Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1724: Condition changed

Even after thinking about Yinshan's software park, I have contacted most of the world's software companies, hoping that the software they developed will be sold on their platform, which is to increase the variety and quantity of products.

This platform is not only available in Chinese, but also in English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, etc. It is online on the same day, and many other languages ​​are also available.

I dare not say that all languages ​​in the world are covered, but most language versions are included. Only some websites are bigger, some are smaller. With such a large platform investment, the demand for products is also very huge.

In addition to companies such as Microsoft and IBM, the soft line of the island nation is also a part that cannot be ignored. Although they do not have any special top-level software enterprise support, they have the most investment in the IT industry, and they have the largest number of software companies that hold or participate in shares. This is a force that no one can ignore.

I even thought that Yinshan had contacted the soft line and hoped that everyone could cooperate. Even if you want Yinshan to provide a platform, it is also very beneficial for the software sales developed by the subsidiaries of Softbank.

However, the soft line did not directly agree, saying that they had a very common relationship with Yinshan and had a worse relationship with Feng Yu.

Although there are no eternal enemies in the business field, only eternal interests, but these shareholders are tempered. And this kind of software sales platform, not just want to have Yinshan, there are many such platforms, just want to make the biggest thing in Yinshan.

But to make it so big, their investment must be very high. Therefore, even the division of the demand for Yinshan platform is relatively high, which makes the soft line very dissatisfied.

We are the developers of software. Why do you only provide one platform and divide so much?

And Softbank also has its own software sales platform, but it is not big. Originally they also wanted to make a particularly large platform, but this year's economic situation suddenly deteriorated, they did not dare to invest too much money.

At this time, the fruit company also developed its own software sales platform, and also hopes to cooperate with the soft line. Soft line thinks that you can wait for the price.

In particular, they think that even if the platform of Yinshan is so large, if there are not many types and types of software that can be sold, then there is definitely no small loss for even thinking about Yinshan.

The best result is that the software of the subsidiary of Softbank can be sold on all of these related platforms, which allows their products to have the widest sales channels.

At the same time, they have to stipulate the selling price and various related preferential conditions, and the proportion of the division is also higher.


"Oh? Sun Zhengyi really said this?" Feng Yuxi smiled. "He is not too high to look at the soft line. After all, the profit of the soft line mainly comes from the investment, the operating companies are listed on the cash, and their own Software companies, how many software have you really developed around the world?"

"They want to divide it into nines? You told him that the original Sanqi division is not going to work now. If they sell on the software platform of companies such as fruits, then we can only give him five or five points unless we are Exclusive sales!"

The original condition of thinking about Yinshan is that Sanqi is divided, and then there is no limit on how many platforms your software sells, even if it is in the platform of the competitors of Yinshan. Even this price can be discussed.

But since Sun Zhengyi’s lions open their mouths, they don’t have to be polite. Either give us an exclusive sale agreement, or divide it down again!

Because our platform is the largest, our promotion is the most powerful, we have the most registered users, we have the most traffic, and our brand is one of the best, these are the advantages!

Soft lines are powerful, but they are also very weak. It’s strong because they have the most companies related to it, and they are weak because they don’t have leading companies.

Perhaps Yahoo is their leading company. When they invested successfully, they made them a big bargain.

However, today's portals are not very popular, especially when the Asian Tigers open their old songs and plan to do their own search engines, only to find out that this is going to be done. It is really too difficult.

The number of related information that someone else searches for is one of several times, or even ten times. And smart sorting is also more advanced than they are.

Yahoo’s income in the past two years has been declining. Many people use Microsoft or other browsers. The homepage is not their Yahoo.

And the home page of those browsers is similar to the home of the website, giving users more choices.

Even many people say that the portal has fallen. The home of the website and the search engine are the favorite homepages.

At this time, Feng Yu did not put too much in his eyes. Although many of the investments in other countries are profitable, the main reason is that they have accumulated a lot of money. As with the success of investing in Yahoo, there is no more.

Less him a soft line, even thinking of Yinshan's software park surely the income is to be reduced, but to say that there are no serious consequences, there is no such thing, there is no intention to make the software park profit this year.

Feng Yu believes that Kazuo Kameda’s attitude is not strong enough. Although this is a matter for the Taihua Holding Group, Feng Yu is now handed over to Kamen Masaru.

Sun Zhengyi listened to reports from his subordinates. There are already many software fee downloading platforms. I have contacted them. I hope everyone can cooperate. There is even a saying inside the soft line. They also have such subsidiaries. Why not just grow bigger? ?

There are several directors who have this idea, and Sun Zhengyi is very disappointed. Why do you want Yinshan to do this software download platform, and boldly get such a large scale?

Because people have electronic products to cooperate, every consumer who buys even the electronic products such as the brand, the storm card, the Aiwa brand, the aiwa brand, etc., are potential users of this software download platform.

Because this software, in the final analysis, still needs to be installed on electronic products. The software is for the product, there is no product, the software is not used at all.

The software that they charge for downloading is definitely not on the original machine, and the user pays for download for some functions. The software is used in conjunction with electronic products, and the most downloaded is definitely the application software.

Although there are some electronic products in the soft line, which brand is big enough? Perhaps the sales of those electronic products are added together, and it may not be comparable to an electronic brand under the Taihua Holding Group.

If you want to make this software download platform bigger than you think of Yinshan, it is waiting to lose money. You haven't seen how much Microsoft's software platform hasn't done.

Why do fruit companies dare to do this now because people have electronic products.

Some of the directors of the company are really not suitable for this business. But this time, I don't know his conditions, Feng Yu can promise. If not, then promise Feng Yu's conditions.

"The president, President Kameda sent a fax there, and their conditions changed."

Sun Zhengyi showed a smile of victory: "Oh? Is it changed according to our requirements? Is it divided into nine?"

"One nine divided? No, it is five or five!"


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