Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1793: Individual development (6/10)

"Lao Zhang, what do you mean by the financial investment company after the integration of shares, or to participate in the People's Bank of China?" Feng Yu asked in detail.

"What is the difference?"

Zhang Ruiqiang This is a well-informed question, Feng Yu does not believe, the difference here, no one told Zhang Ruiqiang.

“Minsheng Bank is a purely private bank. This has been determined since its inception, so there will be no state-owned shares. Most of my investment is controlled by two holding companies, but Minsheng Bank is my own. The shares held, including other shareholders, are now the same."

"If you want to invest in the following investment companies, as long as it is controlled by Minsheng Bank, it does not matter if there is a little state-owned shares. However, it is best to invest in the name of the trustee, otherwise it will hinder the development of the company in North America. Many state-owned investments are still very restrictive."

At the beginning of the establishment of Minsheng Bank, some of them were invested in the name of private enterprises. Later, Feng Yu discovered many private enterprises, and there were even shares of state-owned assets. This made the nature of Minsheng Bank somewhat difficult to explain. local.

Therefore, Feng Yu suggested that those shareholders should abandon the name of the company and invest in the name of the individual, so that the People’s Bank of China can completely become a private commercial bank without a stake in state-owned assets.

If it is a subsidiary of the company, then there is a little bit of state-owned shares, which is nothing, as long as it is a private shareholding.

Individual investment and state investment, this is definitely different in many areas. Just like domestic banks, there are foreign banks, but many of the businesses of foreign banks cannot be carried out, and there are more restrictions than private banks.

China does this, as does foreign countries. Even if the country is known as the most open financial market in the world, it is also very strict in regulating the investment of state-owned enterprises in other countries.

There is also the same in the EU. If important companies want to raise shares, they will be subject to certain restrictions.

Zhang Ruiqiang frowned: "Hosting? Can't you directly invest in shares?"

Feng Yu shook his head: "It's not very convenient. In fact, you can do it all through the state-owned banks. Why do you have to invest in our private banks?"

The nature of custody is equivalent to investing in wind and rain consultation. After the funds are custody to the company, you can get fixed or floating dividends every year. For this money, you can specify the investment direction, but there is no right to speak about the company's operation.

Zhang Ruiqiang said with a smile: "I don't want to diversify investment and reduce risk."

Feng Yu squinted at Zhang Ruiqiang: "No, I think you want to invest in our company, and then invest in follow-up. So you can get a lot of important investment news and strategies directly. Do you have a good abacus? ”

I know that Feng Yu’s investment is so powerful. Zhang Ruiqiang can’t ask all the investment to ask Feng Yu. What about Zhang Ruiqiang’s retirement in the future?

So some people have come up with such an idea. After becoming a shareholder of Fengyu Company, then many investment directions are not directly known, and it is better to follow suit. If you look at the Russian Kirilenko, don't you say that he is investing in Feng Fengyu, which has followed the wind to the top ten richest people in the world!

Kirilenko’s world rankings have reached fifth. But by the end of this year, it is estimated that it will be second.

One is because Kirilenko's assets have increased a lot, and the other, and the wealthy assets of many rich people on the rich list have shrunk dramatically this year, including Bill Gates.

Microsoft's stock price is also falling, Bill Gates has also partially invested in his own charitable foundation, Bill Gates this year's assets, certainly less than last year, which is what happened to most of the rich.

For example, there were more than 50 rich people with more than one billion dollars last year, and this year it is estimated that they will not be fifty. Li Chaoren's company, the stock price has fallen a lot recently, and the assets have disappeared a lot.

However, this does not mean that Li Chaoren’s personal assets have really shrunk. Don’t forget, he invested in the financial market with Feng Yu. Although this part of the funds is not comparable to Feng Yu's, it is definitely a large number.

After the net closing at the end of this year, Li Chaoren’s personal assets will not only shrink, but will also grow. After the public, Li Chaoren will definitely be able to easily enter the top ten, perhaps ranking ahead.

Li Chaoren has gradually handed over the company's power to the eldest son Li Zeju, but the second son Li Zezhen always has to leave some family business, a bowl of water is flat.

It was obvious that Li Zeju had more assets inherited, and Li Zezhen would get more help and guidance from Li Chaoren. But after investing in this financial market, the assets left for the two sons will not be much worse.

Li Zeju still inherits the enterprise, but the cash that Li Zezhen can get is not a small amount! This number is not enough to make Li Zezhen become the world's top richest, but entering the rich list is no problem.

In addition to Kiri Lianke and Fei Xiangzheng of Xiangjiang, I looked at the kid, what was the reputation of the past, and now she is already a young leader in Asia, and even ranks among the top ten in the world. With his personal strength, he is still on the Forbes list.

This has given many people a very clear conclusion, that is, we must follow Feng Yu's investment and make big money!

Zhang Ruiqiang looked forward to Feng Yu: "Isn't it possible to buy shares? Through the company's layer-by-layer custody, then it's okay to buy shares?"

"Lao Zhang, I don't need money, I can play this stall myself. Why do you have to buy shares? And you have a commercial bank and you are expanding overseas. Why can't you do it yourself?"

"In the general direction of investment, I can give you some advice. But the most important thing is to choose the right people to manage. The most important thing in talent selection is ability, investment management ability, not the ability to manage!"

Feng Yu does not deny that the administration of politics is also a capability, but in the financial industry, Feng Yu personally believes that the ability to invest in management is even more important.

At present, senior executives of state-owned banks are more important than investment management capabilities. Coupled with the interference of local political axes, banks still have a lot of problems.

Feng Yu does not want to blend into it, these problems will come out sooner or later. Besides, Feng Yu has made the state capital account for a lot of cheaper, so many projects worth investing, there is no need to invest in Feng Yu's company.

Speaking of it, Feng Yu still has some resentment about the state-owned shares in his own business. Fortunately, Zhang Ruiqiang came to discuss, if others, Feng Yu left the sleeves!

"Tell it, you will give pointers. Then you talk about what is the state capital suitable for investment?"

"The stock market in the country will definitely fall to the bottom of the year. At the end of the year, you can go to the bottom. Now, if there is no suitable project, long-term investment in gold will be fine. Or, after our Minsheng Bank issues bonds, invest in our bonds."

Zhang Ruiqiang took a step back from his interest, and Feng Yu did not give any advice. Perhaps the news of gold and the state capital can also be analyzed, but they are not 100% sure.

After Feng Yu said it, they will have it.


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