Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1619: Debunking the true face

After everyone had a happy meal, Feng Yu received a call from Ralph.

"Boss, things are done, look at the news."

"Well, I know."

Feng Yu hung up the phone, went to the study room to open the computer, and opened the salary wave.

[A person before the set, behind the set, this is the "environmentalist" Geer]

[I paid, this is Geer’s answer]

[Where is it more self-disciplined and stricter than others? Is such a person worthy of praise? 】

[Everyone has been cheated, this is Geer’s plot]

A piece of news is about the things of Geer. Feng Yu just opened one and saw the introduction of the above.

It turned out that a reporter went to photograph the luxury mansion of Geer. It is very luxurious, and the villa is still bright and very power-hungry. It is more than ten times that of many households in the country of Mi, and more than 100 times that of Chinese families.

While calling on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection, we must pay attention to low-carbon life, while spending so much on their own, isn't such a person a hypocrite?

And when the reporter interviewed, how did Geer answer?

I paid for it!

That's right, this is the original words of Geer.

I spent money, of course I can use electricity, of course, I can use those products with high power and high carbon consumption.

But isn't someone else paying?

With your meaning, you can pay as you like? Is this not contrary to the words you said and the speeches you made?

There is even an article saying that Geer is a deceitful child. With this alarmist remark, let others care about it and let others do what he wants. He himself has not done so.

This is like the ancient aristocracy, saying that the country is not rich now, everyone must save money and reduce entertainment. Then I sing and dance on my own side, enjoying the big fish and meat.

This time, Feng Yu asked Ralph's reporter to disclose Geer's film income, book income, speech income, etc., indicating how much money Geer earned in this matter.

To characterize this as a kind of commercial marketing, Geer is not concerned about environmental protection at all, nor is it called an environmental expert, just to make some sensational remarks in order to make money.

What should a truly respectable expert look like? Not only is the professional knowledge excellent, but also the lofty ideology and morality.

At the very least, when you call on others to do something, you should be able to do it yourself and be an example.

Just asking others to do this, and then doing the opposite thing, is such a person worthy of praise? What do people say, worthy of praise? Is it worth believing?

And what kind of environmental expert is Geer? Does he know how to deal with these problems? Do you know how these data are calculated?

He didn't even know that all was done by others, but he was just a signature.

If you steal someone's success and give gold to your face, if you put it in the academic world, you should have been blocked!

What is his real career, the vice president of the country.

Is the deputy general manager's work particularly leisurely, or is it that, after work, can he make so many research successes? This is to say that other environmental experts are not working seriously and are dying? Otherwise, others can become experts in their spare time. How can these professional people not work?

This is clearly a scam, it is to fool others.

It is said that China is seriously polluted. If you look at the freshwater lakes in your country, why do you introduce so many freshwater fish in China? Because of the heavy metals over there, only these fish can live.

It’s not that the rice people don’t like to eat freshwater fish, and they say that there are many fish bones. Do they not drink fish soup? It is not because the water pollution is serious, knowing that the fish can not eat at all.

There are also island countries, so small places have a population of hundreds of millions. They seem to be well-developed on the other side, but it is easy to find that most of their food is imported and imported far more expensive than their own.

The same apple, the island country may have more than 100 yen, but if it is imported from China, it will cost thousands of yen.

Is it because the tariff is so high?

Of course not, but because they know very well that China is healthier.

Most of the island's local food is exempt from inspection. This exemption is different from what we think is exempt.

It is not that they have years of quarantine credit, and then they do not need quarantine for several years. But they are very clear that even if it is quarantine, their food does not meet international standards.

Like heavy metals, it is generally more than twice as good as qualified products, which is a serious excess. However, the import of China is a superior product.

What else is London in the UK, Ruhr in Germany, etc. The pollution in these places has not been completely cured. Of course, at least the sky in London can already see the stars, and the diffuse fog disappears.

However, the heavy metal content in the land is still seriously exceeding the standard.

You said these countries, don’t they want to re-industrial? Is it true that their sewage equipment is the best?

of course not. Only they have relocated the heavily polluting enterprises to the developing countries.

For example, in the past few years, there were many such enterprises in China, and the local political axe of Huaxia was still very happy.

Investment promotion, these are political achievements. Moreover, it can also drive the local economy, so that local people can work in the factory and earn wages, but they ignore it. Their environmental protection is not up to standard.

If Feng Yu got it a few years ago, there must be more polluting enterprises, and they will settle in China. When you think about this treatment, people will earn enough money to run away, leaving a mess and letting the place handle it.

Huaxia has taken these companies away, so where did these companies move? Other countries in Southeast Asia, as well as Africa, South Africa, and other underdeveloped countries.

Those places are in desperate need of money, and these factories are needed to improve the industrial level of their country to improve the people's living standards. But this can improve the living standards of only one generation. When it comes to governance, the next generation can be troublesome.

So this time, Feng Yu not only debunked Geer's lies, but also cited evidence from many companies in the country that pollute the environment in other countries.

They implemented two sets of standards, one set in the country of rice and one set in other countries. Even many companies have even exceeded the local standards.

Feng Yu just wants people to know that your own **** is not wiped clean, so don’t buckle the other person’s head.

If you want to say environmental damage, is it the most companies in your country? The per capita carbon consumption of the country is the best in the world? When will you manage your own country and care about other countries?

Don't fool others, but you steal a lot of money, don't treat others as stupid x!

... (to be continued.)

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