Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1784: Good table corner

“Everyone saw it. What do you want to say?”

In Feng Yu's office, everyone is sitting on the sofa, and there is a fruit company's ipad on the coffee table.

Liu Chuanzhi first said: "The fruit company's product is really incredible. From hardware to software are their own design and manufacture, although the arm structure is also adopted, but there are many differences with our products. ”

“It’s rare that they didn’t infringe our patents and developed a lot of their own design patents. And their products and software are very well combined. This is a place worth learning. But one thing is definitely better than not. On us, that is the stability of the system."

The hos system was earlier and more complete than the ios system. Functionally more powerful, stability is naturally better.

"The screen is the same technology, the battery is better, the hardware energy consumption, both sides have their own strengths." Xu Lihua added.

"The size of the appearance is basically the same as ours, the weight is a little heavier than ours. We use the wind and rain 2.0 interface, they use the interface of their fruit company. It seems that they are holding us with their interface. The same purpose, but I think we are leading."

Wind and rain 2.0 interface, not only applied to tablets, but also used on mobile phones, sales of wind and rain mobile phones, enough to ensure that this is an interface standard far beyond the fruit company.

Using different interfaces is also a means of crowding out other competitors by standard.

The simplest point is that every year, the data line of the wind and rain mobile phone can bring a lot of income to the wind and rain.

Every company, as long as it can promote its own standards, will not miss this opportunity. Just like when Eagle Weida changed the interface, it was the same idea. Those cpu, motherboard and other manufacturers have to make adjustments for this, because Eagle Weida products are more cost-effective.

Slowly, this standard has become the final standard, and Eagle Weida has become the leader of the graphics card industry.

In addition, batteries used in wind and rain mobile phones have always been consistent in size, which not only reduces production costs, but also reduces the cost of use for consumers.

The battery replaced on the old phone can still be used. Moreover, many mobile phone battery manufacturers have produced mobile phone batteries according to the standards of Taihua batteries.

In this way, if one day, wind and rain mobile phones, etc. change the size of the battery, those manufacturers that produce cottage batteries will suffer heavy losses and even close down directly.

The produced cottage battery can not be sold, the model is wrong, naturally it can only be held in the hand.

Everyone commented on the fruit company's ipad, said for a long time, in addition to a little bit worse, the system stability has hidden troubles, other aspects temporarily look, no worse than l-pad!

This has given them a great sense of crisis.

Competing for price, this is the lowest means. If the product has high performance and the price is high, it will sell well, so the profit will be higher.

This tablet is not defined as a small profits but quick sell product.

An electronic product mainly used for entertainment, it is obvious that those who pursue entertainment must not be poor. The poor should pursue material satisfaction first, then spiritual satisfaction.

So this should be the same as aiwa's super mp3 and other products, belonging to light luxury electronic products.

What is light luxury? It is not a luxury item. Generally, people can afford to bite their teeth, but when people buy it, they will feel a little expensive and reluctant.

If you buy it, you won't be too tight. If you don't buy it, you can't save too much money, between economic products and luxury goods.

It can also be seen from the pricing of this product, although it is between the smartphone and the laptop, but the cheap netbook can be much cheaper than this tablet.

However, it is clear that the netbook can be easily carried without the tablet. Generally, the entertainment activities that the netbook can complete, such as simple games, browsing the web, chatting with communication software, watching videos, etc., can be completed by the tablet computer, and the word will be light. The embodiment is vivid.

Feng Yu frowned and listened, saying: "You said that the fruit company's ipad is similar to our performance, but the price is not high? What do you mean, their products are more expensive than ours?"

Liu Chuanzhi nodded: "Fifty dollars more than ours!"

Feng Yu is furious, you are late than our launch, performance is not more than us, actually dare to sell more expensive than ours? What do you mean, is your product better?

"What about sales?"

"On the North American side, they have a lot of publicity. After three days of listing, it seems that it is still okay to sell. It is not as good as ours, but it is already good. It is not listed in Europe. Don't worry at all. On the Asian side, they are not listed yet."

Is it a fruit company that must distinguish the market? No, the main reason is that fruit companies do not have such high production capacity, and they have only developed English systems for the time being, and other language versions are not stable enough.

Their factory capacity is very low, even the iphone, is the main foundry. This will reduce profits, but it can also reduce risk. Without the factory dragging, companies can avoid being dragged down by pensions.

"Increase our advertising density in North America and Europe. Is there not another activity contract for Robert this year? Let him cooperate with it. Not only in Asia and Europe, but also in North America, we have to let other manufacturers only see it. Our back!"

Previous fruit companies' mobile phones, tablets and other earned a lot of profits, the most important thing is to become the industry benchmark. Many people say that fruit companies earn 90% of their profits by relying on 10% of the market.

Although it is somewhat exaggerated, it can also reflect the high profit of the fruit company's products.

In this world, the benchmark of the tablet must be even the l-pad, the benchmark of the mobile phone industry, can only be a stormy mobile phone. It’s hard to beat 喏基亚, and is also in the leading position in the development of smart phones. How can the fruit company come to the future?

Feng Yu looked at the ipad on the coffee table and suddenly had an idea.

He took the ipad down and pressed it under a table corner of the coffee table, then took out his mobile phone and took a photo, which was sent out through his Twitter account.

At the same time, I wrote a sentence below: Hey, what the friend said is true, this thing is really suitable for the table corner!

When this was sent out, with the huge fan base below Feng Yu Twitter, it was immediately noticed by many people. Then many of the executives at the Wind and Rain Holdings began to forward, letting more people see this through their fans.

Someone also forwarded this, and then Jobs.

After seeing this tweet, Jobs felt that the blood vessels on his forehead were violently jumping.

Feng Yu, you are deceiving too much!


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