Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1310: Bushi

The things that Feng Yu arranged were naturally made by someone, and Schneider reported that Feng Yu wanted to invest in Budweiser beer back to the headquarters, which really received a high degree of attention.

Indeed, as Feng Yu expected, Feng Yu’s name is a gold sign.

If Budweiser has a share of Feng Yu, then the stock price increase is inevitable. And with the help of Feng Yu, Budweiser is confident that the market share in China will increase rapidly, thus becoming the first foreign beer brand and even the first beer brand in China.

Of course, the first Chinese beer brand at this time belongs to Huaying Snowflake, which is a joint venture between Huasheng Real Estate and South African Brewing Company. The two sides have invested more than 12 billion Hong Kong dollars in these years, of which South African wine holdings accounted for 49%.

However, it is undeniable that Huaying’s nearly half of its profits will be distributed to South African winemakers. The company has just merged with Miller of the United States to become the sabm company, and has become the world’s second-largest beer company.

In the future, China's beer companies, except for Qingdao Beer and Yanjing Beer, are all Sino-foreign joint ventures or wholly foreign-owned enterprises. Heineken and Carlsberg also invested in a number of beer companies in China, and then they became the controlling party through continuous increase in holdings.

Qingdao Beer and Yanjing Beer have a lot of state-owned support. Although there are also foreign-invested shares, there are no voting shares, and the major shareholder has always been China's state-owned capital. This has never changed.

Now Budweiser is threatened by sabm in North America. The company's market share in North America has increased to more than 20%. Of course, Budweiser is also the boss of North America, accounting for nearly 50% of the market.

However, in China, the opposite is true. Hua Tuo Snow is expanding wildly. If Budweiser does not respond, then the huge market of China will be completely lost. What's more, Carlsberg and Heineken have already been deployed in China. These are all competitors of Budweiser.

The world's first brand has brought a big bonus to Budweiser's sales. Once this aura is lost, the impact on Budweiser is significant.

Moreover, Feng Yu's conditions are not particularly harsh. As long as 10% of the shares are required for a board of directors, these are not major events.

In less than three days, Schneider took two foreigners and appeared in front of Feng Yu.

"Mr. Feng, this is our director of Budweiser and ceo Mart Andover, this is the director of our Budweiser parent company, Bush, Johnson Schmidz, who represents Budweiser beer to discuss cooperation with you. Matters."

Schneider's eyes were a little dim, and the company sent two executives, so that there was nothing wrong with him. Originally, he thought that this thing could be promoted.

"Mr. Feng, hello, I am very happy to see you."

"I am very happy to see you, sit down." Feng Yu nodded, it was a greeting, there is no meaning to shake hands with them.

These two did not rush Feng Yu to take the initiative to reach out, Feng Yu is still to descend from his identity, take the initiative to shake hands with them?

The names of these two, Feng Yu have never heard of the past, it means that it is not a man of the fork. Perhaps there are small assets, but compared with Feng Yu, nothing is done, even Feng Yu believes that these two are not as rich as Kameda Masao.

Andorf and Schmitz look at each other, the world's richest man, really not easy to deal with. When I met, I didn’t even stand up.

"Mr. Feng, let's go straight to the theme. We, Bush Company, welcome the fact that Mr. Feng wants to invest in Budweiser. It is an honor for us to cooperate with Mr. Feng."

Feng Yu clicked his head and pulled out a nose. These guest words are not nutritious, and the final conditions are what Feng Yu cares about.

Seeing Feng Yu’s attitude, Schmitz’s face is unchanged: “Mr. Feng, the market value of Budweiser is about 12 billion US dollars at this time. You said that the ice-cold beer of the stock exchange has a market value of less than 400 million US dollars. Then, the other party will give us a 10% equity transaction, we also have a 10% stake, including voting rights, and you personally take out a cash to compensate?"

"Mr. Feng, the general acquisition of the company's stock, must be a premium, I believe you can understand it? In particular, we are in good condition, so we trade according to market value, we can not agree." Andorf added .


Feng Yu has already thought that the other party will not agree to a cheap purchase. Others who sell at the end of the year can get a lot of dividends, of course, they must profit now.

"We are not demanding, $1.2 billion plus a 10% stake in Ice City Beer, including voting rights and a board seat, and we pay 10% of the Budweiser beer stake, including voting rights and a board of directors. Seat."

This price is actually very reasonable. The premium is less than 4%, but Feng Yu is not satisfied. Because there are other conditions, Feng Yu did not mention it, such as sales channels, production processes, etc., these are the more valued Feng Yu.

“How do we match our sales after the transaction? There are other aspects of deep cooperation. How do you say this?” Feng Yu asked.

Schmitz understands that Feng Yu can accept this price.

The price was also their deliberation, and the board discussed the two days.

Once this news is released, the stock price of Budweiser will inevitably rise. They also considered, and now release the news, then Budweiser's stock price can now rise, when Feng Yu wants to get a 10% stake in Budweiser, the funds will be paid higher.

But in this case, I am afraid that cooperation with Feng Yu may be broken. Once Feng Yu announced that the negotiations broke down, the stock price of Budweiser would also be a blow. What they are more worried about is that Bingcheng Beer turned to cooperate with Carlsberg or Heineken, or cooperate with Huaying Snow. No matter which one, it will have irreversible resistance to Budweiser's development of China market.

“We have the strongest sales channels in North America. There are also many channels in Europe that can be shared with Ice City Beer. The sales channels of Bingcheng Beer in China are average, but the beverage alliance of Mr. Feng has Huaxia. The best beverage sales channel, this is shared with us."

"We both have to sign a contract for a contract to create a certain amount of beer for each other to reduce the production and transportation costs of each other," said Andorf.

"Since you want the sales channels of our beverage big league, then Budweiser's sales channels must also be shared with the beverage giants. Also, we want new formulas, and hope that Budweiser and Ice City Beer will not only cooperate in production and In terms of sales, there are research and development aspects." Feng Yu put forward his own conditions.

Schmitz did not expect that Feng Yu actually wanted a recipe. Budweiser's formula is secret and must never be shared with others. Feng Yu’s appetite is too big!


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