Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1915: Crude oil rises in the interest of all

After consulting with Kirilenko to negotiate with Bianhe, Feng Yu took out l-pad and watched the recent crude oil futures market.

At this time, crude oil futures have risen to 60 US dollars, and some investment institutions have begun to deliver contracts. They all believe that the global financial situation is not very good at this time, far from returning to 2007, so in order to be safe, at this price The contract is delivered to guarantee profits.

After a detailed analysis, He Zhaoji had the same view as Feng Yu, and believed that the price of crude oil would continue to rise. The main reason is that the world's major consortiums are working hard to raise crude oil prices.

On the other side of the country, because of shale oil, the production cost of shale oil at this time exceeds 60 US dollars per barrel. Now, at this price, they still lose money, of course not.

Although the country is a big importer of crude oil, those consortia can ignore this, they will only care for their own interests.

The consortium in Europe has many connections with the country. Of course, they also have shale oil investment. Of course, the price of crude oil continues to rise, which is also in their interest. They are also buying up.

The EU is also the main importer of crude oil, but what is the relationship with them? The price of oil is soaring ten times, they are equally able to get up.

The consortium on the island side also hopes that crude oil prices will rise, but they have less investment in this area. The island country is a big exporter of automobiles and is the top in the world.

They developed and manufactured many low fuel consumption vehicles, which is also the main positioning of their products. With this in mind, they can even compete with the top three cars in the North American market.

The higher the oil price, the better the door truck will sell. Although the sales volume of automobiles has declined, the demand is still increasing and has not decreased. Many people who bought a car will find that the fuel consumption of driving is also a small expense.

Such low fuel consumption island cars will stand out and be chosen by more people.

Last year, the sales of the island car fell more seriously. Even the two factories were shut down. However, seeing the rising crude oil prices, the island car companies have regained their confidence, and even the madfields have released their rumors. At the latest next year, they will become the world. The car manufacturer with the first production and sales volume must make the annual output of the car exceed 10 million units within three years!

Of course, there is one more thing that makes them so confident. That is, the same-purpose car with the first production and sales volume is not applying for bankruptcy protection. It is said that the country’s political axe is so bad that it plans to acquire the equity of the same car. Even if you intend to hold state-owned assets, you must never go bankrupt.

Needless to say, member states, the higher the price of crude oil, the better for them. Crude oil prices have fallen so badly that they are desperately exploiting and cannot meet domestic demand. Even because crude oil prices are too low, the UAE has also experienced an economic crisis.

It is said that the UAE's crude oil production is very high, the population is not much, and there is no war, but their crazy infrastructure, real estate, tourism and other related business investment, so that their debt is too high.

When the price of crude oil suddenly drops, they become unable to make ends meet, and the debt interest owed is getting higher and higher. It is also because they let the price of crude oil rise more slowly because they dare not cut production and are still trying to increase production. Otherwise, If you don't get the political axe, you will go bankrupt.

Fortunately, other member states, under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, have restricted some of the production as much as possible, and then tried their best to raise the price of crude oil. If there is no profit in the exploitation of oil, the income of these countries will be sharply reduced, and the UAE will not be able to do so. It is their foresight.

Feng Yu and Kirilenko have reduced their risk reserves at this time because they have invested. Feng Yu acquired a British bank, invested in so many financial-related businesses in the country, and in order to acquire the Lito Group, they had previously acquired a lot of stocks in the stock market, and now they are still supervised in the account, they are in the crude oil futures. The investment on it has been very small.

However, Feng Yu did not go through the wind and rain consultation, etc., why the family, Zheng Jia, etc. are investing, the profit inside is not low, and Feng Yu himself still has a lot of money left, so he has been paying attention.

"Feng, can this really rise to over $80? If it is too high, isn't it easy?"

Kirilenko thinks that if crude oil is always so ups and downs, then ope member states must make some extreme measures, such as fighting for no oil in a month, otherwise their status and interests will not be guaranteed. It is.

Besides, those big consortia will not go to a goal again, and they will not be able to form cohesiveness. Now many of the contracts have been delivered, including Feng Yu and his non-delivery.

"80 dollars is a line, crude oil may fluctuate around this line for a few months, but in the end it will definitely break through. Because when crude oil is this price, member states can make a lot of money, they can use production cuts. To stimulate crude oil prices to continue to rise."

“Although according to our news, shale oil will appear in large numbers this summer, but the price of crude oil is rising, which is also in line with the interests of companies that produce shale oil. Moreover, the ope organization must talk to those countries that produce shale oil. Let's talk about it, then use the limited production to threaten and finally reach equilibrium."

"The price of crude oil will definitely break through one hundred dollars again, and China's crude oil imports are still increasing, and it will gradually become the world's first crude oil importer. This can be seen from the growth of car sales in our country. Last year. The global automotive market has been hit hard, but our sales in China have risen against the trend."

"Europe and the United States and other countries must also hope that the price of crude oil will rise, thus restraining the rapid development of China's economy and allowing China to spend more. But in fact, China will not care too much about this because Huaxia also has shale oil technology. There are also many oil fields, and many oil fields have been invested in Africa."

"Crude oil prices will rise, everyone will be affected, but this will have a greater impact on the more serious economic recession, then China will not stop. How, is it found that it seems that crude oil prices have risen, even in line with all major powers and consortiums? interest?"

Kirilenko is a bit blind, yeah, what is the swollen thing? Why is the price of crude oil rising, and it will be supported by all major powers and big consortia?

However, he still can't think of how to refute Feng Yu, but he did not intend to refute. Although their investment in crude oil futures has decreased, they still retain a lot, and the price of crude oil is rising, which is also in their interest.

He wants crude oil prices to grow soaring. After a while, his net worth will easily break through 100 billion US dollars. How wonderful it is!

... the poor four said the first, thank you for the monthly and recommended votes, thank you

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