Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1702: I want a loan

Feng Yu arranged for the Xiangjiang side and returned to the country. When the news comes out, he will come over again.

Now it is more convenient than that of the year. In the simplest terms, you can directly make a video call over the network. Many things, thousands of kilometers away, can be used as a face-to-face.

Of course, Feng Yu’s return is also a very important thing, that is, the loan.

Although the loan is not particularly anxious, it is too late to wait.

Domestic commercial banks are not able to provide foreign exchange commercial loans, and can even directly provide loans to overseas commercial institutions, but this process approval is very troublesome.

Feng Yu is planning to use many domestic asset mortgages, but also to borrow foreign exchange, and to transfer to the outside world, these are even more troublesome.

“Simplify the process? Just want to give you a green light?” Zhang Ruiqiang frowned and asked.

"Yes, I hope that when I need it, I can complete the loan for me within 24 hours and get into my overseas account."

Zhang Ruiqiang shook his head: "This is definitely not enough. No bank loan can be completed within 24 hours."

Feng Yu took a step back: "Then I will apply for a loan now, and I will release the loan at the fastest speed. The assets I use to mortgage are definitely very good. This is beyond doubt."

"Feng Yu, do you do finance, do you still have to make loans? You have invested so much now, don't you have to make that big?"

Zhang Ruiqiang is somewhat worried that financial investment, profits and risks coexist. In case Feng Yu made a mistake, or the international situation changed too fast, Feng Yu is not going to lose a lot of money?

"Ha ha ha, even if all the money is lost, it will not shake my roots. And my loan is mainly used to make risk reserves."

"You also know that financial investment risks are very high. Just like a company always has cash reserves, the financial risk reserve is higher. I did have a risk reserve, but the international situation has changed recently, so the money, I am ready to invest in the hedge."

"Even if it is a hedge, there is still a risk reserve. This time we have acquired the car business, we have already negotiated well, and the state capital has paid for it. Then we can just upgrade our state capital in the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group according to our original agreement. Proportion of equity."

"But we also intend to acquire a supermarket chain group in the country, a supermarket group with an annual turnover of tens of billions of dollars and assets close to 10 billion US dollars. This way, it can be merged into the Taihua Supermarket Group, which is our China The supermarket group went out."

In the automotive business, Taihua Holdings can spend no money, but supermarkets always have to spend money. Feng Yu also saw a lot of good business in the country, and now he has to invest.

For example, ships, ports, and logistics companies can combine with the business of Taihua Holding Group and Fengfeng Holding Group to reduce costs, increase profits, and enhance competitiveness.

"How much do you have to borrow?"

"Don't be a lot, if you can, borrow $20 billion first."

Zhang Ruiqiang spit out a cup of tea: "How much do you want to borrow?"

He thought that Feng Yu’s loan of several billion dollars would be the top of the day, 20 billion US dollars, which is not much?

What else is the first loan of 20 billion US dollars, is it still planned to continue the loan?

"Two billion dollars, it is enough for the time being."

“How do you mortgage? Prepare to mortgage all the shares of Taihua Holding Group?” Zhang Ruiqiang asked.

“Taihua Holdings Group’s 40% stake, which is definitely more than 20 billion US dollars.”

The assets of the subsidiary belong to Taihua Holding Group. Feng Yu cannot be directly mortgaged because the Taihua Holding Group is not solely owned by Feng Yu.

The 40% stake in Taihua Holdings Group is worth more than 20 billion US dollars? How much equity does Fengyu have in the Taihua Holding Group? Does the market value of the Taihua Holding Group exceed $50 billion?

Feng Yu’s personal life has already surpassed this number, but Feng Yu’s highest asset is not a wind and rain consulting company? Zhang Ruiqiang really didn't understand that the Taihua Holding Group had already had such a high value.

Listening to Feng Yu's meaning, it seems to be a lot higher?

"Feng Yu, if you borrow, the mortgage assets must always be about 50% higher than the loan amount. In particular, you still borrow foreign exchange, the quantity is so large, and you have to transfer to an overseas account."

Feng Yu rolled his eyes: "What do you mean, do you think that this is the transfer of assets to the outside world?"

Now there are many rich people doing this. Many of them have registered their companies overseas, can pay less taxes, and even changed their nationality in order to pay less taxes. They suddenly became foreigners and then continue to make money in China. .

Feng Yu is very disdainful about this. If you want to change the registration place of the company, it is no problem to change the registration place of the company, but the nationality of the individual has also changed.

In particular, many people have a superior sense of superiority, which makes Feng Yu resentful.

"I believe in you, I must believe in you, but the news will spread, and the people may not believe you. Besides, the loan is going to be 50% higher. This is not good for you." The tube above is very strict."

Feng Yu waved his hand: "Who said that the equity I took out is not worth 30 billion US dollars? Didn't you see it? The foreign media made an assessment to the wind and rain holding group earlier this year, the assets have exceeded 80 billion US dollars, or conservative. Estimated. Real results, let me tell you that the wind and rain holdings are worth more than $100 billion!"

"And if you go out, you don't sell me 200 billion dollars! If the wind and rain holding group goes public, or if there are more than a few subsidiaries listed, the assets will definitely exceed 200 billion US dollars."

Most importantly, the Wind and Rain Holdings Group controls many important markets in China, has many very profitable patented technologies, and has many valuable brands.

These brands are more valuable than most domestic companies.

"Then how do you pay the tax this year?" Zhang Ruiqiang angered.

“Does taxes are related to turnover, and are related to our asset growth? You said that we have a storm card, and foreign brand institutions are valued at tens of billions of dollars. But are we still paying taxes for brand value? No reason. What?"

"Now the country is not dealing with the US dollar. I want to borrow money from the US dollar, not the euro. And I will tell you a message. When the US dollar reaches the end of next year, the depreciation will definitely be more. This part of the depreciation loss, I can also Bear, as long as the bank is willing to give me more loans!"

"This... I will ask you for help, do you have to make it so big?"

Feng Yu looked at the globe on the table faintly: "There is less money, it will not work." (To be continued.)

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