Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1652: Stock transfer completed

"Feng Yu, we have to explain to the board of directors, because the media broke the news that we want to sell the shares of the port to you, we and Huang's stock began to fluctuate frequently."

"If it is not for our shareholder support, I am afraid that our stock price may fall. So at the latest tomorrow night, we must give investors a statement."

Li Zeju was also somewhat depressed. Although he informed several shareholders, he said that the news was false. As for why the company did not publicly deny this, it was because there were some agreements with Feng Yu.

However, these claims are obviously not satisfactory to shareholders, especially many shareholders who do not know about this matter, which is very angry.

Li Chaoren made such an important decision, they did not know?

Generally speaking, when a company sells important business, the stock price is going to rise. Basically, there is no need for company shareholders to rise, and investors will take the opportunity to make money. Because they believe that the company will get a lot of profits.

But there are also some cases where the company's stock will fall. When the company sells important business and affects the company's business development, then the company will definitely be seen in the future, and the stock price will inevitably fall.

This is the case with Hutchison. Many investors believe that after Hutchison sold the terminal control rights, the company's business will be fully affected. If it is not for these shareholders, I am afraid that Hutchison's share price will fall a lot.

Li Jia can not ignore the interests of these shareholders, so they need public information, indicating that they did not intend to sell the terminal to Feng Yu's plan.

So fast, I can't resist it. Feng Yu is also helpless. Fortunately, Feng Yu has a plan b!

"It doesn't matter, thank you for your help with Ling, and I will go back to Xiangjiang, let's meet and talk."

Hanging up the phone, Feng Yu immediately called Masaru Kadada: "How is the sale of the subsidiary's stock?"

"The boss, has sold more than half of the plan, and the rest is basically settled, and the contract can be signed immediately."

"I signed the contract with them today, and the Lijiang Li family couldn't hold it."

If Li Chaoren announced that Hutchison did not sell the terminal to Feng Yu’s plan, then Feng Yu’s continued sale of the subsidiary’s stock would alert many people and continue to suppress the price. Of course, the wind and rain holdings can also take the opportunity to raise prices, but the negotiation time will drag on for a long time.

But if the contract has already been signed, then Huang and Zhang will announce. Then the contract will continue to be executed. Everyone will only say that Feng Yu is losing money. Maybe there will be some ridicule.

However, these Feng Yu can't stand it. After Feng Yu doubled the money, those who laughed at him would know what Feng Yu spent on the money and how much profit he created.

"The boss is relieved, I will inform Ralph, I will sign all the contracts this evening!"


The head of the investment department at Morgan Datum Bank, who is sitting with Ralph at the time, negotiates the final details of the contract. Because it only involves trading in stocks, there are not so many cumbersome terms.

The big framework has already been negotiated, but there are still objections to the payment method, payment time, etc. Of course, there is still a point, that is, buying so many stocks, not a position in your company as an executive?

The two sides have serious differences on the positions of senior executives.

Ralph only agreed to give a deputy general position, but the other party wanted a seat on the board. The board of directors is the core of the company's daily power, and the power of the vice president is too far.

"Ralph, we are not dealing with it for two days. You should know very well about our Morgan Datum Bank. We invest so much, but we don't even have a board seat. This is not appropriate."

"Woodson, then you should also be aware of the style of my boss's behavior. The subsidiaries we control are all enabled by the original management team. We also only have one director and one supervisor."

Eagle Weida's stock price rise is not bad, and now is one of the top two in the graphics card market, not the same as ati. In terms of independent graphics, Eagle Weida is leading, integrated graphics, or ati is more powerful.

With this, the stock price of Ying Weida has also been rising, and many media also said that the market value of Ying Weida is far from the expected value.

Such a company's stock, Morgan Datum Bank is very willing to invest, but the total purchase of more than 10% of the company's total share capital, but not even a board of directors, they can not agree.

"Ralph, but now your boss needs money. He is buying the property of Xiangjiang Lee. He wants to be the king of the port. Is this strategic investment very important?"

"If Li is not going to invest in the UK, he will not sell the industry. Once you don't have enough money, then the business will be yellow, and the shares of the companies you sold before will be lost."

Woodson smiled and looked at Ralph. He was the first to come to Ralph for negotiations. They didn't have too much dispute on the price, but because of the board seats, they haven't signed the contract yet.

Because he knows that the longer it is dragged, the better it is for them.

Look, now the other party is in a hurry, but today Ralph took the initiative to ask him to talk.

Ralph looked like a gnashing tooth: "Woodson, the internal directors have absolutely no need to discuss, and at most give you a seat for an outside director."

External directors, that is, only directors, and no longer hold other positions in the company, have minimal power in the company. Although there is also a voting right, what can one influence? However, it is also considered to be in the company's board of directors. The company's decision-making can also be known for the first time.

When the company has any negative news, Morgan Datum Bank can find a way to sell the company's stock stop loss in the first time.

"No, no, we have bought so many stocks. How can we only occupy the position of an outside director? At least one executive director!" Woodson began to take a step.

Ralph stood like an angry lion and stood up with his hands on his desk: "Woodson, if that's the case, then we don't have to talk about it, and our storm holding group, including its subsidiaries, will I won't have any business with you at Morgan Dass. Banks! We can use stocks to pay off when there is not enough cash."

Seeing that Ralph has become like this, Woodson also understands that this is the bottom line of the other side, it should be that Feng made. But it has been very successful to compete for an outside director.

"Well, then we signed the contract?"

When Woodson signed the contract and left, the angry Ralph had a relaxed smile. Performing an angry mood, he is also very tired.

The seats given to the external directors of these investment institutions that purchase stocks are themselves agreed by Feng Yu. The outside directors also have a term of office. When the term comes, they can be easily kicked off without renewing the contract.

The task arranged by the boss is finally completed! (To be continued.)

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