Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1644: Raise funds (subscription)

It is not Feng Yuzhen's self-respect, and he is not willing to explain it in detail with those people. It’s that those who come to the meeting are mostly officials who don’t understand finance. It’s too difficult to explain to them.

If they are all professional people, then Feng Yu only needs to mention a few points, and the rest will not have to say more, those people will understand.

Yes, the US stock market is indeed exceptionally prosperous, but when the stock market crash comes, it will allow you to spit out all the money earned during this time, and even catch some.

Those who are deficient are mainly those who do not understand financial investment. This includes many follow-up investments, such as those of China. There are also some red-skinned retail investors who have seen a lot of money from others, and many of them even have to borrow money to enter the stock market.

In their view, the money earned in the stock market is much more than the interest on borrowing, and it is still cost-effective.

This time, Feng Yu was a pioneer, led everyone, and made a fortune in the financial market, especially to spread a handful of salt on the wounds of the rice market, which made the country more hurt.

The funds that Feng Yu can use now are not particularly large. Most of the money is also invested.

"Old, prepare, put all our gold futures, and then prepare to buy oil futures.... I will go to Xiangjiang in a few days, let's do a big vote."

Gold futures price fluctuations are not very large at this time. At the time of last year, they exceeded the high price of 700 US dollars, but now they have fallen back to 600 US dollars, and they fluctuate frequently and are difficult to operate.

He Zhaoji also personally took people to stare at gold futures, skilled buying or selling, so that wind and rain consultation has always had very high profits, but by this year, the profit rate has dropped a lot.

Of course, the wind and rain consultations have also gained a lot in the markets of currencies and stocks. Although the currency has the least investment, the dollar depreciation has been analyzed. Through the operation, the company and the customer have not made less money, but this piece has not paid much.

As for the stock market, everyone earns a lot. This is also the most important financial investment for many funds now, and because the most funds have entered the market, the stock market continues to rise.

At the end of last year, Feng Yu asked the Fengfeng Holding Group and the Taihua Holding Group to conduct a large-scale shareholder dividend. These dividends, Feng Yu were all injected into some accounts of the storm consultation.

Of course, Feng Yu personally has some accounts that are not controlled by the wind and rain consultation. This part is the risk reserve he has reserved for himself.

At first, Feng Yu dared to borrow a large sum of money to invest in the futures market, and he dared to use high-power leverage.

But now, Feng Yu has a lot of conservative. This may be what many people say. The older the rivers and lakes, the smaller the courage. When you don't get it, you don't want to lose it. Once you have it, you don't want to lose it anymore.

This is why many young financial investors often earn profits several times or even ten times. And those famous investors have not made much profit, only 20% or 30% a year, and doubling is rare.

But in turn, those famous investors who earn more in good years, but in bad years, can make money.

But those young investors, good years can make assets turn up, but once a mistake is made, it is possible to go bankrupt!

If the cost is small, then you can take some risks. But the cost is much, and few people will choose to venture.

People with less money want to have a large amount of property, and they can only choose a more risky way. But people with more money have big assets in their own right. They want to make their property more, but they don't want to lose it.

Even if you don't invest, they won't sit down and eat, so why bother? The capital is sufficient, it is safe, and it can also get a good profit.

After Feng Yu and He Zhaoji finished speaking, they also called Kirilenko: "Chi brother, gold contract, the delivery. Other futures contracts, try to deliver in a short time. Then slowly, on the stock market The funds were drawn out and I decided to launch the attack ahead of time."

Originally, Feng Yu and Kirilenko said that they started operations at the end of this year and then made a big profit. By the way, they hit the financial market in the country.

However, Feng Yu sees that the current situation is better than he imagined, then this action can be advanced. At least now, you can start making profits from oil and coal futures, and then you can kill the stock market at any time.

"Ready to get started? Great, I will let them prepare all the funds." Kirilenko said excitedly.

Kirilenko is the kind of person who is interested in making money, but is more interested in being able to fight the economy of the country. Although Russia is now very proud of him, the Soviet Union made him even more proud.

It is because of the rice country that the powerful Soviet Union was disintegrated. Why the Soviet Union disintegrated was basically an economic collapse. He also wants to let the economy of the country collapse and the Great Recession, so that the people of the country can also taste the unemployment, bankruptcy and so on!

"Chi brother, the stock market funds can be slowly withdrawn, lest you still lose some profits. I am still observing the preparation stage here, just to inform you in advance."

"It doesn't matter, less profit will be less, and the funds must be prepared first. I will wait for your notice to enter the market at any time."

"You still talk to your financial broker team about this, they know how to do it."

Kirilenko’s team also has many elites. There are many ways to withdraw such large sums of money and to ensure that stocks do not fall. Those brokers must understand.

"Right, Feng, are we also going to sell some non-voting stocks and raise more funds?"

"Yes, I am also planning this. Then I will sell some stocks of companies such as Amazon, Ancient Song, Six Senses, etc. There are also stocks of these companies in China, and I will sell some and raise funds."

Anyway, the stock price will fall this year and next year, and then buy it back at the end of the day, it is a profit. It doesn't matter if someone is dead and the voting stock is still in hand, the company's power will not change.

"Well, I also sold some stocks of companies such as Yishun and raised more funds. Feng, would you like to use assets to mortgage and lend money?"

Kirilenko looked at the cash he could raise, and he was only over $10 billion. The remaining assets were unmovable. For example, some companies voted for shares, and some real estates were. The largest of these funds is the Polar Bear Mining Group, a world-class mining group that has not yet been listed.

And his supermarket group is also listed, but he got the e-commerce company in Russia and has already listed in London.

More than 10 billion US dollars, double the profits, can earn more than 10 billion US dollars, he still can not surpass Bill Gates?

In order to surpass Bill Gates, Kirilenko wants to play bigger!

... (to be continued.)

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