Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1686: The problem is very serious

"Zhang Ruiqiang, what are you talking about? There is a problem inside the board of supervisors?" Looking at Zhang Ruiqiang, this is what nonsense!

"In general, I am not talking nonsense, I have data support. These data are requested by Taihua Consulting. It can be proved that someone is controlling the stock market in violation of regulations!"

Zhang Ruiqiang handed a document to the general, and his face was very firm.

I looked around and didn't understand it.

The above is a table, and it is also a variety of graphs, histograms and the like. The analysis of vocabulary is too professional and difficult to understand.

However, the results show that there are many stocks that have been manipulated by humans. The Securities and Futures Commission, as a professional management agency, should not be unaware of it.

If they know it, they will have serious problems such as corruption and defeat. If they don't know, it is a serious dereliction of duty!

No matter what the situation, this responsibility is theirs.

"These data, real and reliable?" Looking at Zhang Ruiqiang, his expression is very serious.

"Feng Yu personally reviewed, he said that reliable. I also looked for a few financial experts to see, they also agree with the results of this analysis. Now our country's stock market has obvious hidden dangers, must respond in a timely manner, otherwise it will bring Great trouble!"

"What is the big trouble? Is it so serious? Are the stock markets not very prosperous now? The index of more than 5,000 points does not mean that our economy is in good condition?"

"Only if you have spare cash in your hands, you will invest in financial products. Is this a kind of financial management? The prosperity of the financial market can also reflect the good economic situation of ours?"

"Our economic growth for several years has made the world look at it. Now how is the stock market better? This is more than 5,000 points. Isn't Xiangjiang or the country of rice more than 10,000?"

In general, I feel that Zhang Ruiqiang is somewhat alarmist. Others are more than 10,000 points. Are we still more than 5,000 points?

Why, these efforts that I have made for the economic development of the country in the past few years have made this sentence obliterate?

“In the past, how many years have we developed in the financial market, how many years have we developed in the Xiangjiang or the rice country? And there is an open market there, that is, there can be direct participation of foreign capital.”

"We are different. We are semi-open. Why do we want to limit the participation of foreign investors? Isn't we wary of the financial turmoil that swept through Asia in 1997?"

“We don’t have so much foreign investment, how can the market be so prosperous? You look at the current economic newspapers, as well as the economic news section on the Internet, which is much faster than the people’s livelihood. Is this normal?”

"Do you think those retired people, college students still in school, they are also actively involved in stock trading, is this normal? If it is the free money in hand, it is a good idea to invest in financial management. It is a change of concept and it is worth encouraging. ""

"But they are not investing in idle money. They are using pensions and tuition fees to buy stocks. Once they lose money, how much will their lives be affected?"

"This is a professional field. Not everyone can make money by making stocks. If you can really make money by making stocks, do you think it is normal? What is the result, the hidden danger is getting bigger and bigger. Once there is a major negative news Then, it will cause panic selling by investors, then the stock market will fall."

"Responsive people earn money, and those who respond slowly will be trapped and lose their blood. The financial turmoil in Southeast Asia was an example. At that time, everyone in Thailand was trading stocks. Soros was alone. I’ve been smashed and eventually dragged down the nation’s economy.”

Even if it is a bull market, then there should be stocks rising, some falling, and the increase will not be particularly fierce. How can the stock index rise more than one percent for more than ten consecutive days?

"Is this not a state capital to join in, can you not stabilize the market?" asked the general.

"We are different from foreign countries. Foreign countries are open markets. We are semi-closed. Foreign countries can make foreign money, but we can only earn their own money. To put it bluntly, we will transfer some of our national assets to In the hands of other people, some people are making money, and some people are losing money."

"Foreign state-owned institutions can participate, but what do we participate in? If the state-owned money makes money, then the people will lose money. When the people make money, the state-owned assets will lose. We are only suitable for a stable role, not suitable for long-term investment. ""

At this time, I also understand that the domestic financial market is different from foreign countries, which makes many foreign operating modes not directly applicable in China.

If only Chinese people invest money, then this financial market is only a means to assist economic development, and it has become a pillar.

There are b shares in China, but it is not that the Chinese can't invest, but it needs the US dollar to open an account, which directly blocks the ordinary people.

Now that the domestic stock market is booming, the most prosperous one is a stock. However, there is no complete connection between a share and b share.

In the past year, at the end of this year, at the beginning of next year, the stock market crashed, which was led by b-shares. This is also the closest link to foreign capital markets, at least for the time being.

"Is the certificate - the supervisory board problem really big?"

“It’s really big! The policy pushes the stock market up, the main force goes in and collects money, and then the retail investors stay behind. There are big problems and even very serious. Especially the review of listed companies can actually have such public relations. Complete, no fraud, why do you need public relations?"

"It can be said that if there is a need for public relations, then this listed company must have problems. Many listed companies have a good profit before going public. After the listing, they suddenly changed their face. That is because many of their previous profits were borrowed through high interest rates. of."

"Financial and performance problems are very serious. What is the fuse of the last network bubble in the country? It is not financial and performance making! False! This kind of thing must be severely punished and cannot be punishable."

Zhang Ruiqiang made a survey, and even a company with a loss of insolvency is still able to go public. This is not a nonsense!

The company’s debt exceeds the company’s assets. Is such a company profitable enough to owe it? What do you pay for dividends?

I am afraid that the funds raised by the listing will be used for repayment.

Whether or not someone now says what is listed in the market, this in itself indicates the purpose of listing these companies. It is not for the better development of the company, but that these shareholders want to make money.

Looking back, they made a lot of money, leaving a mess, what should I do?

If Feng Yu told him this, he did not know that there were so many problems in it.

"So what should we do now?" asked in general.

“First, stop all company listings first, then start a detailed review, ask outsiders to review!”

... (to be continued.)

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