Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1859: Tragic fruit company

A small news came out on the Internet. This year, three influential PC operating system R&D companies released new products, Microsoft, and even Yinshan and Fruit Company.

Among them, even the most downloaded version of Yinshan, Microsoft's second, fruit companies are only their fraction.

What's interesting is that even the operating systems of Yinshan and Microsoft have appeared to be the source of the stolen version, and they contain the Trojan virus, but the fruit company does not.

In such a short period of time, I would like to plant a Trojan virus for even the new systems of Yinshan and Microsoft. It is not something that ordinary people can do. It must have extremely good software technology. And to be so fast, you need at least one high-performance server.

There are so many news, when it comes to this, there is no more behind.

However, netizens began to make up their brains automatically. The three companies were the biggest companies in the PC operating system. Both of them were attacked. The family did not. What does this mean?

The fruit companies are fully satisfied with the prerequisites mentioned above.

There are even people who assert that fruit companies are behind the scenes, except for fruit companies, other companies can't do it!

This sentence sounds like a good fruit company, but the fruit company really does not want this compliment. In fact, there are still a lot of software companies that can do this. The global software company ranks well, and the fruit company can't even get into the top five. The top ten is barely qualified.

There are many companies that can do it. Why do we say that our fruit company does it? Just because we also launched a new generation of PC operating system?

However, our fruit company does not rely on the system to make money at all. We are selling PCs and other applications to make money, and of course include some other consumer electronics.

Let's go to the other two software companies that are doing the system to find trouble. Is the other two companies affected by a Trojan virus? Is it because of a Trojan virus that many people can switch to the products of our fruit company?

If this is the case, then this black pot is back, we also recognize it, but this is really not the case.

The fruit company's products have fallen sharply this year, and their systems often need to be updated and maintained, and many viruses are specifically targeted at them.

The fruit company wants to know who is the gossip that comes out, what do you want to do, and why do you put dirty water on their fruit company?

At this time, if you want Yinshan and Microsoft to stand up and say something to the fruit company, then things can be easily revealed.

Jobs first called Bill Gates, both of whom were competitors and friends. Bill Gates always wanted to let Jobs do with him, but unfortunately the two people have very different ideas about the development of the product, so in the end, Jobs did not go to Microsoft.

Even if Jobs was swept out by the fruit company, he was opening his own company instead of accepting the position of Microsoft executives.

When the fruit company suffered a major crisis in the world, Bill Gates also made a billion dollars to help the fruit company to tide over the difficulties, so this time Jobs believes that Bill Gates should be willing to help them clarify, Microsoft, Will it be necessary to rely on others to fight against opponents?

But this time, let Jobs down, Bill Gates rejected Jobs’ request. What to say, the two sides are also competitive, he has no reason to promote the competition, unless the fruit company can become a subsidiary of Microsoft, but the fruit company is absolutely not willing.

Although their share prices are declining, sales are declining, but they are still making profits. Why should a profitable company sell?

In fact, Bill Gates wants to annex the fruit company. It is not a day or two. Microsoft has not merged with other companies in the past few years. Many of their outstanding engineers are packaged when they acquire other companies.

The reason why I couldn’t swallow the fruit company was to help the fruit company to tide over the difficulties. It’s not really because Bill Gates is so good with Jobs, but once there is no fruit company, then Microsoft must be a monopoly. It is.

If the monopoly is monopolized, it will be forced to split. If Microsoft is split into several companies, then the advantages will be much smaller. Not only will other projects not develop so well, but they will also affect overall profit and industry status.

Even if the fruit company was not merged, Microsoft was not almost forced to split. With a large team of lawyers, after a long period of hard defense, Microsoft remained intact.

However, Microsoft still paid a high fine, and was forced to disclose some of the source code. This is one of the reasons that prompted Microsoft to make vista as soon as possible. It is necessary to make changes on the kernel, which is different from xp and other systems to prevent the system. Was cracked.

But now the situation is different, even wanting Yinshan to be born, based on mature linux, developed the xos system, and seized a lot of market at low prices.

In addition, they have the backing of the world's first PC manufacturer and even the group, which poses a strong challenge to Microsoft's position.

So now no one can say that Microsoft is a monopoly enterprise. Microsoft's business, even if you want to go to Yinshan, from the PC operating system, to office software, to web browsers, all are competing with Microsoft, and even Many products are better than Microsoft, such as the hos system.

As a result, Microsoft does not need to continue to help the fruit company, and now the fruit company is in trouble again, Microsoft is too happy to come, how can you reach out to help?

If the fruit company is more affected and loses, it is a good opportunity for Microsoft to annex the fruit company. In this way, Microsoft can enter the hardware and the whole machine market with great enthusiasm. Just like the group, it is not afraid that other PC manufacturers will resist it.

Although Jobs is a friend of Bill Gates, Bill Gates can't ignore the development of Microsoft for him. Besides, this gossip is not from their Microsoft, and he came out to help clarify.

Jobs had no choice but to turn to Liu Chuanzhi again. He hoped that even the group would like to even say that Yinshan could come forward to say something to the fruit company. This matter is absolutely irrelevant to the fruit company. They can, in many ways, be willing to think about it. The group has cooperated and the fruit company still has many valuable patented technologies.

But it is a pity that this was rejected by Liu Chuanzhi ruthlessly.

How did this happen? He certainly knew that Ralph was looking for someone to release the gossip and let it ferment, but he didn't expect the fermentation to be so fast, making the fruit company so passive.

Business competition is very cruel, and it is common for peers to sneak up on each other. Even in many cases, they will send business to the other company's company.

The fruit company always imitates their business, and it is the most successful enterprise that imitates. Liu Chuanzhi has long been dissatisfied. This time, the fruit company is also unlucky. When the boss competes with the old one, it is absolutely impossible to let the old three take the opportunity. Rise!


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