Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1741: Female

Lin Ruojun, formerly known as Lin Jing, is a female college student from a small county.

The current college students are not as valuable as they were a decade ago, because the university is constantly expanding its enrollment and there are more and more college students. What's more, even if a college student didn't have a distribution ten years ago, it would be easy to find a good job.

But now, it is not so difficult for college students to find a job, but it is not so easy to find a good job, at least a famous university.

Even if it is a graduate student, if it is not a famous school, it is difficult to find a good job. In a few years, this situation will be even more severe.

Lin Ruoxi is such a situation. After working for two years, but he is not high, he always feels that he has earned too little. It is difficult to buy a house in the city.

And she actually has a big capital, that is, people are beautiful. Although it is from a small county town, but the body is tall and slender, bumpy and well-conceived, with a long hair, it is very charming.

At first, she was not as good as her female classmate. Since she married a good husband, life and her are just a heaven and a ground, so that she can not help but feel a lot of jealousy.

She also wants to marry a rich man, but the rich man is so easy to find. She wants to find rich people, but she can also meet them.

At this time, she heard that there are such rich people to go to school, to learn, but also entrepreneurs, the last time also have thousands of net worth.

In order to enter this circle, she found someone to borrow money to pay 100,000 yuan of tuition, and then successfully entered this period of Taihua Business School entrepreneurship class.

This is only two weeks after class, and many students have expressed a good impression on her. To invite her to dinner, to give her a gift, these are not false.

It's not that she doesn't like it, but she knows that what is too easy to get will not be cherished. She just wants to swear.

The more she refuses, the more diligent the classmates are. Even several of them have hinted that they are single. There are also hints that they can divorce her.

It’s okay to be single, Lin Ruoxi’s contempt for her divorce. Today, I can marry my wife, and I will marry her tomorrow, so her goal is to be single.

Among them, he also deliberately selected a slightly larger grade. The 30-year-old can’t do it. If he wants to go up to forty years old, he’s not too young, and the younger look is too fast, even if it’s the same as her. Generation, she did not intend to consider.

Today, she intends to work hard to attack the old man she screened. After class, he will go to eat with him first, and then the gift will not be accepted. Before the graduation, the relationship can be settled!

Seeing the class, the professor on the podium suddenly said: "Everyone has also studied for two weeks. I will prepare a test for you tomorrow, that is, the exam. If the exam fails, you must be prepared to be expelled!"

what? Expelled!

Everyone was shocked. Before this entrepreneurial class, I have never heard of any expulsion, and only once before the final exam, how can I take a two-week class and test it?

Many people have talked about it, but the professors on the stage did not put these entrepreneurs in the eye. Perhaps these millionaires and even billionaires have a high status, but as a professor at Hangzhou University, he is respected wherever he goes.

What's more, he is also a marketing consultant for Le Haha, and his annual salary is also a million.

"Everything is quiet. This is the decision made by the school. If anyone does not want to take the test, then you can go to the Academic Affairs Office, take back the remaining tuition fees, and don't come to Taihua Business School in the future!"

The school is so tough, and other people are too angry to speak. This entrepreneurial class of Taihua Business School is the most famous in China. The honorary deans are all easily crushing the existence of all of them. Where do they dare to blow up the thorns!

When Lin Ruoxi heard the test, the whole person was stunned. It is said that she is one of the youngest people here, and only two years after graduating from college, the learning ability should be at its peak.

But for the past two weeks, she has been studying the rich, studying who is suitable for her and who is absolutely unsuitable.

She didn't say that she took notes, and didn't even listen to classes. When I was in class, I was also studying how to face the invitations of other students. If it was an exam, she would definitely fail.

If she fails, she will be fired. If she borrows the tuition fee, what can I do? She can't be fired, she hasn't got a rich man yet.

This test is the way Li Feng combined Feng Yu's approach and came up with it.

Under normal circumstances, even if these people do not understand the lectures taught by the professor, they also have some management experience and they will not fail. But if it is really lie to lie, then there is not much thought in the classroom, there is a great possibility of failing, and the school has a valid reason to expel it.

Big deal, the tuition fee is retired. So no one will think that the school is doing something wrong. You don’t come to school at all. Isn’t such a student, the teacher can’t teach?

At this time, Lin Ruoxi thought of a good way, that is to find a teacher to reveal the problem, when she was in college, she did it. As long as she asks the teacher, as long as she is a male teacher, she will not reject her. She has this confidence.

After class, Lin Ruoyi excused the review and pushed away the dinner with the old man. The old man did not want to be expelled, so I feel that it is normal to go back and read the book today. Anyway, my classmates will still have a long time, and I can’t eat any day.

Feng Yuzheng is sitting in the office of the Academic Affairs Office to see the rules and regulations of the entrepreneurial class. There are many places that Feng Yu thinks are not very good, so people have to make changes.

Since you have to run a school, you have to do a good job. This school is also a good sign. You must not be embarrassed.

Suddenly I heard someone knocking at the door, then the door was pushed open and a beautiful woman walked in.

"You are Li, I am Lin Luzhen, an entrepreneurial student in this issue. You can call me if you are."

Feng Yu put the information down: "Do you have something?"

Li Feng went to personally find information for him. It is estimated that he will not come back for a while, and Feng Yu intends to directly deal with the matter.

"Li, how can we test this student soon? I don't have a good learning ability, but I am willing to study hard. I don't know if Li has this... review information?" Lin Ruoxi said when he was talking, slightly curved Waist, revealing her proud upper bound.

Learning materials? Feng Yuyi understands what it means, and does not want to reveal the question.

This kind of person who loves to drill and has a thick face is definitely not the second generation. Looking at her actions just now, Feng Yu has already had 80% to be sure. This is the woman who came to catch Kaizi.

For such people, Feng Yu is very disgusted. This woman is pretty, but the makeup is heavier. The more beautiful woman Feng Yu sees more, will she be tempted by her?

Feng Yu’s answer is three words: “Get out!”


PS: During the Chinese New Year, the fourth child can only maintain two to three times a day. There is no net in the hometown, and there are many relatives in the Chinese New Year. After the fourth year of the fourth round, I will resume the update speed immediately. I wish you all a happy and happy fourth year. You must not blame the old four, right?

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