Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1698: Used together

"Malfo, I am sorry, for the time being, we have no plans to continue to acquire auto-related industries. The company's books are naturally rich, but we still have other businesses to acquire. Maybe after two years, we will cooperate better. ”

What Malfoy wanted to say, he heard the busy tone on the phone, and he was completely stunned.

After two years? Can the same car still last for two years?

Everyone originally talked about it. We even sold the shares of Huaxia’s largest joint venture company. Now, what do you say about others?

In this way, what should we do with us?

Originally sold in China, the magic capital used the same equity, they got a lot of cash, which is very helpful to ease their financial pressure.

Their pensions and medical insurance are enough for this year. They may not need to go crazy for mortgages, but they plan to sell some more business in exchange for a large amount of cash.

Now the plan is completely disrupted, and the company’s operations are still short of money. They want to borrow again, and may have to pay higher interest rates and more mortgage assets.

The wind and rain holding group shakes them and makes the situation of the same use worse.

At this time, the subprime mortgage crisis became more and more serious under the media rendering. More and more people can't afford the mortgage, and even many people move out of the house directly, and the house is gone.

They would rather rent a house, and don’t pay for this kind of mortgage. The house prices are falling every day, and they are still losing money.

Although some real estate developers claim that real estate has not entered a low tide period, it is now a good time to bargain-hunting, but several real estate developers who first ran into the bottom are all miserable. When they entered, the house prices have obviously not fallen to the bottom.

As a result, the default rate of real estate loans became higher and higher, and house prices continued to fall. During this period, several real estate companies and real estate financial credit companies went bankrupt.

Among the same-use financial companies, not only the mortgage default rate has risen sharply, but also the default rate of some car loans has risen sharply. In their hands, more and more bad debts have appeared.

Originally, this financial company could create billions of dollars in profits for them every year, which is still the case when some loans cannot be recovered.

But now the company can not only create profits for the same use, but also become the company with the most losses.

Other subsidiaries and branches have not received funds for blood transfusions. This original leading company has also suffered losses, which makes the funds for the same use more and more vulnerable.

In the first quarter of this year, they lost more than a billion dollars, but in the second quarter, they rose to billions of dollars. According to the current situation, the loss in the third quarter must exceed 10 billion US dollars, then the fourth quarter, next year?

When they lost money in the first quarter, they found the crisis and wanted to sell some assets in time to survive the risk. At the same time, they were also trying to mortgage the company and let the company tide over the difficulties.

But I didn't expect to talk to the wind and rain holding group. I thought that everything would be a natural past, but the wind and rain holding group suddenly gave up the plan to acquire their business.

Malfoy has shown that some conditions can make concessions and make the biggest concessions, but Ralph simply does not talk to them.

Malfoy certainly knows what it is because the Windsor Holdings Group has acquired enough auto business from Furt.

Continued acquisition expansion seems to be very good, but the same use is a counterexample. Sometimes there are too many brands and the scale is too big, but it is a burden.

This will greatly reduce the company's ability to resist risks, and the capital chain may break at any time.

In this crisis, Fu Te was in the forefront of the same use. I didn’t expect it to be used. Futte sold all the three excellent brands and sold them to three North American factories.

I have to admit that it is the same use now, and it will be chosen as well. Eating a little money can make the company's roots preserved.

Now the same use is to want to sell the business, and no one cares. The reason is that the labor costs for the same use are too expensive, and no other company can afford it.

Seeing that the Fu Te business of the three major auto companies in the country has shrunk by a small half, Colesler has repurchased more than 80% of the shares in a consortium and returned to the embrace of the country, but they are the most awful.

Although they also sold the shares of China's magic capital, but it did not help. This money is not enough for the current use.

Since they raised the auditing standards for car loans, their car sales have fallen sharply, which has created a backlog of their products.

But if you don't raise the standard, then you worry that more car loans will not be available at all, and it will become bad debts.

This puts the same use in a dilemma. Even if they have stopped the real estate credit business, they can't stop the car's credit business.

So what business is left in this financial credit company, where does the income come from?

However, the same use can not let the factory stop production, but even dare to shut down the factory, otherwise those employees will definitely stop working. If those employees stop working, then the loss of the same use will be even greater.


"The boss has already said that with the same use, we will not consider buying any asset business for the same time in a short time. I think I will regret it when I use it together. I did not agree to our conditions!" Ralph said with a smile.

At the beginning, if the same use of the promise, then the same business, wind and rain holdings will really buy some.

It is a pity that they used to think that they are the world's number one car company, with a proud head, and some conditions are determined not to relax. Now, have you tasted the consequences?

Feng Yu's fingers kept beating on the table, and he was remembering the end of his life. But now it seems that the same use will become even worse.

"Well, no matter what conditions you use, don't agree, even if they are white, don't!"

Ralph didn't understand, if the other party really had good conditions, wouldn't it? That would be a great help for the boss to expand the global automotive business.

The boss did not say, would you like to make the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group the largest in the world?

Although he does not know what the boss thinks, the boss said that it is his highest standard, he will do it.

Feng Yu actually still likes some of the same business, and the acquisition of it has greatly promoted his car kingdom.

But now the acquisition is not worthwhile, it is equivalent to bankruptcy. Is it not good to talk about it at that time? Even if it is not available at the time, then when the same use bankruptcy, it is also the time for their rapid expansion.

Perhaps it was even better to buy some of the business of Madian and Dezhong at that time!

... (to be continued.)

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