Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1917: Which is the real purpose?

"What do you say, I found that there are a lot of people in the market who are stealing stocks of companies such as Amazon and Gu Ge?"

In order to make a profit in the financial crisis, Feng Yu and Kirilenko both cashed in the shares of many subsidiaries to raise more funds. The fastest update

Although it can be pledged with stocks, but the stock pledge consulted a circle, up to 70% of the market value at that time, not only much lower than Feng Yu expected, but also pay no lower interest.

Therefore, Feng Yu finally decided to cash out the non-voting shares in his hands and raise more funds.

Among them, IT Technology's stocks are the most cashed, because such companies are most vulnerable to shocks during the financial crisis.

In the bull market, IT technology stocks will be very high, such as Microsoft, in the bull market is very strong. But in the case of a bear market, often leading companies like Microsoft will lead the decline.

Amazon and ancient songs are the leaders of various industries. When they rise, they will rise very quickly. When they fall, they will fall very quickly.

Cash out first, and when it falls to the bottom, repurchasing is a very good choice. Anyway, even if a lot of stocks were sold, but the founders added wind and rain holdings, holding more than 51% of the company's shares, and they have more voting shares in their hands, the board will never accident.

The stocks of companies such as Amazon and Gu Ge will definitely rise back. Feng Yu is very confident. However, at this time, some people are squandering their company's stocks. Is this going to be cheap, or is it intended to subvert the company's right to speak?

If an organization holds the same number of shares as the wind and rain control, and then draws on the founder of the company that owns the shares, the company may not necessarily have the final say.

“What about companies like Kirilenko’s Yi Yi?” Feng Yu asked again.

He asked Kirilenko to put a lot of stocks, so if the company's right to speak was subverted, Feng Yu is not a dog-headed division?

Although it is said that this time with Kirilenko earned a high profit, Yi Yi is definitely a stock suitable for long-term investment, and is also suitable for passing to children. Kirilenko did not pay much attention to Yi Yi, if this is After being taken away by others, Kirilenko is not allowed to go crazy.

"The same is true of this situation, but they are very low-key and scattered across multiple investment accounts, but we are sure enough to have the shadow of several big consortia in Europe and America."

These subsidiaries in the country have a large consortium of the United States as one of the shareholders. This is also the result of having to compromise. Otherwise, let alone the listing, I am afraid that the operation will be obstructed.

It seems that it seems that those shareholders are ready to increase their voice. If they let it work, this subsidiary will not necessarily have to decide what to do in the future.

"Okay, I know, you continue to pay attention, then prepare funds, we have to start buying back shares!"

Hang up the video call of He Zhaoji, Feng Yu connected Ralph.

Ralph's face quickly appeared on the screen. He sat behind his desk and saw that there were many documents scattered on his desk. It seemed to be busy.


"Well, Ralph, you have been paying attention to the business in Europe for a few days, so are you concerned about the country?"

"The boss said that the stocks of subsidiaries such as Amazon are trading frequently? I just knew that I have arranged for people to investigate and I am planning to report to you."

Ralph knew, and also made some countermeasures, still not dereliction of duty.

"What do you think of this?"

"Boss, I guess it is the other shareholders of the subsidiary company, intending to increase the company's stock to increase the proportion of shares. Those subsidiaries, although there are several large consortiums in charge of the directors, but the real thing is the wind and rain holding group ""

"Those big consortiums, I am afraid I am not willing to be a free shareholder who has dividends. They want to increase the voice of their directors. They even intend to win over the founders and other executives of those subsidiaries and take our big shareholder overhead!"

This is why Feng Yu doesn't like the company's listing. The stocks issued are less and not worth listing. With more distribution, the absolute controlling stake can not be maintained, and even more than half of the shares can not be maintained.

As a result of many non-voting shares and preferred stocks, the shares of companies such as Amazon and Guge held by Fengfeng Holdings are only 40% of the stocks. Although they are still the absolute largest shareholder, if other shareholders hold the group, On the energy of those big consortiums in North America, the power of this company is still likely to fall, even though Fengfeng Holdings owns half of the voting shares.

This involves very complicated legal relationships, but these Feng Yu do not need to pay attention, he only needs to buy back some stocks, to ensure that the wind and wind holdings holding more than 50% is enough.

It is even better to hold more than two-thirds of the shares if possible.

This is also a problem that has to be faced in investing in other countries. What the partners are not satisfied with, and want to get more, what should you do?

If Feng Yu was a few years ago, maybe he would have to compromise and give more profit to the local consortium.

But now it is different. Feng Yu’s personal assets have risen to a very high level. Coupled with partners such as Kirilenko and the support of the state, Feng Yu is not worried about what the big consortium can do with him.

"Ralph, you have to discuss this with Kameda Masahiro and come up with a charter to report to me."

Feng Yu immediately informed the Kirilenko of this news, let Kirilenko discuss with his team, how to deal with it.

At the same time, Feng Yu also asked Zong Qingxian to pay attention to whether the shares of the subsidiary company listed on the Xiangjiang River in Taihua Holding Group were also being quietly acquired.

Don't think that the stock price has not risen sharply, it hasn't happened. Pay attention to the turnover rate.

After their analysis, Ralph gave Feng Yu two answers. One is that the companies are trying to increase their shareholdings, in order to increase their voice, or simply to be optimistic about the company's potential and want to increase investment profits. Another possibility is that they deliberately made such a large-scale acquisition of company stocks, subverting the company's power, and then induced the trapping competition to compete with them and raise the stock price.

In this way, the stocks they had previously acquired at a low price can just be thrown out to make a profit, which is equivalent to the wind and rain holding to help them make money.

Both possibilities may be true, and it is possible that the other party is prepared. If you can buy enough stocks, then buy it wildly. If you can't, then after the stock price rises, the high price will be cashed out to make a profit.

Feng Yu is also pondering, which one is their real purpose?


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