Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1857: Management needs humanization

Feng Yu saw that Huang Fatzi was so determined and decided to help him again. He told some of the experiences he knew to Huang Fatzi. It is good to have a little help. ??

"Old Huang, everyone has dreams, and many people are on their way to dreaming, including me."

Huang Fatzi and others are all speechless. If a world is rich, don’t talk about what is on the road to struggle. You are still on the road. What are we counting, just getting started?

I know how to say your child online now. Parents of the family are striving hard for the child's starting point. Your child is born directly at the end of the struggle!

You are in this position, how many people can't dream of dreaming.

"Don't laugh, every time, the dreams are different. I used to think that letting my family live a little better is enough, and then I will retired when I am 30, and I should be able to spend the rest of my life for my family." ""

"Later, when I really had so much money, I began to think, is it enough to make money that I can’t spend in my life? Is the real name of a rich world really my ultimate dream?"

Kirilenko is pouting, the world is still not the ultimate dream, then what? If you give your shares to your children and let me be rich in the world for two years, I will believe you.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. At this time, I think more, how can I make more people and make their lives better. Many people say that I am exclusive, but not absolute. I The relationship with the brothers, the whole world knows. There are many people such as Kamen Masato, Ralph, and so on. They are not Chinese, not even Chinese, but have I ever rejected them?"

"Including the fact that I have acquired a lot of shares in many companies abroad, so that they have become my subsidiaries, but those companies have the power to manage, I never intervene, even if they are crony, I will not say because they are appointed close People, first and foremost capable people."

"They are also shareholders of the company. If the company makes less money, they also suffer. And my trust in them will not make them betray me."

Everyone has a word in their hearts, and it is very important that those people do not dare to betray you. Was hacked by the world's rich, but no one dared to try.

“I send financial staff to rotate every year to check the financial problems of each company, but for many years, there have been no major problems. Although there are still a lot of small problems, they can all understand, and the heads of those companies are also active. I paid for this part of my money."

As the person in charge of the company, he is the first responsible person in any link. Feng Yu has already set rules for the subsidiaries, financial problems, financial officers are responsible, but the company's responsible person must also be punished, because financial problems are ultimately signed by the company's responsible person.

You have the ultimate right to sign, then you have to bear the ultimate responsibility. Those who pay for their own pockets can understand that human feelings are human conditions, institutions are systems, and company management cannot rely solely on human feelings.

For example, if the family members of the company are seriously ill, the company will reimburse the medical expenses. This is definitely not the case. Even if the hospital is subordinate to the head office, it is no problem to donate directly in the name of the company. Even after Feng Yu knew it, Feng Yu himself was often pocketed. The system cannot be destroyed, and the human condition can be expressed in other ways.

“All employees of the company can raise their salary as long as they have passed the job assessment. They are raised every year. According to the rating, the salary increase is different. Every employee who works in our company will let them have their own Satisfied with the salary, satisfied with the benefits that the company gave him."

"We not only pay attention to employees, but also pay attention to the family members of our employees. We not only pay attention to the material life of employees, but also care about the spiritual life of employees. Let employees regard the company as their second home. We must avoid negative emotions and hate the company to work."

"You will feel that I have something to do with the foundry of Lao Huang. I have to say that there is a great relationship. What is the most at the foundry is the workers in the front line."

"Not those managers, not the technicians, the frontline workers, is the biggest wealth of a foundry. Like the wind and rain logistics of my brother-in-law, he has always believed that those couriers are the company's most important wealth. They are not only the people who communicate directly with customers, but also the hardest people, and serve customers with rain or shine."

"So how to make these workers have a sense of belonging to the company, that the company does not treat them badly, and to peel them off is the best way for them to make profits for the company."

“In the case of Fu Shikang, they chose to build factories in poverty-stricken areas, and then asked for local investment to ensure the three links and one level, that is, water, electricity, access and peace, which greatly saved them. The cost also avoids a lot of trouble."

"In this kind of place, because of poverty, it can attract the enterprises of this level of Fu Shikang, and it is still very attractive to the local. These conditions will also give financial and policy support, and the local operation will be Not difficult."

"Fu Shikang certainly has a commitment to give priority to local people, but what is their salary level? According to the local minimum wage, for example, the local minimum monthly salary of 800, then they work eight hours a day, every Friday. The salary is 800 yuan, not a penny."

"Some places, even less than 800, because they have food and shelter, although they usually live in eight-person dormitory, which is worse than many schools in the past, and it is very bad to eat, and some have to pay. ”

"But if everyone works only for eight hours, then if there are three classes of workers working 24 hours a day, then their investment in accommodation and food will be much higher. At this time they think of a good way. That is to encourage workers to work overtime."

“Overtime work also according to national standards, double the double, triple the triple, so that workers can make more money, they can also save money in accommodation. Moreover, it is more convenient to manage. After all, it is not easy to cultivate a skilled worker. Moreover, it can also be publicized, and their workers are highly paid."

"Do you think they are losing money? No, they won't lose money at all, because many people simply can't get the full salary. They have customized the production quota for each worker, and stipulate how many products you want to produce in one shift. If it is completed, it will be paid in full, and if there is a bonus, but most people can’t complete it, then their salary will naturally be deducted. This is also reasonable and legal.”

"Working in such a company, do you think those workers will have no complaints? There is no comparison, maybe many people will not say anything. Once the workers are made aware of how humanized your business is, you guess the result of Fu Shikang will be What?"

Fu Guangzheng and others are wide-eyed. There are so many doorways in it. Feng Yu knows about the foundry. It seems that Feng Yu did not consider doing OEM work, but Huang Fatzi first did it. Feng Yu gave it to him only, or said that the profit of the foundry, Feng Yu has long been invisible!


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