Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1882: Helping each other

Zhao Cheng’s brain is running at a rapid speed, thinking about his own advantages and being able to impress Feng Yu.

The core of cooperation between many companies may be a condition, even if there are still more than a dozen good conditions, it is not as good as this one.

Zhao Cheng originally wanted to let Huaxia Aluminum cooperate with Litopu Group. The market and channels of Huaxia are his biggest capital and capital, but the second one. Which big companies do not want to enter the Chinese market?

But these are not attractive to Feng Yu. Can Hua Xia stop foreign companies and stop people? Feng Yu’s status can be too much on his boss.

Zhao Cheng suddenly thought of what Feng Yu had just said. Feng Yu wanted to acquire the Lituo Group, and their Huaxia Aluminum Industry happened to be the largest shareholder of the Lituo Group. He was also a director of the board of directors.

Zhao Cheng looked up: "French Chairman, if I first sell the shares held by Huaxia Aluminum to you?"

Feng Yu smiled, this Zhaocheng finally understood. Yes, Feng Yu wants this promise.

When it is time to buy shares in the hands of other shareholders, Huaxia Aluminum does not sell this, Feng Yu is nothing, there is an idea in the case of Kiri Lenko.

The acquisition and the establishment of the joint venture company will benefit both parties. Kirilenko will not object. This is completely different from direct shareholding.

Zhao Cheng is not worried that Feng Yu will lie to him. Feng Yu still loves his reputation. For the sake of money, he is not worth the candle.

"Zhao Dong, this condition is very good, but not enough."

not enough? Zhao Cheng is counted back, this is the best condition he can think of, what conditions are there to be able to impress Feng Yu?

Can you say that you make concessions on the joint venture? This he did not dare to agree.

According to the requirements of Huaxia at this time, the joint venture company can, but the joint venture of some important industries must not allow the foreign party to control.

This aluminum industry is also an important industry. Although Feng Yu owns shares in the Polar Bear Mining Group, after all, the Polar Bear Mining Group is a subsidiary of the Polar Bear Group. Feng Yu is also indirectly through the wind and rain holding group, the wind and rain holding group, registered place It is also overseas.

Therefore, the minimum requirement is that Huaxia Aluminum holds 50% of the shares. No one else can decide for themselves. Everything must be discussed. The joint venture company is registered in China, then Huaxia Aluminum has a home advantage, or slightly prevailed.

If Feng Yu asks for a concession on the stock, even if it is one percent, Zhao Cheng can't promise. He promised, and the upper head will also stop, and then his fart ~ shares will move.

Even if the cooperation is not successful, he also affects promotion at most, but when talking about an idiot condition, it is at least a demotion, and may even be characterized as dereliction of duty. His head is not lacking in the roots, will he make that stupid x decision?

"French Chairman, what are your conditions, just say it." He didn't want to continue to guess. In such a short time, he didn't even have a discussion, and he could guess as accurately.

If he said some other conditions, Feng Yu agreed, they Huaxia Aluminum will not lose?

"I want you to help the Lituo Group's board of directors, and move more directors to promote our wholly-owned acquisition."

Zhao Cheng brows up, how, Feng Yu is not sure about this acquisition?

It is rumored that this Feng Yu is not very rich, or is it with the world's second richest people, are they insufficient funds? Or do they not want to make too much money and want to buy it at a very favorable price?

Of course, Zhao Cheng also knows that BHP must have wanted to annex the Lituo Group. One party has already offered the price. If your conditions are low, why should Lituo Group agree?

Although Huaxia Aluminum is the largest shareholder, it only accounts for 9%. The board of directors only has one seat. It is said that the influence is still a little bit, but it is not big at all.

"Frank Chairman, I don't know what the conditions for you to acquire the Lito Group are, and how much is it going to cost?"

Because the Lito Group is listed in three markets, it cannot be measured by the stock price of one market. However, they also have a psychological price for the real value of the Lituo Group. As long as Feng Yu can get out of this price, then there is talk.

The premise must not be a leveraged buyout. If that can be agreed, the Lito Group has long been integrated into the BHP.

"I can't answer you for the time being. My people are still measuring the true value of the Lituo Group. After the results come out, we can decide. And this time we also plan to invite a middleman, the Rothschild family."

It's them?

Zhao Cheng is also familiar with the Rothschild family, because Huaxia Aluminum entered the Ritto Group and passed the Rothschild family. At the time, it also gave the other party a lot of commission.

It can be said that the Rothschild family is deeply rooted in Europe. At this time, it is also developing towards the Asian side. The merger and acquisition cases promoted by their family members are very numerous and have a high reputation.

If Feng Yu also invited the Rothschild family, then the possibility of this acquisition is very great, and the Rothschild family can never take the unsure business.

The higher the success rate, the more companies will come to the Rothschild family. The more commissions they can get, the lower the success rate. Who wants to find you?

Just like a fund company, not only look at the overall rate of return, but also look at the contract profit and loss rate. If your company's overall rate of return is 20%, it is considered to be the leading peer, but only half of the contract is to make money, then the average person really dare not invest in this company, who knows that it is a loss.

Everyone invests, is not hoping to make money? Even if you earn less, it is better than you may lose.

Feng Yu’s search for the Rothschild family also said that it was okay to have a higher commission. He could accept it, but he couldn’t talk about it, and the commission was not. The Rothschild family is still considering it. They did not reply to Feng Yu. However, Feng Yu believes that the other party will agree, but is considering how much money should be collected.

"French Chairman, if you have already invited the Rothschild family, then I have great confidence in your acquisition of the Talbot Group. You can rest assured that I will cooperate with the Rothschild family and try to convince more. Directors, let them agree to sell all of the company to you."

"So, if you succeed in the acquisition, can you agree to cooperate with us Huaxia Aluminum to establish a joint venture company in the aluminum industry, and each of them holds half of the shares, and the matter is discussed?"

Feng Yu solemnly said: "If I successfully acquired the Lituo Group, it is absolutely no problem to set up a joint venture, and it will definitely not let Huaxia Aluminum suffer. The joint venture executives send half of each, the chairman of the board is yours, ceo us Appointment, is this promise enough?"

I am the chairman of the board? Zhao Cheng is overjoyed, this promise is enough, too much!

Feng Yu's meaning is very obvious, you help me first, then I will help you, you do not take advantage of me, I will not let you suffer.


Ps: Today is to learn Lei Feng, the old grandmother on the street is not enough? I decided to sway back and forth at the intersection to see if I could help those red scarves!

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