Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1851: Download trial competition

[Xox 2.0 started to think about Yinshan official website, even want to download free image files from Yinshan Software Park, even want to group official website, welcome users to try]

It’s not just advertisements on the Internet, but even the subway stations and TVs have ads that even think about Yinshan.

Why is Microsoft's past life profitable, because of its monopoly dominance, do not need to advertise, their products are not 愁****** as they then have agreements with almost all pc manufacturers, in those pc manufacturers Retail outlets such as stores must have Microsoft's advertising, and they must also help sell software products such as Microsoft's system disk.

Although Microsoft gave those business outlets a fee, it was much cheaper than Microsoft's own business outlets, and borrowed all the PC manufacturers' outlets to make their sales channels exceptionally good.

But this world has a different place. For example, even the group directly rejected Microsoft's request, and even the PCs they sold did not use Microsoft's systems and software.

Other PC manufacturers have also seen it, and they have begun to raise prices with Microsoft. We can help you with the agency, but the cost of the agency must rise, otherwise we will push the products of Yinshan.

Microsoft has been forced to advertise, mainly to advertise in some electronic products market to attract users. Of course, some online advertisements are also included, which they think are the best.

But now that I saw the advertisement of Yinshan, I found out that even Yinshan was so crazy. Selling a software, are you advertising on TV and subway stations?

How much does this cost increase, and how many sets of software do you have to sell to earn back?

Many companies rely on advertising to enhance brand value and increase product sales, but for companies that are in absolute dominance, they simply don't need it.

For example, Wal-Mart does not advertise almost unless it is in a new market. Even so, Wal-Mart's sales are still looking for other supermarket chains.

Taihua Supermarket Group, in China, is not advertising at all. Even if it is a holiday sales card, it will only be promoted at the door of the supermarket. Naturally, customers will come to buy it.

At this time, Microsoft's dominance has been seriously challenged, and even if Yinshan has not yet climbed to the first place, so even after thinking that Yinshan began to advertise on such a large scale, Microsoft also began to advertise.

Many companies feel that the two software companies are crazy. You are now offering an image file for a free trial. It was originally an advertisement. In order to make this advertisement even more hot, you have to do a lot of advertising. This is not crazy. What is it?

If your system has been officially launched, then you can understand more advertising, what is this now!

The happiest of these is the fruit company. They are eager to hope that the two companies can lose both sides, so the fruit company can emerge from the cracks. Maybe some companies are willing to cooperate with their fruit companies to adopt the hardware structure of the fruit company. Program and use the fruit company's system software.

It was only after two days that the fruit company could not laugh.

Md Microsoft and even want to Yinshan brain damage, your trial version download is also time-limited, how to do advertising is not finished?

At this time, the fruit company's system is also in the process of upgrading, they also hope that users can download their products for trial, but now everyone thinks about the system, the first reaction is not Microsoft's win7, or even think of Yinshan's xOS2.0, No one noticed that their fruit company also released a new generation of operating systems.

Jobs felt very wrong, which made it clear that it was financially pressed. Although the fruit company launched two new products, iphone and ipad, the sales volume is not satisfactory, and it is far from being comparable with previous life.

Past fruit companies are leading the trend, and now, just a follower. And their iphone and ipad are directly defined as the second gear, the wind and rain smart machine and l-pad are the best of its kind, the most powerful.

The fruit company's products have not been cost-effective, but the performance is strong, and in many designs, there are unique features.

But in this world, their performance is still not high, the performance is no longer outstanding, how to sell? In order to stimulate sales, their mobile phones, tablets, etc. are all cutting prices, but unfortunately still not selling well.

Many brands that have joined the hos camp are now able to sell to them.

This year's economic crisis has caused the fruit company's profits to plummet. Even two new products, the research and development costs at this time have not been recovered, let alone advertising costs.

The economic crisis itself will lead to a decline in the purchasing power of the market, even if the sales of wind and rain smart phones and l-pads have slowed down.

But others are still making money, still the best-selling products, but they can't.

In fact, the fruit company's chip is also changing to the arm architecture. Tablets and smart phones are already the architecture. Some people inside the company are even saying that they want to talk to Yinshan and join the hos alliance.

With the combination of fruit company technology and even the development of software and hardware products, it will definitely stand out in the league.

But this article was rejected by Jobs. They are fruit companies. How can technology companies that change the world be attached to others?

Jobs believes that even if Yinshan will lose to Microsoft this time, because a company like Microsoft will never fall in the same place, twice.

Even after the retreat of Yinshan, it is the opportunity for their fruit company to rise, win in chaos, and save costs.

In fact, Jobs also planned a bottom-up plan, that is, it will directly acquire all the arms and purchase them at a premium, so that the arm's architecture technology is completely in the hands of their fruit companies, and they can have capital and negotiate with other companies. Including what I want to think about the group.

But unfortunately, Arm's shareholders are very scattered, and what Jobs doesn't know is that when Feng Yu became a shareholder, there are provisions in the agreement. Any major shareholder intends to sell the shares, Feng Yu has the right of first refusal.

At that time, other shareholders signed the package without hesitation. Anyway, they did not lose anything. If they wanted to sell it, there would be a stable buyer who could take over. But this way, the strategy of Jobs was broken.

Even the advertisement of Yinshan has been going on for a month, that is, from the download provided by xos2.0, until the end, the advertisement has not stopped, even the last day.

At this time, Microsoft's win7 and even the number of downloads of Yinshan xos2.0 are also counted. Microsoft has about 2.5 million or so, and even wants Yinshan to reach 5 million!

In the first battle, I even wanted Yinshan to win!


Ps: Today is two more, the fourth child has a fever, bodyache, brain swelling, can not write, forgive me

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