Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1642: Blowing cowhide? (subscription)

Zhang Ruiqiang was plagued by Feng Yu’s answer. The price of this mineral has been rising. If the long-term contract is signed, the country should be cheap.

Why does Feng Yu say that the country is suffering?

Zhang Ruiqiang knows that Feng Yu will never refuse when he can help the country. (The best experience of reading novels is all there) So he doesn't think that this is an excuse for Feng Yu to refuse to deliberately compile, but he can't understand why.

"Lao Zhang, let's import it, mainly energy, right?"

Other minerals are needed, but the demand is not so large, and domestic production is not low.

China's energy demand is growing, one is more people, and the other is an inevitable result of industrial development. In the simplest terms, which plant consumes less power than the power plant?

“Yes, our main demand is coal and oil.”

“Lao Zhang, coal and oil have risen a lot in the past two years, and this year and next year, the increase will be even bigger, at least double!”

Zhang Ruiqiang does not understand, is it that Feng Yu thinks that Kirilenko will not give too cheap a price, and should consider the price increase factor, so the price will be higher?

"But after next year, the price will fall back quickly, even lower than now!" Feng Yu said. Signing a long-term contract also generally does not give a fixed price, but gives a price range. However, if the price range is set according to the current conditions, the domestic market will lose.

"What? The price will double in the next year, and then the price will fall back quickly?" Zhang Ruiqiang can't believe it. This price fluctuation can be so big?

Even when the war in the Gulf is over, the price fluctuations are not so big, right? And next year is not like what is going on happening, how can the price fluctuate so much?

“Because I am organizing funds to enter the market, I am preparing to speculate on energy futures such as international crude oil, coal and natural gas.”

Zhang Ruiqiang opened his mouth: "What do you mean, you alone can drive the rise of the entire energy futures?"

This is unlikely, the amount of energy futures is so large, Feng Yu is the world's richest man, but the funds that can be used, it is tens of billions of dollars, is this enough?

Feng Yu smiled and said: "Maybe my funds are not much. Combining Kirilenko and Xiangjiang's several big families, there are more than one hundred billion dollars, and we have to set aside risk reserves, so we can really invest in it. That's about $100 billion."

Zhang Ruiqiang's eyes wide open, hundreds of billions of dollars? There are so many funds that Feng Yu can use? Doesn't it mean that the main property of these rich people is the company's stocks and real estate?

And Feng Yu said what Kirilenko and some of the richest people in Xiangjiang, their funds, can listen to Feng Yu's transfer?

If you say billions of dollars, even if this amount is already astronomical, but with Feng Yu's gold sign, those who listen to Feng Yu, Zhang Ruiqiang will never doubt.

However, Feng Yu said that the amount is so huge, it should be the vast majority of funds that many rich people can use, right? It’s the equivalent of a gambling on the half, and they are willing?

"Why, you don't believe it? I don't boast. If I say personally, the rich who sent me the money will be able to go from your home to my house."

Zhang Ruiqiang slanted Feng Yu, this is not a boast? !

"And, this financial futures investment is leveraged. I can have a trillion-dollar dollar or even more effect in this hundred billion dollars. Do you think it would be difficult to incite a futures fund with such a large sum of money? ?"

"And as long as I see my company, I believe that many people will follow suit. In this way, the funds will be more and the influence will be greater."

There are a lot of investment institutions now, they always pay attention to the investment direction of wind and rain consultation, and then follow the trend to make money. Sometimes, they are more courageous and earn a higher percentage than the wind and rain consultation.

This is not the case of Feng Yu's shot. If Feng Yu is shot, then the followers will be more, and the scale of funds will be terrible. Feng Yu only needs to be leveraged to shake the price changes, naturally there will be a lot of speculative funds for speculation, they are the main force pushing up the price of energy futures.

Just like when Soros speculated on the currency, how much money did he have? It was not for those speculators who saw the interest to follow suit, and then Soros’s funds were increasing, and the overall speculators’ funds were increasing, which stirred the Southeast Asian Storm clouds.

Soros was also very famous at the beginning, so that he could have such a momentum. But which investor's reputation is now bigger than Feng Yu?

"No, since you said that you can speculate on high-priced energy futures, but retreat in such a short time? Shouldn’t it be higher? And even if you retreat, others may not be retreating, even if the price is If you fall, will you fall so badly?" Zhang Ruiqiang asked.

Feng Yu pointed at his nose: "I can stir up the high, naturally it can also be depressed!"

Zhang Ruiqiang "..." is what you mean, the price is what you make.

"Lao Zhang, you think about it, why is the price of oil now rising? Has it also driven up the price of other energy sources?"

Zhang Ruiqiang stunned Feng Yu: "I didn't have much research on this, but I manage the trade. I still know a little about these. The dollar has depreciated, right?"

Feng Yu looked at Zhang Ruiqiang with amazement. He thought that Lao Zhang didn't know.

As we all know, oil is linked to the dollar. International oil prices have always been measured in terms of how many dollars a barrel.

The depreciation of the dollar means that the value of a barrel of oil is reduced. How to ensure that the value remains the same? Then you need to raise the price.

So every time the dollar depreciates, it will make oil prices rise.

At this time, those speculators will take the opportunity to enter the market and push up the price to make a profit.

Many people are originally normal investors, but when there are large sums of money to speculate on high prices, who can bear to not chase high?

"So you know, what is the downside of the dollar depreciation?" Feng Yu continued to ask.

"This we have also studied, the dollar depreciation, then the dollars we reserve, it will depreciate. It is equivalent to our foreign exchange reserves, directly shrinking."

China's foreign exchange reserves are increasing, becoming the country with the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world. This was originally a strategy to fight international risks, but the depreciation of the US dollar caused China to lose a lot of money.

At the same time, China is still a major importer of energy, especially as oil imports are getting bigger and bigger, and crude oil prices are also a big burden for China.

"So, the country is so hurting us, we can't sit still, this time we have to give some lessons to the country!"

Zhang Ruiqiang was shocked by Feng Yu's tone. Feng Yu wanted to give some lessons to the country. Although he is the richest man in the world, he taught a small country that he believes, but the lessons of the country, Russia and China can not be done. Feng Yu is definitely not blowing leather?


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