, but you can also give comments to Kirilenko for their reference.

As for the country of Mi, it is purely this year, the US professional basketball team has to enter the finals, and now with the Spurs hit 2:1, there is great hope to advance to the finals, and the East side, the Pacers are quickly killed by the Nets.

The Lakers who entered the finals last year, this year has not been able to pass the Spurs, do not know, can still be the same as the previous history, composed of super f4!

Kirilenko is even more vocal, said that in the finals, the first six games will be played with fake balls, one person will win three games, everyone will be the stone scissors, the seventh game, and then start the real struggle, a game will be won!

In this case, we sold seven tickets and everyone can earn more. As long as the game looks good, no one can say anything.

The team reached the finals, Feng Yu also intends to go to the scene to encourage the players, of course, it is important to slap them, the water must be released when the water, when others release the water, must also seize the opportunity!

Moreover, Feng Yu also wants to go to the Amazon to see. Now the Amazon is developing very well. It is already the world's largest b2c online shopping mall. Feng Yu does not want any surprises from Amazon.

The speed of development of Amazon is better than the past. And have not experienced a stock market crash, because the Amazon has not yet listed. As a result, Amazon is particularly expected, and many investors are waiting for the Amazon to go public.

Anyway, if Amazon is going to expand overseas, then it must be listed for financing, otherwise the funds will definitely be insufficient. However, they are also worried that Amazon will once again come to a non-listed targeted financing, but it is unlikely. There is no reason why those investors do not want to cash out, just wait for dividends. When will the investment be recovered?

Under normal circumstances, in addition to voting stocks, generally do not cash out, waiting for dividends, the holders of non-voting stocks, almost no cash out.

Only by letting the company go public can these investors get the fastest return, and the dividend return is too low.

Amazon is definitely going to go public, but it won't be now, at least not this year. Bezos discussed with Masaru Kadori and Feng Yu, and plans to go public next year.

The company can now expand on loans, and by the time the funds for listing financing can be repaid, the rest can continue to be used for expansion.

When you control the market, profits will naturally come. Now that we are pursuing profits and giving up on expanding the market, it is not so easy when we want to expand in the future.

To put it bluntly, it is to abandon the immediate interests and pursue long-term interests. In this case, those investments will not see profits for the time being, and even the company’s profits for the past two years will be very low.

Fortunately, at this time, the vast majority of network companies have negative growth in profits, and Amazon can maintain a small increase in profits and profit margins, which is very rare.

Feng Yu is very satisfied with the operation of Bezos. Of course, Feng Yu also has enough support for Bezos. The promotion of the senior executives of Amazon is basically decided by Bezos. Although Ralph has a director in Amazon, it is only convenient to contact. The management has not intervened.

Just when Feng Yu was ready to leave for Russia, Director Fang gave Feng Yu a call.

"General Feng, the last time you asked me about it, something went wrong."

"Why, can't you bring one with me? That's it, I will contact CIGNA myself. If the satellite launches, I will also find a foreign country to do it."

Feng Yu is not very happy, he did not help the above, this time to find a help, how can it not?

"Feng, you listen to me. I am in trouble, not the above is not willing to help you, but the satellite order of CIGNA, it has been three years later, there is no way to give you a plug. We have ordered Satellite, the use of everything is planned, there is no way to move out one for you. But above, you can rent a two-band transit device at a low price."

"Two bands? Too little, not enough. That's it, I am still looking for someone else, although the price is higher, but it is acceptable." Feng Yu intends to find Kirilenko, although not cheap, but You can add a plug, let him launch the satellite early, and use the satellite earlier.

"Feng total, there is a second method, the Oriental Rainbow III satellite, more bands, four more than CIGNA, they are fourteen, we are eighteen. I know, you think this use Life is too short, only eight years, but you think about it, this is also very cost-effective. And the above leader said, if you buy the Oriental Rainbow No. 3, you can order an Oriental Rainbow No. 4. This service period is up, just right. The fourth launch was launched. The service life of the fourth is fifteen years."

"And, you use our own satellite, a set of services we have all-inclusive, more cost-effective than buying foreign countries. And there is a spot, if you promise, you will be able to launch the next month. Is it possible to make money one day earlier? Our launch cost is also the lowest in the country with good technology. This time, we will go up with our own two satellites to ensure success!"

It is just that the country should continue to launch broadcast communication satellites. Bring Feng Yu this, and you can get it together.

Originally, this satellite was ordered by a foreign company, but the other party later bought the satellite of the country, and the liquidated damages were recognized.

Obviously, the company on the other side of the country is doing ghosts. This is to completely block the satellite business of China.

So the difference is wrong, just Feng Yu wants to buy a satellite, and still wants to worry, this will give Feng Yu.

Feng Yu thought about it. Although this service time is a lot shorter, but the frequency band is four more, the profit can be increased a lot. And the cost is still a bit lower, not too bad.

What is important is that the country promised to customize a Oriental Rainbow No. 4, which solved his worries.

"Well, then I will say so. I have something to do this month. Let Yukio Kasumi, who is holding the wind and rain, come to sign a contract with you. The satellite will go to the sky and the final payment will arrive immediately!"


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