Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1626: An all-in-one machine

Perhaps many companies still don't care much about arm's technology for a while, but in a few years they will find that microprocessors with arm technology will monopolize the market.

Of course, because it is produced by different companies, arm will not be accused of monopoly, and it will do business.

Just like the previous generation, it is the boss of the smartphone operating system and tablet operating system industry, occupying more than 90% of the market. Except for fruits and Microsoft, the others are almost killed.

But they have not been accused of monopoly, because they have opened up some of the source code, so that any company can produce systems with their system as the core, and can also produce a variety of applications.

Feng Yu did not worry that Microsoft's smartphone system surpassed them because of this. He is waiting, after the fruit company launches the smartphone, it will semi-open the hos system. Anyway, the underlying code for the hos system itself comes from the free linu system.

At that time, each family will develop a variant based operating system based on hos, belonging to their own operating system. But no matter which manufacturer, you must abide by the standards of hos, even if you want Yinshan to charge a patent license fee.

It would be very easy to attract other manufacturers to join under the conditions of more favorable conditions. Microsoft and fruit companies, which would never open source code at the time, will slowly be opened up by them.

During this time, even the group and even think of Yinshan are very busy, they know that leading the way, can bring huge profits.

In addition, Liu Chuanzhi also attaches great importance to this. Even during this period of time, he always sits on the town and thinks about the group, so that the speed of technology research and development of Lianxiang Group is faster than before.

Even the Group has not only launched a new generation of all-in-ones, but also introduced a new generation of audio and video books.

However, after Feng Yu saw it, he felt that this one-piece machine was a bit ribbed. The simplest point is that the price is not high.

The configuration is not high, but the price is not low. The only advantage is probably to save space.

Sure enough, after the launch of this new generation of all-in-ones, sales are not very good. In addition to some political axe purchases, individuals barely bought this.

At the same price, you can buy a good notebook. In addition to the bigger screen, this one machine is stronger than the notebook?

If the desktop computer with the same large LCD screen is also at this price, the performance will be much higher.

Only the axe units that are not bad money will purchase such chicken rib products. In the past, not many people have said that the start-up time is two and a half minutes, and actually defeated one percent of the country's computers. That one percent is the school computer room, the corporate office and the like.

There are actually a lot of tricks in this. For a simple example, the same configuration of the computer, the political axe can only buy domestic brands, then the first choice is not much.

However, domestic brands, even the same domestic brands, may have different agents and different bidding conditions. For example, a so-called data privacy clause can increase the price of a computer by a thousand.

What is the data privacy clause? It is equivalent to a warranty. However, when repairing, it is someone who is in front of you, give you new accessories, and then replace the accessories for you. Under normal circumstances, this only protects the hard disk.

How much do you say you can change your hard drive? In the hard drive of the political axe, even if there are some secrets, isn’t there a lot of computer professional business recruited by the political axe, and no one knows how to change the hard disk?

Therefore, the computer of the general government axe unit has a longer life than other enterprises and individuals. Even if it is already too old, it must be used consistently and used until it is scrapped!

"Old Liu, I have said, this one machine should not be too urgent to promote, do not worry too much to expand production, many foreign companies buy, does not mean that we sell here. Well, you have seen the performance parameters, can not say particularly bad, but The price/performance ratio is also very low, right?"

Liu Chuanzhi sighed: "Fortunately, I first asked your opinion, there is not too much production, otherwise it will really cause a backlog of products."

"Do not worry, Superweaver's processor performance will continue to improve, and new product architecture will emerge. By then, this all-in-one will be slowly accepted by users, slowly replacing traditional desktops."

"The ssd solid state drive you know, this is used in the all-in-one machine, it can greatly improve the performance. In the machine, in the future, do not use mechanical hard disk. Anyway, the user groups you target, do not need to store too much file."

Ssd SSD is a technology upgraded from a flash drive. It is a new type of hard drive that replaces the traditional mechanical hard disk. It is also the future development direction of Feng Yu.

Solid-state drives have many advantages over mechanical hard drives, data protection is not controlled by power supplies, and read and write speeds are faster and less prone to damage.

The most intuitive point is that the boot speed of a solid state drive is half that of a mechanical hard drive, or even less.

Of course, limited to the current flash technology, the current production capacity of solid-state hard drives is only 32g and 64g, and expensive, 32g solid state drive is much more expensive than the traditional 80g mechanical hard drive, storage space is less than half.

Planned to take up space such as the system, leaving little room for users.

However, according to the speed of technology update at this time, the SSD with larger capacity will be mass-produced at the same time, but it also has the disadvantage of high price.

But in this way, plan to reserve 20g for the system, and the remaining space is enough for general office use. I feel that the space is small, you can buy a mobile hard disk. 160g mechanical mobile hard disk, the price is only a few hundred, compared to the price of the computer, many users are still acceptable.

If you still feel small, there are 320g mobile hard drives for sale.

Now the desktop mainstream is only 160g mechanical hard drive, 320g is a high match. The 160g hard drive notebook is already a high match.

After hearing these words from Feng Yu, Liu Chuanzhi shook his head: "With a solid-state hard drive, then the price/performance ratio is not getting lower. First of all, the one-piece project is slowing down first, we are still on the notebook, make more Breakthrough. The price/performance ratio is the biggest impression we give our users, and we can no longer disappoint users."

The question of cost performance is indeed the main problem affecting the sales of all-in-ones, but with the advancement of technology, these will be solved.

This one-piece machine project will be put aside first, but it has not yet reached the time when the traditional desktop market is shrinking.

However, the focus is on the notebook, Feng Yu still disagrees. The focus should be on the development of tablet PCs, which will bring huge profits!

... (to be continued.)

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