Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1838: Craving on Fortune

["Fortune" 500 top ranking is fair? This is simply a joke. Let’s take a look at their rankings last year. The huge loss of the same-use car, the Colese car, and the Furt car are all on the list. Now, Furter has sold more than half of its business, and the same car is on the verge of bankruptcy. How does such a company call it strong? 】

[And they also ranked Leiman Brothers Bank, Merrill Lynch Bank, etc. in the forefront last year, such as Bear Stearns, etc. is also on the list. The two-room group ranks in the top 100, but their financial creations and fakes can be discovered by serious research. Can such a company be on the list? 】

[I am very curious, what are the thoughts of the editors of Fortune, what is their scientific basis for ranking? How do they like to get a global forum, who gives them the qualifications? Why do they rank others' businesses, a small asset, only a small company of two or three hundred people, where is the enthusiasm? 】

[Amazon's ranking is behind the Leiman Brothers Bank, but the Amazon is still profitable this year, and in return for the shareholders, the Leiman Brothers Bank has gone bankrupt. Ancient songs are the most widely used search engine in the world, and they also have a number of patented technologies, so the ranking is so low? 】

[Fortune's ranking, I really can't understand, such a magazine, what credibility? They said that they have a guiding role for managers, so I would like to ask, who is the reference of Fortune, and thus make a lot of money for the company? 】

["Fortune" has always been smashed against me many times, I did not care, but does not mean that you can be unscrupulous. What is your so-called professional ethics? What is your fair report? Are your evaluations really pertinent? Those who have been rated as the best companies by you, why are they going bankrupt soon? 】

[Many people who read your magazine and bought the stocks of those companies, who should pay for their losses? Still, they should not believe it at all? 】

After Feng Yu published this long Twitter, he forwarded it to his Facebook. In North America, Facebook is better than Twitter, and Feng Yu has a lot of fans here. Even if he doesn't go to college in North America, he doesn't delay his use of Facebook.

This tweet was forwarded in large numbers, not only by Ralph and others, but also by Forbes. Steve was very excited. He didn't expect Feng to have invested in Forbes, and he had done such a big thing.

In fact, Steve wants to say that many of Forbes’ rankings have also had problems. But this has not been attacked by people, especially the sniper, or the world's richest man, the influence is even more different.

As the first big v in the network at this time, Feng Yu’s fans are already very scary, and with the help of the people, this has quickly become the hottest topic.

Traditional media reports may not have attracted much attention. After all, not everyone likes to watch economic news. In fact, most people like to watch those interesting news, which is why the entertainment gossip news, so many people pay attention.

But the online media is different. This is a fast spread, and many people can express their opinions and opinions at will, without worrying that no media will report.

The speeches on the Internet have not been screened by specialized reporters or editors.

Some people are purely watching the excitement, calling the world's richest man to sneak on Fortune magazine. Some people began to analyze Feng Yu's article, saying that they agree with the above points, or to supplement Feng Yu's point of view, or to refute Feng Yu's point of view, to make themselves look different, after all, not Everyone can talk to Feng Yu.

But in any case, this topic was quickly ranked first in the ancient song search, and occupied the top spot in Twitter, and it was also the faint first hot topic on the Asian side.

Feng Yu looked at the heat on the Internet and made a few phone calls to arrange it. He went to the roof of the villa and took a leisurely sun. Not to mention, the half-mountain villa on the Xiangjiang side is really very quiet, and it is quite good to come over for a few days.

The president of Fortune saw the news on the Internet and immediately contacted the editor. Fortune magazine is a dual-sequence operation, with a total of ~ editors and presidents, one responsible for content and one responsible for operations.

But just like a big company has both a president and a ceo, it seems to be a level, but it always has to be divided into a primary and secondary. Otherwise, once a conflict occurs, is it necessary to find a boss to mediate each time?

The same is true for Fortune magazine. Their president is responsible for operations, advertising revenue, and sales are all responsible for the president. He is the one who makes Fortune.

So sometimes, the total editor of Fortune will make some adjustments based on the requirements of the president. For example, Feng Yu is the president's request.

He believes that this can show the unique side of "Fortune". Even the richest man in the world can't let them surrender, so that it will be more fair and authoritative.

They have been doing this before, and there have been no problems. They think that Feng Yu is a compromise. After all, "Fortune" has been in business for so many years, backed by the world's top media, Times Bill, what was Bill Gates? They didn't care, they changed to a richest man, and they didn't care.

But they ignored it. Feng Yu is not Bill Gates, and this intention for Feng Yu is too obvious. It is also because Bill Gates can't stand it, let alone see Feng who is not pleasing to the eye. Yu.

They originally thought that Feng Yu had always given everyone the impression that he did not like to be interviewed. Even if it was Forbes, there was only one text interview and no pictures. However, there are also TV channels interviewed by Feng Yu, but it is a telephone interview, Feng Yu is not willing to leave the country.

It is said that Feng Yu often went to his team to watch the ball, but with the media ordered, he was not allowed to use his face shot, even if it would reduce the broadcast fee of their storm team, he did not care.

How many top media in the world want to interview Feng Yu, but they are not interviewed at all. Feng Yu does not deal with the media, this is their inherent impression.

Therefore, "Fortune" dare to do this. They think that Feng Yu will not pay attention to these, and may not even look at "Fortune" at all. After all, even if Feng Yu's subsidiaries are not listed in Fortune, the rankings are very low, so the executives of those subsidiaries will not pay attention to these reports.

In the view of Fortune, this is a default balance between the two sides.

But I did not expect that this time Feng Yu actually opened the guns on Twitter directly, and the words were fierce, quite worthy of the meaning of "Fortune".

They are Fortune, the second-largest business magazine in the world, second only to Business Week, and more popular than Forbes.

You Feng Yu just bought a share of Forbes, and came over to step on us? Just by this opportunity, let us "Fortune" step on you Feng Yu, become the world's first business magazine!


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