Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1646: Flocking

"Mr. Feng, I heard that Fengfeng Holdings wants to sell some stocks of ancient songs?"

After hearing these news, even Donald, who is more focused on the real estate market, can't wait to call Feng Yu and want to ask for the authenticity of the news.

"I have this plan, how are you, are you interested? I remember that you don't prefer to invest in real estate?"

Feng Yu actually thought about pointing out Donald, letting him take advantage of the good opportunity now, selling some real estate and making a fortune. Immediately, the real estate market in the country will plummet. If Donald really likes it, he can wait for a year or two.

If you don’t see Donald’s total, Feng Yuke is not so kind, and Donald is not his company.

"Although real estate is my main business, but I don't invest in other things. That is the ancient song company, the world's best search engine company, this stock, I still like investment."

In terms of external expansion, whether it is Kirilenko's search engine company or Qiandu company, it has a disadvantage compared to ancient songs. That is the language version is different, the ancient song is more suitable for the English country.

After all, English is the most widely used in the world, so the speed of ancient songs is the fastest. Of course, thousands of degrees and Lianke search also occupy a large market, but South Korea, which also has the core technology of the world's four major search engines, has the slowest expansion of search engines.

One is that the promotion of South Korea is a little worse, and the other is that their language is the most niche. And secretly boycotted by three other search engine companies, now has been left behind.

Although ancient songs and thousand degrees are independent companies, even the core technologies are different. But Feng Yu is here, can make these three companies maintain healthy competition, and then squeeze out other companies.

"Then how much can you get it? Sell it to you." Feng Yu said casually.

"Mr. Feng, can you sell more to me?" Donald asked again.

Sell ​​more? Isn't Donald planning to invest in real estate? Feng Yu is also ready to sell to Donald a favor, and now it is not sold out?

"How much do you want to buy?"

"Five hundred million dollars."

"Do you have so much money?" Feng Yu is very strange. Even if Donald has a net worth of two billion dollars, most of them are in real estate, that is, real estate. Where is the so much liquidity?

“I plan to sell a few private estates, and then take some of the properties to the mortgage, and the $500 million is still coming out.”

Can buy a bull song such as the ancient song, the loan is also very worthwhile. Although the price of the house is also rising, but there is no stock rise so fast, not to mention the price of Gu Ge in all stocks, is also the most fierce wave.

"Donald, I remember when we first met, you owe a lot of loans to the bank, because you used real estate mortgages, and then because your property prices fell, your capital chain was broken."

Donald heard the words of Feng Yu, and the whole person was stunned. What does Mr. Feng mean? Do you recommend me a mortgage?

"Mr. Feng, what do you mean by this, is not going to sell me so much, or?"

"If you have so much money, it is no problem to sell it to you so much. We are also old friends. But the truth is that you must decline. You should also understand that when you buy the bottom, it is suitable for loan purchase. When chasing high, you can It is not suitable."

Feng Yu is not a hint, but an explicit one.

When Donald heard the word "bottom", he felt a keen sense of something. Is it true that Mr. Feng has a problem with the real estate market?

Then he will have to borrow more. At this time, he will be able to lend more money. Then he can pay the mortgaged property directly to the bank without paying back the money.

He has sufficient experience in dealing with those bankers. At first he apparently went bankrupt, but the banker did not allow him to go bankrupt, because once he went bankrupt, those accounts could be hated. Instead, those bankers took the initiative to extend his loan, so that he has the capital to continue to operate, and this is the case!

So this time he is not afraid, there is nothing to worry about owing money to the bank. He has been used to it on the day he was called. During the period of filing for bankruptcy, the daily living expenses are only a few dozen dollars, or even a dozen dollars, and he also has a quota of 20,000 dollars a day.

Besides, the last time he almost went bankrupt, he was chasing the madness. This time he will not be so stupid, the money for the loan, he took the stock market investment, can not earn more?

If the real estate crashes, it’s better. Every crash is a good opportunity to make big money, and he won’t miss it.

“Mr. Feng, what do you mean, the real estate market is likely to make a huge change? In that case, I have to invest in other. The stock market changes faster, but the time the stock wants to be realized can be shorter. Moreover, I believe The stock of the ancient song company will rise all the way."

Since Donald understood it, Feng Yu didn't need to say anything more. How to do it, Donald, the old guy who has been in business for many years, certainly has a complete plan.

"Five hundred million dollars of ancient song company stock? No problem, you call Ralph, I said I promised, I will inform him."

Not only Donald, but also the helm of many big consortia, personally called Feng Yu, want to buy more stocks through Feng Yu.

Of course, they also hope to get the voting shares directly, enter the board of directors, and directly participate in company management. When you enter the management, you will get a higher profit.

For example, the company's news is more clear, as well as the company's partners, they also have certain right to make decisions or even decide, so that other companies under these big consortiums can make profits.

At the beginning, they all wanted to invest in ancient songs, Amazon and other companies, but Feng Yu has been reluctant to give them voting shares, and does not give them the opportunity to enter the company's core management.

Now that Feng Yu wants to sell stocks, then the opportunity is coming. Why don’t they want to go further?

Of course, even if you can't go further, it is just the stock of companies such as Gu Ge, and they also want to buy it. It will obviously rise, and it will rise a lot. How can this investment not be done?

At this time, Feng Yu received a lot of calls, and several emails appeared in the mailbox. All want to buy those company stocks directly through Feng Yu.

Except for Donald, the other Feng Yu did not directly agree, just said that they need to discuss. Those e-mails, Feng Yu also unified ~ a reply, let them contact Masada Kaoru or Ralph, he shirked himself more busy recently.

I didn't expect these emails, but it brought another trouble.

... (to be continued.)

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