Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1875: who is it?

"The board of directors convened in advance, everyone has some doubts. This time I want to talk about this year's business situation, not at the end of the year to make shareholders dividends or give employees dividends, but about the rise of our Litop Group shares."

Hearing the words of Skinner, all the directors were confused. The group's stock has risen, and of course they all know, but is there any problem with this? This is a good thing.

After checking these words, Skinner was observing every director. The result was disappointing. It seemed that everyone had normal expressions and there was no strange place. Is it possible for these people to be quiet, or do they not disclose the company’s secrets at all?

If it is the former, then fortunately, I can always find a way to find out, if it is the latter, it would be interesting.

“The stocks of the three listed companies of the group are all rising, and the range is not low. Everyone does not think that this situation is familiar?”

One director guessed: "Chairman, do you mean that BHP must once again want to force the acquisition of our company? This is impossible. We don't have so many stocks in circulation now. Last time the company didn't buy back a lot. Even if they are all acquired, it will not help."

Skinner looked at the director: "If it must be the same as the previous one, will we throw away our stocks again?"

If a shareholder holding a large number of stocks suddenly sells the company's stock, the stock may fall. At this time, if you use the leverage, you can make a profit.

However, even if it is suspected of **** the market, they are not afraid of being investigated. Although it is easy to cover up these situations as long as the operation is successful and you don't want to make a profit, it is not without trace.

"Chairman, must and should not dare to do this? If they really did, we can't make a big deal now, and then buy them back when they sell, and the loss will be necessary."

Skinner looked at the director who spoke and shook his head: "If we sell, then it falls into their trap. Now the stocks in the market have little effect on the company. If we continue to sell, then the stocks in the market The quantity will be more than 50% again!"

"Chairman, we can also raise the stock price and let them pay more. Bet and Botto, although the turnover and profits are higher than ours this year, but the cash should not be much? Really start the acquisition war with us, they also I can't afford it." The director said that he did not agree.

“Don't you forget, do we need to invest in the aluminum industry? If we start a acquisition battle with them, then it is necessary to mobilize a large amount of liquidity. When will our investment in the aluminum industry be enough?”

“We acquired the aluminum company in Canada and wanted to strengthen our position in the aluminum industry. If there is no money to invest, it will become cumbersome.”

"And we are talking about cooperation with Huaxia Aluminum. Huaxia Aluminum plans to invest about 20 billion US dollars to buy some of our convertible bonds. If our stock price suddenly fluctuates greatly, then we are not suffering, or Huaxia Aluminum is suffering. Can cooperation be successful?"

“Zhao Zhao of Huaxia Aluminum has not come over because of the time relationship. He also has a vote on the board of directors. It is of vital importance for us to enter the Chinese market. If Huaxia Aluminum is parting with us, we will acquire Canadian Aluminum. Things are completely meaningless!"

Everyone heard Skinner’s words and felt a little headache. Who is this tm, is it okay to buy a lot of our stocks?

They want to think about it, and they feel that they must be suspected, but the suspicion is not big.

Even if it is said that Bibi will want to acquire their Lituo Group, this industry knows, but the last forced acquisition failed, they clearly have already died down, and they also sold their Lituo Group shares and returned funds.

Is it because they know that the Lituo Group wants to carry out deeper cooperation with Huaxia Aluminum, so they chose this method to obstruct?

However, this method of obstruction is not mentally handicapped. It is obviously a thousand injured and self-damaged.

Or are other competitors in the industry, such as Rice International, or Vale?

I don't know who ignited the first cigar first. In a short while, everyone in the conference room smoked with a cigar. The cigar smoke itself was thick. In less than five minutes, the meeting room was full of smoke.

The assistant to the chairman knocked in the door: "Chairman, director Zhao of Huaxia asked us to open a video conference, he wants to participate."

This request is very reasonable, and Skinner can't refuse. He took the lead to extinguish the cigar, and then let people ventilate the meeting room, just as he wanted to talk to Director Zhao. Is this a problem in China?

Director Zhao’s video was connected. He asked about the progress of the board of directors. Then he began to ask questions. Why did the stock of Lituo Group suddenly rise across the board? Is it the company’s holdings? Why didn’t he know?

If the stock price rises, then the same amount of money will be used, the number of stocks that can be obtained will be less, and the equity will naturally be lower.

Huaxia Aluminum intends to increase its shareholding in the Lituo Group and increase its control. After all, China's demand for aluminum, iron and copper minerals is increasing. If it is not financially difficult, they still want to directly acquire all of the company.

Mr. Zhao feels that this is the conspiracy of the Liantuo board of directors, raising the stock price, wanting Huaxia Aluminum to make more money, or get less stocks. If he does not know as a director, then he can claim compensation according to the contract. .

Skinner explained to Zhao Director that for a long time, the company’s money has not moved, and it will end soon this year. The money on the company’s account is intended to distribute dividends to shareholders. These can be found.

And such a big acquisition, they do not have so much money for these directors, certainly not what they do. They are also looking for who is doing it.

At this time, a director hesitated: "Chairman, directors, the Polar Bear Mining Group had contacted us a few days ago and said that they want to acquire our company. Do you remember this?"

Everyone suddenly realized that, right, the Polar Bear Mining Group is also one of the top companies in the mining industry, and the world's richest man, Feng Yu, and the world's second richest Kirilenko joined forces.

They all said that during the financial crisis this year, not only did they not lose money, but their fund companies made a fortune. They want to expand the size of the mining industry, which is normal.

But last time they said that they would talk again after the next year. Can the two can't wait to start buying their company's stock in advance?

But if it is them, you can continue to talk about it. The last time Skinner didn't retire, why did you buy their stocks crazy in the stock market?

Isn't it not them, who else can it be?


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