Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1759: Unemployment tide in the country

Today, it happened that the Los Angeles wind and rain team came to New York to play against the Brooklyn Nets. Feng Yushun came to see a game and was also relaxed.

In the locker room of the team before the start of the game, Feng Yu came over to see the team's recent situation. This year, several of the team's main players were injured, but it gave the Chinese players a lot of opportunities to play.

Before going in, Arenas was chatting with Martin and said that several of his friends were unemployed. At the beginning, I was working in a bank. It is definitely a good job, and the salary is high, not tired.

However, I did not expect that the subprime mortgage crisis last year would be so serious, and the banking institutions in the country began to lay off employees.

Martin said that he had a few friends who were even worse. He worked at AT&T. As a result of the financial crisis, and because of the rise of the mobile phone business, the number of customers who installed traditional phones dropped sharply, and their incomes also dropped sharply, and they had to start layoffs.

Billups, wearing a suit, said that they are good. He has friends working in the same car. This is the world's largest car company. The result is also layoffs.

They are talking, seeing Feng Yu coming in, hurriedly stood up and said hello. Speaking of the salary they play, there may not be more teams, but the advertising endorsements are more, let them make a lot of money.

Several other teams have to dig people, they are not willing to leave, unless the team is actively trading.

Paul Allen has complained to the league that the storm team has a blackout, there is no reason why so many All-Star players are in a team. But I forgot. At the beginning, in order to fight against the wind and rain, he organized the Big Five. Even the sixth person is a star player with an annual salary of 10 million.

Moreover, it is not uncommon for players in the league to take the initiative to lower the salary in order to compete for the championship. Besides, there are many fans who like to watch the confrontation between New York and Los Angeles, not to mention the opening of the Chinese and Russian markets for the alliance.

"This year is the Olympic year, Carl, the players can not be injured. Even if you can't enter the finals this year, it doesn't matter. At the end of the season, like the previous two years, organize some people to be the sparrers of the Chinese team, I will not treat you with the salary, by the way. You can go to China to see the Olympics."

Going to China, these players are very happy. This trip means that you can play and make a lot of money. Their popularity in China is very high.

Even everyone in the team will have a few simple Chinese, who will let so many Chinese players in the team.

There are several black players among them who have to spend more money to take care of their friends. Especially this year, the situation is not good. Many of their relatives and friends are unemployed. They also need to work harder to make money.

Most of these players are not highly educated. They don't understand. How did the economy of the country suddenly deteriorate? How can so many people lose their jobs?

In their view, when the economic situation is not good, it is not that more people should go through the loan to tide over the difficulties. It is said that the bank should need more talents. Why is the bank's layoffs the most?

"Mr. Feng, my agent told me that it is better not to invest in stocks recently, saying that the stock market in the country will continue to fall. Is this true?" Pierce asked suddenly.

Feng Yu smiled and said: "Yes, your agent didn't lie to you. Don't look at the fact that the US stock market seems to have rebounded in the past few days, it is an illusion."

Pierce has a bitter face, his salary is not low, the highest in the team, although only 13 million dollars, can not match the big brother of other teams. But his advertising endorsement is quite a lot, which is enough to make his income rank among the top players.

However, he is very clear that many players will soon go bankrupt after retiring because they do not know how to manage money.

Feng Yu once told them that they should learn to manage their finances, don’t make too much money and enjoy it. The life of bankruptcy is definitely not what they thought.

In the past, Pierce would give some money to the broker to invest in stocks. At that time, the foreign stock market almost bought anything. However, since the second half of last year, the situation suddenly turned sharply. The stock market fell from the highest of 14,000 points to the current one million.

Pierce really doesn't know what he should invest in. Is it money to deposit in the bank? However, his bank friend told him that the existence of a bank is tantamount to depreciation. The dollar has been falling.

Feng Yu watched several other players look at him, and even included Chinese players such as Dayao.

"Let's do it, give you a small suggestion, there is also a branch office in the wind and rain consultation, you can invest money in the wind and rain consultation, I want the minimum gate of one million dollars, most of you have reached it? ”

"The rate of return on wind and rain consultation will not disappoint you. Although you can't make you rich, you can definitely make your asset growth easily outperform the market."

Feng Yu does not mind giving these players some opportunities to make money. These players have contributed a lot to the team, so that the Los Angeles wind and rain team can make a profit every year, which is not easy in itself.

What's more, the money spent on purchasing the team has already earned back early, and the team has already appreciated ten times! Coupled with some advertising effects, Feng Yu earned too much.

Some Chinese players don’t pay too much, they have to pay taxes in the country, they have to pay taxes in China, they have to pay the training fee, they have to send money to the family, so they took out a million dollars at once. Very difficult.

Seeing that several Chinese players want to invest and they are somewhat embarrassed, Feng Yu pointed out: "You can make a make-up and get together for more than one million dollars. Sign the agreement in advance to avoid disputes. Or you can invest in China. Taihua Consulting is also good, there is a million RMB over there."

Before coming in, Feng Yu listened to what they said about the unemployment of the country, and Feng Yu has been paying attention to it.

At this time, the top layoffs in the country are the banking industry and the auto industry, and then the real estate industry and the express delivery industry.

The bank is because the loss is too serious. Before that, many salesmen were required to handle the business. Now there is not so much business at all. What are the many people doing?

Giving a compensation, is the best choice for slimming companies. The auto industry is even simpler. The layoffs can save some of the pension, medical insurance and other expenses, and those expenses are much higher than the compensation paid by the layoffs.

As for the backward ranking of the real estate industry, it is because last year, the real estate industry has already laid off a large number of layoffs. This year, the number of layoffs is naturally much less.

The same is true for the express delivery industry. The number of people shopping has decreased, trade has decreased, logistics development has naturally declined, and the value of the express delivery industry itself is not high. Non-technical talents, courier salaries and social security, etc., are also the company’s largest expenditures, layoffs. It will be able to let them through the storm.

At the top of the list, the number of layoffs exceeded 10,000. According to the analysis, the layoffs will not end. The layoffs of 10,000 people are not enough for many banks. The unemployment tide in the country will become more serious.

"Okay, go play, pay attention to protect yourself."

Even if the economic situation is so bad, but Brooklyn's are still full of seats, but Feng Yu found that the ads of several car companies on the side of the field have been replaced, and those car companies have saved money even for this. ?


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