Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1806: Two-room scandal (request for a ticket)

The two-room group is already heavily in debt at this time. The quarterly loss of billions of dollars, such as the Leiman Brothers, is already very high, but compared with the two-room group, it is really a shame. ??

The loss of the two-room group in July exceeded 70 billion US dollars. One month, there was such a high loss. The previous losses have not been counted, otherwise it will be even more horrible.

In early July, the two companies raised $5 billion and $6 billion by increasing their stocks, in the hope of getting through the storm.

As a result, the difficulties have not only been spent, but the burden on enterprises has once again increased.

Originally, the Fed hoped that the US dollar would appreciate, and then it would be able to absorb the deposits, allow banks to have more cash, and reduce cashing, thus allowing banks to have more funds to operate.

The two-room group also thinks so, so they borrowed huge amounts of money and invested in the US dollar interest rate swaps. I hope that through such operations, they can make a lot of money and get through the difficulties.

However, they never expected that the Fed would raise interest rates again, but the depositors are still few. Frankly speaking, everyone is not so convinced of the bank.

Then Feng Yu, Kirilenko and others are still taking the lead in selling the US dollar, continuing to suppress the exchange rate of the US dollar, so that the exchange rate of the US dollar continues to fall.

At this time, the banks in Europe also joined in, and they also saw the profits inside.

For example, Barclays, UBS, Royal Bank of Scotland, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, the Dutch Cooperative Bank, etc., and even Citigroup, Morgan Datong Bank, Bank of America and other foreign commercial banks have joined.

In the eyes of those capitalists, only profits are real, and other companies are dead and alive.

With the huge banks of these assets added, the exchange rate of the US dollar will not be able to pull. Feng Yu's main selling of the US dollar is also on the European side, through these commercial banks for lending and selling.

At that time, many of these banking giants were also speculating on crude oil. They believed that the fall of the US dollar would allow crude oil to continue to rise. Therefore, it is in their best interest to sell the US dollar, not to mention that they believe that this can stimulate financial markets such as stocks.

As a result, the investment of the two-room group was once again losing money, and the loss was still very large.

Coupled with the bankruptcy of insurance companies and financial companies during this period, the debt of the two-room group has been increasing, the value of securities has been decreasing, and their losses have become larger and larger, and they are almost unable to hold back.

And those European commercial banks have once again played a trick, which is to increase interbank interest rates, that is, interest on borrowing between banks and other financial institutions.

This has caused the interest rate of the two-room group to rise sharply, and their losses have become even greater.

Of course, the interbank interest rate increase, Feng Yu's loss of their dollar sales is also growing, but Feng Yu does not care.

This part of the loss can be earned back from other market investments. For example, the short-selling investment in the US stock market will allow them to make up for these losses.

What's more, Feng Yu's most profitable investment is still crude oil futures.

At this time, crude oil futures are still falling. Feng Yu’s short-selling contracts can see a rise in profits almost every day.

A company loses too much, and the natural stock price is falling rapidly.

Last year, the share price of the two-room group exceeded $60, and it began to fall at the beginning of this year. At that time, Feng Yu also took the lead in selling short.

After the stock price was suppressed to about 20 US dollars, the country’s political axe began to inject capital and pulled up a little. However, as the investment of the two-room group continued to lose money, their operating losses were increasing, and the market continued to fall. Their The stock price has naturally fallen all the way, and now it has only one dollar more.

In other words, the market value of the two companies has shrunk to one-sixtieth, and the wealth has evaporated by more than 98%.

Merrill Lynch and Lebanese brothers, who are also very wealthy, have gone bankrupt. The two-room group is still insisting because they are the two-room group and the largest sponsor of the US government.

The huge losses of listed companies have a very large impact on the stock price. If the stock price is lower than one dollar for 30 consecutive trading days, then they will be forced to withdraw from the market, and then it will be difficult to turn over.

At this time, they chose the same way as the companies such as WorldCom and Enron, which was financial fraud. Fictional profits, reporting losses, so that investors will not completely lose confidence in them.

A few years ago, the two-room group also broke the financial fraud scandal, but at that time they reported profits, this can be accepted by investors, at least prove that the two companies are very profitable, just want to give less They are just these investors. In fact, the profit reported is not direct income, but book income.

But this time it is different. This time it is a loss of money. I don’t want investors to withdraw money, otherwise they will be completely finished.

So the giants of the two-room group are looking for people to start making accounts, increase profits by one or two billion dollars, and report some losses, which makes them financially much better.

Let investors think that the two-room group is only temporarily in trouble, and will soon get out of trouble, once again giving investors a high return.

It is unfortunate that Feng Yu’s past life knew that after this world’s careful investigation, there was also tangible evidence.

Then the next step is simple. Exposing this scandal, the stock price of the two-room group will inevitably fall again.

[Two-room group jointly reported losses, and history such as Enron and WorldCom will repeat itself? 】

[Two-room group falsely reported profits, investors have been cheated by them! 】

[Two-room group has reached the brink of bankruptcy, will mortgage interest rates rise sharply again? 】

[The bankruptcy of the two-room group will set off a financial turmoil, and the economy of the country will suffer the most heavy blow! 】

A number of news reports were exported from the Internet, newspapers, and television. They were spread throughout the country and spread throughout the world.

For a time, this news even suppressed the limelight of the China Olympic Games. According to the Olympics, the Olympics were the darling of the media, but this time it was different.

Xiaobu 10, who is being interviewed by the media, is still laughing and telling reporters that this time the athletes of the country will continue their previous achievements, break many Olympic records, and even break many world records.

He is very fond of certain athletes, and he hopes to have dinner together when he is triumphant.

But at this time, he went to see his office people waving at him behind the reporter, which shows that there is something urgent.

Someone stopped the reporter and interrupted the interview. Xiaobu went over and asked: "What?"

He was dissatisfied with his face. Today, an athlete in the country has broken the world record. It is rare that there will be something that will make him happy during this time. He is happy.

"Total Mr. Tong, you can take a look, the two-room group broke out a major scandal!"


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