Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1866: Genetically Modified Food

After leaving Zhang Ruiqiang, Feng Yu turned around and entered another courtyard not far away. Lu Shao was here to work.

At this time, Lu Shao looked calm and a lot, perhaps because he was very old, or his status was already there. There was no such thing as Feng Yu’s arrogance when he first saw him.

Seeing that Feng Yu came in, Lu Shao put down the pen and turned off the monitor of the computer. He walked out from the desk and pulled Feng Yu to sit on the sofa.

"I changed the unit, you finally came to see me." Lu Shao said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, your unit has changed too hard, I really want to come, and it is really a bit busy recently."

Feng Yu thought that after Lu Shao went to the place, he should have been in the place for one or two sessions. If he knew that he had not worked for two years, he would return to the committee.

But this time, Lu Shao has come to such a unit. Food and Drug Supervision and Management ~ Bureau, is this less experienced?

Feng Yu seriously suspected that because of such a vacancy, Lu Shao’s family made a force and gave Lu Shaosai a come in. After two years of work and then going to the next place, it was a proper seal.

As for whether Lu Shao has experience or not, this person does not care at all. Anyway, he does not need Lu Shao to go to the front line for testing. He is doing administrative work.

"Just you are here, I still have something to ask you to inquire." Seeing Feng Yu came, Lu Shao felt that he was not sure about it, maybe Feng Yu knew how to solve it. After all, Feng Yu went so much. The place, the knowledge is much wider than him.

“Have you heard about genetically modified crops? Is it genetically modified cotton, genetically modified corn, or genetically modified soybeans?”

When Feng Yu heard these words, he hesitated and asked: "Why, is the domestic plan to promote GM crops?"

If it is only a cash crop, then Feng Yu does not care that it can produce more cotton. This is a good thing. But what about cottonseed oil?

Moreover, corn and soybeans are used as food crops at this time. They are eaten. Although this genetically modified product is eaten, although it is not clearly proved to be harmful, who knows the incubation period of this hazard?

"GMO cotton, we have been vigorously promoted in China, and now most of the cotton grown in our country is genetically modified, that is, bt cotton, bt is a pesticide."

"Now we are not sure whether we should vigorously promote genetically modified corn and soybeans, genetically modified crops, the output is indeed much higher, and the oil yield is higher."

"Let's say, if we are all genetically modified soybean oil, then the price of ordinary soybean oil should be reduced by nearly half. Is this affordable for many people?"

Feng Yu looked at Lu Shao: "What are you hesitating?"

"It is not a question of whether this genetic modification is safe. We have also organized a number of experts to conduct research experiments, and no significant harm to the human body has been found."

“But many experts say that it is impossible to prove that there is no harm to the human body. Some people even want to recruit volunteers to conduct experiments, or simply they use their own experiments. They insist that after changing the protein traits, the safety of food is definitely not guaranteed. ""

"You have a lot of knowledge. I haven’t run less around the world in these years. What do you think of this? What's the saying on the foreign side?"

Feng Yu smiled and asked: "So you are willing to eat genetically modified soybean oil?"

Lu Shaoqi smiled: "There are non-genetically modified, what do I eat genetically modified?"

"Yes, you are worried. Whether the experts have demonstrated the results, but they are short-term, there is no long-term experiment. Many of the illnesses have a long incubation period, which can't be found in a short time."

“And those developed countries are basically not eating GM foods. They have developed GM food crop seeds and then sold them to underdeveloped countries to profit. Do you think that something is wrong?”

Lu Shaoyan's big eyes: "Is there really a problem with genetically modified food?!"

"I don't know." Feng Yu shook his head. "But since it is impossible to determine its safety, then it is all safe. If you can avoid it, I think it is better to avoid it. Otherwise, it is a big problem. ”

"Although the non-GMO production is low and the oil yield is low, it is safe to eat. As for how to explain this to the people, it is not too difficult."

Lu Shao was curious. They thought about this for a long time and didn't think of a good way. Feng Yu thought of this? Even if Feng Yu is a genius, there is no demon ~ to this point?

“Lu Shao is sure to know that soy oil is pressed and leached. Many people have doubts about the chemical leaching method. They think that there are residues that will damage the body. So after a period of time, the state stipulates that pressing oil and leaching oil, I have to make a clear mark on the bottle. This suggestion is what I proposed."

At the beginning, Taihua selected oil, but it was sold from the northeast to Nanyue, and later merged into the northern warehouse, which is exported to many countries.

"You mean, mark on the bottle, is it genetically modified oil, and then hand it over to the people to choose?"

Feng Yu nodded: "Yes, according to the existing technical research data, published to the general public. Let them know that the difference between genetically modified and non-GM. If it is really no money, then eating genetically modified soybean oil is also OK, At least it’s better than not eating oil?”

"My suggestion is that we better prohibit the cultivation and promotion of genetically modified foods. It must be strictly prohibited to prevent some people from intentionally mixing for money."

"As for genetically modified food, we can import it from abroad. Even if we import it to us, it is cheaper than non-GMO. After all, the output is much higher."

"Some things don't have to be concealed at all. They tell people directly that people in developed countries don't eat genetically modified foods, but they don't prove that they have any harm to the body. Let them choose their own, better than we can help them choose."

Lu Shao interrupted Feng Yu's words: "Wait, not right, you just said that let the people choose their own, how can I stop the cultivation and promotion of genetically modified foods, isn't that we made choices?"

Feng Yu smiled and asked: "So you think it should not be banned? Although this will increase the price of edible oil, does it really have such a big impact on the lives of the people?"

"If the future proves that this is really harmful, do you feel it in your heart? Even if it proves that there is no harm, how much can we lose?"

Huaxia is richer than this time ago. The financial crisis in China was not affected much. The cost of spending dozens of soyoil in a month is not significant for most people. Many people still eat more expensive. Peanut oil.

Lu Shao bite his teeth: "You are right, this matter, I have to report to the above, this GM food, we can not plant in the future!"


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