Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1650: Investment port?

"Ze giant, thank you this time." Feng Yu hung up the phone and lit a cigar.

How to delay the time again and reverse the attention of the media? That is to let the media know that Feng Yu has raised so much money and has other investments.

And this investment, but also people believe it.

Many consortiums know that the Wind and Rain Holding Group has cooperated with the Polar Bear Holding Group to invest in many mines and pits around the world. The most important transnational mode of transportation for general ore is shipping, or the most important transnational transportation method for bulk cargo. Shipping.

How much is the carrying capacity of the aircraft? A cargo cruise ship can sometimes match the capacity of an airline. This is the most economical mode of transportation.

The Polar Bear Mining Group has never had its own shipping fleet, and even many overseas terminals are leased and yellow. The vast majority of mining companies in the world are partners with Hutchison. Because Hutchison controls 40% of the world's terminals, it is the industry's leader.

At this time, Xiangjiang media broke out with an amazing news, Feng Yu plans to acquire the equity of Hutchison Wharf!

Before the media reported that Taihua Holding Group invested in Hutchison’s terminal business, at that time, everyone did not care too much, and Huang’s shareholders were so many, and one more Taihua Holding Group had any strange, anyway, holding shares. Not much, the chairman is not Li Chaoren.

At that time, they all thought that this was just a normal business cooperation. The Taihua Holding Group also had to transport a large amount of goods abroad every year, and it was also inseparable from shipping.

Moreover, the two are the richest people in the world, and the other is also the top richest man in Asia. Once the richest man in China, the cooperation is also normal, strong and strong.

At present, Feng Yu has not invested in other companies, and he has misappropriated other people's assets. Therefore, they think that Li Chaoren is looking for a most important partner for Li, and that Li can be rich for three generations.

However, the news that Xiangjiang broke out this time made many people unable to understand. Is Li Chaoren going to sell his company's most important business?

Although the stock market has risen very well now, it is definitely a high price when it is sold, but it loses its controlling stake in the terminal, and many of Huang’s business operations are limited.

Such as retail business, such as construction business.

In the past few years, when Fortune selected the power list, Li Chaoren was still the tenth, because he was the king of the port.

Without this title, it would be useless to have more money. Like Feng Yu, the assets have long surpassed Li Chaoren, but in the world power list, he has just reached the sixth place, because "Fortune" believes that Feng Yu has limited influence on politics and governance.

Of course, many people also believe that it is because Feng Yu's relationship with Fortune is not good, so Fortune magazine deliberately suppresses it. Otherwise, why is Feng Yu ranked behind the Fed's main seat? When Bill Gates was the richest man, he was in the front.

The first three countries in the three countries of the United States, Russia, and China are in the top three. This is not surprising. The fourth is the Pope, and it is also the most powerful sect in the world. The leader is in this position and can be accepted.

But in the past few years, Bill Gates had ranked third when he had no Feng Yuduo assets. Of course, the status of Microsoft at that time was also in full swing.

After this ranking was published, the most dissatisfied was Kirilenko. He not only thinks that his ranking is low, he thinks that Feng Yu's ranking is also low, and that they are Russia's total system, why is it behind the small cloth ten of the rice country?

In any case, this list is accepted by more people. It also proves that in the eyes of more people, wealth is not as good as politics.

But the main thing that this list shows is influence. The big country is the first, and the influence is definitely huge.

An important industry monopoly, then the impact is equally huge. Just like the boss of the Milan football team, not only rich people, but also always, his ranking is also the top ten.

Many people can't understand Huang's decision. Even many people think that it is the agreement between Li Chaoren and Feng Yu privately?

For example, equity swaps, each other as a director of the other company. Or, is this the result of the intervention of Huaxia Political Axe? After all, Li Zeju is a dual citizen of Canada and Xiangjiang. After the return of Xiangjiang, Huaxia’s political axe does not recognize dual citizenship, so Li Zeju should now be considered a Canadian.

Li Chaoren wants to hand over the property to Li Zeju, isn't that the assets outflow? Huaxia’s political axe must have hoped that the most important assets will be preserved, and that it will not be able to come out, so Feng Yu’s appearance is the best solution.

The outside world has a variety of speculations about this situation, and everyone has also determined that Feng Yu’s reason for selling the shares of those companies is to acquire the port control rights of Hutchison.

Obviously, although the rise of those stocks may be even stronger, it is clear that the port holding power is more worth buying. Although in a short period of time, the port's ability to make money is not as good as those of the company's stocks, but this is more stable, and it can make Fengyu's import and export trade easier, which is a strategic investment, and has far-reaching significance.

What is intriguing is that Huaxia’s political axe still has not explained it. Did not explain whether they affected Feng Yu’s decision and did not explain whether the previous statements were nonsense.

But the domestic masses seem to accept this statement. Feng Yu wanted to invest in the port, so he sold the shares of those companies.

Feng Yu’s blog also said very clearly that his greening in the country is purely personal and has nothing to do with others.

Some financial institutions staring at Feng Yu also relaxed their vigilance. It turns out that Feng Yu is going to acquire the port control right of Hutchison. The situation is reasonable.

Otherwise, with Feng Yu’s assets, there is absolutely no need to cash out. Every year, dividends are an astronomical number, enough for Feng Yu to squander.

Some people even calculated that Feng Yu’s assets were exchanged for dollars, and then he could fill multiple lakes. If one piece burns and plays, Feng Yu can't burn until he dies, because when Feng Yu burns money, he also has a large amount of money to pay.

There are many such idlers abroad, who like to calculate how the rich's wealth is spent, and then write some articles like chicken soup or little jokes. As far as the real situation is concerned, they simply can't reach it.

Feng Yu used the news of Hehuang Port to transfer the public sight of the media and also to the sight of those investment institutions. But this method can only be delayed for a while. Too long, many people will still notice that something is wrong.

But it doesn't matter, Feng Yu has other methods. There are too many people staring at his money, so Feng Yu has to make some countermeasures.

Fortunately, Feng Yu has a lot of these methods.

... (to be continued.)

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