Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1835: Forbes rankings changed

"President, do we have to correct the ranking of the world's richest people in this issue?"

Steve Forbes replied as he looked at the paper: "Of course, this is the tradition of our Forbes."

Although the ranking of Forbes is published once a year, the rankings are revised almost every quarter, and sometimes the rankings of people change every week.

Forbes also has its own website, which has online magazines and charges. What they hope most is that the rankings of the world's richest people can change significantly every day, so the sales of traditional paper magazines will increase, and the online version of the subscriptions will certainly be higher.

However, these situations are unlikely to happen, and some of the lower rankings will not have too many people to pay attention even if their rankings change.

Forbes is generally a billionaire or more billionaire, and there were more than a thousand people in the world last year. In addition to the top ten people's high attention, the top 100 attention is also OK, but one hundred people are outside, really not many people pay attention.

Perhaps those who are ranked at one hundred and thirty-four are not as concerned as the last one. Just like the second place in many games, it is not as good as the first place.

So Steve is not too concerned about these things. Even he feels that such a small matter, the subordinates do not need to report to him at all, just follow the usual practice.

Some of the subordinates hesitated: "President, then do we still use the estimated integer for Feng's property? Many people say that his assets have already exceeded $100 billion. Should we give him $100 billion directly?"

Steve waved his hand: "This is still not to be, and it has been announced in accordance with the 90 billion. Right, put financial investment first in his industry introduction."

Everyone on the list of rich people not only introduces age, nationality, amount of assets, but also introduces his main assets.

For example, Bill Gates, behind the software; Carlos, behind the telecommunications media; Buffett behind the financial and so on.

Every year, Feng Yu’s name has many introductions. Of course, he writes diversified investments directly on the big list. However, the top ten are all detailed, and Feng Yu’s main investment is much richer than other rich people.

It seems that every field of Feng Yu's investment is extremely successful. In many fields, Feng Yu has achieved the world's first, which is incredible.

In fact, Steve was the one who first proposed that Feng Yu’s assets had already exceeded 100 billion US dollars, but no one noticed it. Or, many people are not willing to believe.

Forbes also has some of the world's top accountants, asset analysts and other teams to help them verify the assets of many rich people.

Some people want to go to the list, so they always falsely report their assets. They think it is a glory to board Forbes.

Some people like to conceal assets. There are also a few people like Feng Yu, most of them in Europe and Asia. They all seem to like Tibetan wealth.

Just like some people like to board the cover of the top magazine, like to accept interviews with top media, and some people do not like it.

Many sports tycoons, the clubs they run are simply losing money, but they are happy. Because their most profitable industry may not be ranked in the industry, they are not well known.

But after becoming a sports tycoon, not only did their fame rise so much, they could even board something like the cover of Time.

Don't think that they are for simple fame, these fame can also bring them rich profits.

Those sports fans will buy his company's stock, buy his company's products, and even when he needs financing, it's relatively easy. And these can also be transformed into their political and governance capital.

For example, the boss of the Italian football club did not become a general manager at the same time, and therefore also reached the tenth place in the world power list that year.

If it weren't for his team's good record and many fans, relying on his assets, he would be ranked as high as his Italian total.

Many of the rich will even stand up to the media after the publication of Forbes, claiming that Forbes has a problem with his asset evaluation, the evaluation is low, and his ranking is therefore lower.

There are many rich people in North America, Russia, China and East, and they all value this ranking very much. They think it is an honor.

After Steve read the document, the subordinates handed him another document with some forms of change in the ranking of the rich, which he needs to sign and confirm before he can be published in the magazine.

But when Steve saw the ranking of the top ten rich, he looked up in surprise: "Is this data verified?"

"We verified it and verified it many times. The top ten changes are a bit big, but they are absolutely true."

Steve’s eyes narrowed, and the top ten ranking changes were a bit big, but very big.

In addition to Feng Yu's first place without any wavering, the top ten rankings announced earlier this year have undergone great changes.

Many of the richest people's assets have shrunk severely this year, because the overall economy of the world is declining, especially the stock market has fallen the fastest. Those who rely on the high stock prices of listed companies and the relatively high assets of the listed companies have seriously shrunk their assets. .

For example, Buffett, second year last year, but this adjustment, adjusted Buffett to third, the assets are only one billion dollars higher than Bill Gates, the assets of both have been seriously shrunk.

But what surprised him the most was the second place on the list. Europe's richest man, Russia's richest Kirilenko, his ranking jumped to the second in the world, wealth valuation of 50 billion US dollars!

This Kirilenko, in this financial crisis, not only did the wealth not shrink, but also increased?

Many of Feng Yu's industries are unlisted. The impact of the stock market decline is not particularly large. Is this Kirilenko the same?

There is also Li Chaoren of Xiangjiang, who is ranked ninth with $21 billion. At the same time, Xiangjiang has a richest man who is the top ten, Fu Rongqi, with assets of 20 billion US dollars, ranking 10th.

China has three people on the list at the same time, this is the first time to create history!

India has changed from four at the beginning of the year to two. The top ten rankings have undergone tremendous changes.

And according to Steve's understanding of these list of richest people, when the "Forbes" rich list is announced early next year, there will definitely be changes.

Well, this time I want to focus on publicity. Maybe this issue of the magazine can make a breakthrough in sales. It would be best if you can lead Fortune and Business Week.

Yes, maybe you can talk to Feng and ask if he is willing to adjust the amount of property to more than $100 billion!

......The poor four said the second, thank you for the book friends, after the swearing, a huh, huh, 哒 哒 Meng Meng and other book friends, thank you, thank you

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