Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1923: Don't want to buy

"Chairman, Mr. Ralph asked me to report to you, and the chairman of the car with the car contacted us and wanted to talk to you about the sale of their assets."

Ralph and Kamen Masaru are all on the European side at this time. Feng Yu is here, and natural events are decided by Feng Yu.

Besides, this matter does not belong to the wind and rain holding group, but should belong to the Taihua Holding Group. The business of the automobile must be merged into the Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group.

At the beginning, Feng Yu talked with the same car and Fu Te car at the same time, so that both of them knew that the other party was talking, and thus acquired a lot of high-quality assets at a very good price.

Basically, all of them are Chinese state-owned assets, including the leopard purchased by Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. Feng Yu was in the financial market at that time.

At that time, there were some high-quality assets that Feng Yu saw, such as the Australian market or the North American market brands, technology, sales channels, etc., but they were not willing to sell at the same time.

Last year, the same amount of losses on the books used to be tens of billions of dollars, and this year's losses continue to expand, there are some losses that are not shown on the books.

Forte Motors sold most of its foreign assets at the beginning. At the beginning, it made a good joke for its peers. He thought that Futte had cut off all the roads for external expansion in these years, and it was not worth the candle.

But now, Futte has begun to break even, and it is expected to be profitable by the end of this year. Although they only saved their North American market, the European market has lost most of their efforts for many years, but here is their home base, and they have sufficient funds to expand their business in car rental.

With the mortgage company of its own, the cars that have recovered a lot of mortgages can only be sold at low prices, but also impact their own market.

Fu Te is different, directly to their own car rental company, in North America and even Europe, Fu Te has a car rental business, they are the largest in the world.

As for Coles, although it was repurchased by the consortium of the country, it is a pity that it can make money when it is bought. When it is bought back, it will start to lose money. Until now, it is still losing money.

That is to say, they are consortia formed by a number of rich people, able to take out a lot of money, to ensure that Coles is not as bad as the same car.

However, when I saw that the same-use car had been applied for with the political axe and had to file for bankruptcy protection, Colesler also proposed conditions for the government to provide aid funds.

It’s better to use the money of the political axe to save the company than to pay for it. In the unlikely event that this rescue will not come, they will not lose their net worth.

However, the pits of the same car are too big, and the funds used by the country to save the bankrupt enterprises are not enough. At the beginning of the 10th, there was such a big crisis in Xiaobu, but Xiaobu 10 was safely retired. At this time, he was making speeches in the United States.

The successor, Oba, is more tragic. When he came to power, it was so troublesome.

The support funds that Xiaobu 10 got out were not enough. They had to ask for a circle again and issued a lot of government bonds and raised a lot of money.

The country’s political axe also learned from Europe, and turned some particularly important enterprises directly into state-owned assets, even wholly-owned by state-owned assets.

When it was the turn of the same car, the Oba cow hesitated. The money needed was too much. The debt was so high, and it was necessary to continue investing. The political axe did not have so much money.

During the bankruptcy protection period, they must carry out rapid asset restructuring of the company, divest some non-performing assets, and ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, so that the enterprise can repay the debt through profit.

At this time, the political axe is also ordered by the same car, you have to find a way to learn the Fu Te car, then sell some assets, exchange some cash, self-redemption.

However, at this time, the global automobile market is declining, including Daimler, BMW, Madian, Dezhong, Botian, Hyundai and other car companies are losing money, but they suddenly found that there are so many car companies, not only Last year, turnover did not decline, and there was still a high growth, and profits also increased, that is, several car companies in China.

Among the Chinese car companies, the most powerful one is definitely the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. This is undoubtedly the largest car company in the world.

Others include Modu Auto, Yiqi, Yangcheng Auto, Beijing Auto, etc., and the strength has also improved rapidly. Of course, these have benefited from China's automobile as a pillar industry, and the support is very strong.

The same car did not start to contact the Magic City car first. At the beginning, everyone also cooperated. The shares of their magical joint venture car factory were not sold to the Magic Motors.

However, Modu Automobile directly refused. After just buying the shares of the same-purpose car in the domestic joint-venture car company, they upgraded the technology and bought some patent licenses from Europe, so now there is no money, but also for overseas markets. Not interested in.

The same car used to contact a large car company in China. Even some car companies that could not be ranked in China were contacted, but either the other party did not intend to buy it, or they reported a cabbage price. debt.

In the end, they found that they could only contact the Ice City Machinery Manufacturing Group, but there was said that they were catching up with the chairman's change. The old chairman had to retire, so he refused.

Li Mingde is old and intends to retire. He has a consultant title in Taihua Holding Group and Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. He is the chairman of Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group. He recommended Li Dafu, Feng Yu and Zong Qingxian, Liu Chuanzhi, etc. People have no opinion, and there is no opinion on the state capital, but it still takes time to do the handover and go to the procedure.

This is not the same, the car is anxious, and let the other party know that they are eager to need funds, so they will press the price, directly contact Ralph, I hope to contact Feng Yu here, they want to continue to let Feng Yu acquire some of their assets.

I learned that Feng Yu was in New York. I couldn’t wait to have a more face-to-face interview with Feng Yu. They need money now.

Feng Yu looked at the information handed over by Ralph Assistant. The above is a detailed assessment of the assets of the same-use car at this time.

Oh, too much is marked in red, these are bad assets that are not worth buying. The green quality assets are not much, and they also include several major brands under the same car.

As for the ordinary assets between good quality and bad, there are also many, and this requires a comprehensive consideration. If it can complement the business advantages of the Bingcheng Machinery Manufacturing Group, it will be equivalent to high-quality assets. If it cannot be complementary, it will be repeated, that is, non-performing assets.

Seeing so many non-performing assets, and the quality assets are only so, the original is also full of enthusiasm, Feng Yu, who intends to take the opportunity to continue to expand, suddenly did not want to buy.

The same car, too garbage, no wonder it will file for bankruptcy!

... the poor four said the first, thank you for the monthly and recommended votes, thank you all

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