Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1734: First mining tycoon

"Chi brother, "Wind and Rain Business Weekly" wants to make an exclusive interview with you, mainly about mineral investment, are you convenient?" Feng Yu asked Kirilenko.

"What is inconvenient, isn't that the magazine you run? The influence in Asia is also quite big. If I want to go up, it must be the cover, right?" Kirilenko asked.

"That must be, even if you interviewed the country of the United States at the same time, you must be the cover character." Brother loves face, this point Feng Yu is very clear.

"Ha ha ha, just a few days I am fine, I went to Beijing to find you, by the way, let the reporter give me an interview. It is mine investment, I know."


"Mr. Kirilenko, hello, I am the chief editor of "Wind Business Weekly", I am very glad that you can accept my interview."

Kirilenko is still sitting next to a translator. Although he knows a little Chinese, communication is still very difficult. After listening to the translation, Kirilenko nodded: "I am a good friend with Feng, his magazine wants to interview me, I am free at any time."

Hu Yu’s heart sighs, or the boss’s face is big. In recent years, the status of “Wind and Rain Business Weekly” has been continuously improved, and its influence has become more and more important. Most of them have benefited from the boss’s face.

Many people have been willing to be interviewed when they heard that the magazine is owned by the Taihua Holding Group, which makes his work much simpler.

It is also an interview with many rich or corporate executives, plus some commercial review articles, so that the sales of "Wind Business Weekly" is getting better and better, and the recognition is getting higher and higher.

"So Mr. Kirilenko, I went straight to the subject. This issue of the magazine is mainly about the world's mineral tycoons and their mining groups, you are the representative, even the most legendary one Bit, can you say, why did you be so optimistic about the prospects of minerals? We learned that your Polar Bear Mining Group started investing in minerals more than a decade ago."

In an interview, Kirilenko can't say that all of this is Feng Yu's decision, then he has no face, though that is true.

"Our Russia is a country rich in mineral reserves. When the Soviet Union collapsed, many large consortia in Europe and America wanted to take the opportunity to buy mines in Russia. This is a kind of resource plunder."

"As a citizen of Russia, I certainly can't watch the wealth of the motherland being so possessed. So I resolutely loaned a large sum of money and bought these mines..."

In the mouth of Kirilenko, he was not at all for the sake of economic interests, but a proper patriotic act. The main reason is that I can't understand the capital of Europe and the United States, the plundering of Russian resources, and even gambling on all the net worth, and the loans compete with those capitals.

And he is definitely a conscience boss. The Polar Bear Mining Group, which was purchased for nearly a decade, basically can only protect the capital, and he also updated almost all mining machinery and equipment, greatly improving the safety of the mining group. coefficient.

After he established the Polar Bear Mining Group, no one employee died, which was extremely rare at the time and even now. Let all employees live abundance and be able to retire safely. He thinks this is his greatest achievement!

This remark was about impassion, as if he had thought so on his own. I completely forgot, and he also questioned Feng Yu at the beginning, which is not cost-effective.

Fortunately, mining companies still have an important role to play, as a fixed-asset mortgage, so that they can make a fortune in the Asian financial turmoil.

Later, the mining group expanded its scale and acquired many high-quality mines to become the world's top mining group company. Then it ushered in the rise of gold prices, the rise of steel, and the rise of some rare metals, which allowed them to start earning money, and the value of Kirilenko was also rising.

Hu Wei certainly understands that Kiri Lenko’s high-profile speech is not very credible, but he has carefully recorded it. Whether this is the world's top ten super-rich, and whether he is a good friend of the boss, the name of the world's top mining tycoon alone will make this issue popular.

Don't forget, at this time, the prices of many mineral resources are constantly rising, and even many prices are rising. For example, oil, the price has doubled in less than a year, and the Polar Bear Mining Group has many oil fields.

After talking for a while, Kirilenko felt a little thirsty and took the wine glass on the table next to it. A cup of special for the northern warehouse, it seems to be just used to run the throat of mineral water.

Hu Wei once again recorded that Kirilenko likes to drink alcohol, is good at drinking, and today chose to drink the special North Da Cang produced by Huaxia North Dacang Group.

Although this company did not give the "Wind and Rain Weekly" advertising fees, but Hu Wei also knows that this North Dacang Group can have shares in Taihua Holdings.

"Mr. Kirilenko, the market value of mining companies in the world has risen recently. The market value of the Polar Bear Mining Group has also been nearly doubled by many media. Do you have anything to say about this?" He asked again.

The problems are known in advance, and Kirilenko certainly knows how to answer. He has an assistant who tells him how to answer the reporter's question, and then can make his image become taller and more perfect.

"The global mining company's market value has risen collectively, that is because of the relationship between the countries of the country. The economic collapse in the country of the country, many hot money out, will switch to some other industries. And now the world's demand for minerals is increasing. According to the supply and demand relationship, the price increase is also normal."

"But I think the most important reason is the collapse of the economic situation in the country. Their economic deterioration has affected other regions. This responsibility cannot be pushed. The country simply wants other people to pay for their losses. They have already I have done this more than once..."

Kirilenko has deducted all the black pots from the head of the country. I believe that after this report, Kirilenko will be caught in a public opinion storm, but at the same time there will be many people paying attention to this topic, which will make the economy of the country worse.

As long as the country can be unlucky, Kirilenko is happy. As for himself, he may be caught in a public opinion storm, and he does not care at all.

Now the world's minerals group is similar to the Polar Bear Mining Group and even larger than the Polar Bear Mining Group. However, among these mining group owners, Kirilenko is the most well-known and richest, Feng Yu does not count.

Even now, some people have already said that Kirilenko is the first mining tycoon!

... (to be continued...)

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