Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1880: Hua Aluminum CEO

Although the people of these foundations did not know Feng Yu, they saw Feng Yu coming out from the office of President Wu, and those directors were very respectful to them. They all speculated that this was the person who Taihua Holdings had inspected, each It is already customary for executives of Taihua Holdings to inspect in the month.

Although the foundation is only Feng Yu’s personal donation, but the accounts are subject to the temperance of Taihua Holdings.

After reading a circle, Feng Yu is still quite satisfied. Although it is already close to the Spring Festival, everyone has not experienced slackness. What kind of work should be done seriously?

Many charitable foundation staff members have very low salaries, and there are even many volunteers who are free. However, Feng Yu did not ask for it. He felt that it was not fair to let people work for free. Anyway, he was not bad.

In this way, these people can work more seriously, otherwise they will not be able to raise their salaries, and they will be easily poked by the backbone. People Feng always pays for good deeds. You don’t have a good job with a high salary. Who are you?

At this time, the Taihua Education Fund is mainly based on donations from the northwest and southwest regions. Although there are relatively few people there, they are even poorer. As for the city, many of them are not short of money. The city itself has a lot of funds every year, not to mention that many schools also recruit some self-funded students and charge for school fees.

Going to school, increasing your knowledge, and your ability will increase. Some of them are willing to return to their hometowns, so they can slowly change their hometown.

Many college graduates who have returned to their hometowns to start a business can get an interest-free entrepreneurial support loan from the Taihua Charity Foundation to help them get rich with their hometown people.

A lot of problems are actually not too difficult to solve, not to think about it, but to have no money. The country is large, with high incomes every year, but there are many places to spend money. Just like the wealthy country of Saudi Arabia, it is not necessary to go to China to buy intercontinental guides, because they also know that there is no military strength, and there is money and no money. They belong to the kind of serious partiality.

Feng Yu has money, and he can't spend it himself.

Back in the upstairs office, Feng Yu leaned back in the chair, holding an electronic paper book, and leisurely watching online novels.

Nowadays, online novels are becoming more and more prosperous, and there are more and more authors. With Feng Yu’s very embarrassing taste, I can find many books that feel good. I usually use it to relax and occasionally smile. That is enough. .

“Chairman, there is a Mr. Zhao who claims to be the chairman of Huaxia Aluminum. He came to visit.” Someone knocked on the door to report.

Feng Yu put down the electric paper book, the chairman of Huaxia Aluminum, this is because of the Lituo Group?

Anyway, it’s okay now, Feng Yu looks at the watch, it’s almost time to have lunch.

"Take him to the restaurant and ask someone to prepare. I will have a meal with him."

In the wind and rain building, most of them are the office space of Taihua Holdings or its subsidiaries. The big cities like Beijing and Modu are still in the office building area. Many people eat lunch at noon, or simply bring rice from home, and then The pantry is heated in a microwave oven.

Originally, there was a banquet hall in the building. Later, Feng Yu let them open the canteen to the outside world. The staff used the meal card to eat. It was hygienic, not expensive, and it was nutritious and delicious. The executives could also eat a small restaurant and dine for a customer. It is also more convenient.

Going down to the small restaurant and entering the box, Feng Yu saw a middle-aged man in his forties.

Seeing that Feng Yu came in, Zhao Cheng extended his hands: "This is Chairman Feng, I am Zhao Cheng, the person in charge of Huaxia Aluminum."

"Zhao Dong knows me?" Feng Yu asked with a smile and smiled.

"Although I have never seen the face of Chairman Feng, I can guess the temperament of Chairman Feng." Zhao Cheng will speak.

"Sit and taste the craftsmanship of our chef here. What kind of wine Zhao Dong likes to drink, I have wine in many countries around the world."

Feng Yu didn't drink very much. The other executives of the company didn't drink too often, but Kirilenko often came over and Feng Yu prepared it for him.

"I heard that Chairman Feng didn't like to drink alcohol. I dared to come over. My blood pressure is relatively high, and I rarely drink alcohol."

"Ha ha ha, well, I am asking people to prepare a little fresh juice. Zhao Dong, are you coming to me this time to raise the group?" Feng Yu did not circle, asked directly.

“Fr. Feng asked, then I will say it straight. Our Huaxia Aluminum Industry is the largest shareholder of the Lituo Group, with a shareholding ratio of 9%. I am also a director of the Lituo Group.”

“I heard that Chairman Feng intends to acquire the Lito Group together with Mr. Kirilenko of Russia. I wonder if this rumor is true or false?”

"How is it true, what is fake? How do you want this news to be true or false?" Feng Yu smiled and asked.

"I personally hope that this news is true. Although Huaxia Aluminum is a shareholder of the Lituo Group, it is plainly said that the shareholding ratio, the board of directors has only one seat, what can be decided?"

“Our Huaxia Aluminum is also ranked third in the aluminum industry. In fact, we really want to get to the first place. Unfortunately, when we last auctioned the Canadian Aluminum, it was still in the hands of the Lituo Group.”

“If Chairman Feng acquired the Lituo Group, I wonder if I am willing to sell this business to us?”

Feng Yu glanced at Zhao Cheng: "You are ranked third in the aluminum industry. This first seems to be the Lituo Group? If I acquired the Lituo Group, I don't want to grow it, but also sell the most advantageous business. For you, do you think it is possible? But if I really bought the Lituo Group and Huaxia Aluminum wants to sell it, I can consider buying it."

The little fish wants to eat the big fish, and it is really beautiful.

Zhao Cheng couldn’t see the embarrassment on his face. Then he said: "I also think that Chairman Feng will not agree. I just asked me to ask, I have to ask. But even if Chairman Feng does not agree, we are in the aluminum. It’s okay to start cooperation, is it?”

“Either technology and capital, we are not bad, and we have factories and markets. You have raw materials and minerals, and we can effectively reduce costs, expand markets and enhance competitiveness. This is a win-win situation.”

"And in the ocean transportation, we can also cooperate. We are the state-owned enterprises in China, and Chairman Feng will not mind to cooperate with us?"

Feng Yu looked at Zhao Cheng, who was talking about it, and asked slowly: "Zhao Dong, you said these are all good, but who told you, I want to buy Lituo Group, and how do you expect it, I will buy What about success?"

Zhao Cheng’s face changed: “French Chairman, aren’t you going to buy the Lito Group?!”


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