Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1689: Marvel

Feng Yu sat in a villa in Los Angeles and watched a movie with Elena. Iron Man's film source, others can't get it, Feng Yu got it.

There is a small cinema in the villa, although it is not as luxurious as the cinema in the Kirilenko estate, but it is enough for more than a dozen people to watch, and the seat is more comfortable.

"Yeah, your lens is so small, what happened to the director!"

Elena is not very embarrassed: "I have taken it many times in just a few shots. But I can't see it when I shoot it, but after it became a movie, it was so wonderful!"

When shooting, a lot of green screens were used. Feng Yu watched these actors performing at the time, one by one like a fool. However, after special effects, it has indeed become a visual feast.

In short, Iron Man's story is very smooth, but there is nothing special about it. A very simple counter-attack routine, in this way, is widely used in novels and comics.

However, as a popcorn movie, it is still attractive enough. From start to finish, people will follow the story, and the fighting scene is even more wonderful.

"Right, did you have the filming of the Pirates of Dreams?"

"Not yet, many props are more troublesome to make. At that time, the company's resources were not priority 007 and Iron Man. So according to the plan, the dream space will be released next year. Now it is filming and making. But it is also fast. It is estimated that it will be finished in another month."

"Well, when the company's script picks you up, as long as you like it, don't worry if it suits you."

In the original Marvel movie, there is also a role that is very suitable for Elena, that is, the black widow, the original is the Soviet special work.

However, because the black widow had emotional entanglement with the US team in the script, Elena gave up her initiative. This makes Feng Yu very satisfied. He can't bear his own girl to kiss and kiss.

Elena is half lying in Feng Yu's arms: "No, I can't make money for the movie you invested in. You have never lost money in business, you can't change it because I let it happen. And I am very happy to sing and dance, movie. Just a sideline business."

"Well, let the company deliberately collect a few scripts for you, or let the gold screenwriter tailor two or three scripts for you."


"Iron Man's premiere day at the box office did not come out, what is the total?" asked the president of Muni Film.

"Twenty million dollars."

"Only 20 million US dollars? Then their movie box office can break 300 million US dollars is not bad, this movie is not an actor's pay, the cost is more than one billion dollars? Hahaha, this time they are lost!"

"President, I am talking about the North American box office. This Iron Man is released globally, and the overseas box office has not been counted yet, but it is said to be no worse than North America."

what? The box office in North America alone has reached 20 million US dollars, so the global box office can not reach 40 million US dollars? According to the normal box office ratio, can the global box office of this movie exceed 600 million US dollars? !

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

Iron Man is not a highly popular hero in the comics of Marvel. How could it be so popular?

If even Iron Man can have such a high box office, then after the other heroic characters of the Marvel universe come out, isn't the box office bursting?

After counting the development of peripheral products, the Storm Holdings Group acquired this Marvel Film, isn’t it big? Maybe in three or five years, you can recover your money, and then you can earn at least ten years or more!

Damn, when did Muni, I didn’t expect to buy Marvel Pictures?

But even if they want to buy, they may not be able to pay a higher price than Disney, and it is said that the wind and rain holding group bid is higher than Disney!


Disney's ceo Cooper was slowly drinking coffee, and when he saw the assistant coming in, he looked up slightly: "What is the statistical result? How much?"

"$43.28 million!"

Keke cough~

Cooper stood up and took a few sheets of paper to wipe the coffee.

"How much did you say? I said the first day of the box office, not until the end of the day!"

"It is the first day box office."

Impossible, although he knows that this is a global box office for statistics, it should not be so high.

It is said that they made such a big show at the premiere of the country, so wonderful, the stars and the business community gathered together, the premiere box office is very understandable, but the propaganda is also so big overseas?

"How much in North America?"

"$20.28 million."

So overseas is $23 million?

This number is definitely different from the real situation, otherwise it should not be so. But even if there is a false high, it must be more than 20 million US dollars.

This Iron Man, why is there such a high box office?

At this time, there are still many people who pay attention to MGM's Marvel Films like Muni Pictures and Disney Pictures. They are all shocked by this number.

How could it be so high, can you say that Iron Man’s box office is comparable to Spider-Man?

The superhero is also divided into grades. The highest one is naturally the Superman, Spider-Man, Batman or something that everyone is familiar with. Iron Man, it is not the right one. How is the box office appeal so high?

It must have been a huge show for the premiere, which gave birth to a box office.

By the way, look at the rotten tomatoes and see what the freshness is.

Even if there are many people who have seen the premiere, as long as the word of mouth is bad, then the box office will greet the diving. There used to be a movie at the premiere of the box office that reached $20 million, but the final box office was less than $50 million.

Maybe this Iron Man is the same. Even if it is not so bad, it will certainly not be too good.

When they saw the freshness of the rotten tomatoes, everyone was shocked.

Ninety-three percent, how is this possible!

This high freshness proves that everyone almost likes this movie, which is definitely not the case.

This kind of word of mouth, that should be for Batman, Spider-Man, such a popular comic hero, what is Iron Man?

At this time they discovered that it seems that they have not seen the film, so they don't know where the movie is.

But it doesn't matter, I haven't seen this movie, I can also find the film critic to discredit the movie, and even the freshness of the rotten tomato can also be brushed by account.

The heads of several film companies were privately connected and prepared to give MGM a head-on blow. Since they have declined, they will never allow MGM to restore their glory.

Otherwise, after this Iron Man fire, all the superheroes in the Marvel universe will be in a fire, which is a disaster for their other film companies!

Never let this happen!

... (to be continued.)

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