Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1931: First divided the South Korean market

Sergey finally understood that translation is a big obstacle between different languages.

Once the translations between countries were the same, the simplest literal translation was basically to translate the words and then form the sentences.

Huaxia was the same at that time, such as oh, mygod! Translated into Oh, my God, or oh my god. In fact, this is the simplest expression of two words, that is, I ~ day!

Such examples are often born between the international community. For example, Huaxia had some disputes with the former Soviet Union, and Huaxia rebuked the former Soviet Union for its hopes.

Then the former Soviet Union yelled loudly: We never wanted to occupy your Yusu and Nishikawa!

This is different from the national conditions of each country. There are great relationships between cultures. Some idioms, colloquial or something, literal translation is a joke.

Especially in Chinese, each word is a meaning. Two words together are a different meaning. It is very likely that this meaning is awkward.

It is very difficult for foreign people to complete the sentence and how to provide the best service.

There are also thousands of techniques for homonymous fuzzy sound processing and other techniques for Chinese language, which are not available to other search engines.

Especially the pinyin level seems to be very similar to what is in English, but after adding four parts, it is difficult for foreigners to understand.

Sergei is no longer blindly confident about the Chinese market. They have adjusted their goals and believe that they can stand firm. However, Feng Yu still feels that they set the target too high.

This world is different from previous lives. It has been a long time in China. Many people’s homepages are thousands of search pages, or thousands of homes of the 123 website. They have already abandoned any portals.

At the same time, with the ancient songs entering the Chinese market, and the search engine owned by Kirilenko, the competition has become even bigger.

When I learned that I could enter the Eastern European and North American markets, I was not too happy. Li Yanhong is an elite who stays in the United States. He has also studied and worked there. He knows the many differences between the two sides. It is very likely that thousands of degrees will be over the place, and it will be like a lot of good companies in Europe and America. But it doesn't work at all.

Therefore, Li Yanhong's goal of setting a thousand degrees is different. Instead of seeking a unique search engine, he provides search technology for some portal websites or company homepages, and promotes other application products.

Although this certainly does not have a good Google show, it can not even pose a big threat to Google, but it can avoid the positive competition with Google, greatly reducing the cost of competition, and slowly.

The reason why Feng Yu let the ancient songs enter the Chinese market and let thousands of degrees enter the North American market is to avoid being monopolized in the relevant market, which may be targeted or even punished.

More than once, the ancient songs were almost split and divided, and the search engines, maps, cloud technologies, and intelligent systems were separated. Because North America or the European Union thought that ancient songs had been monopolized.

And use the monopoly position to promote other products and even do binding.

How did the ancient songs of the past life do? The intelligent system will not say, many companies around the world are involved, this can not be said that we monopolize, although the core technology and core profits, is still in the ancient singer.

As for cloud technology, there are many competitors. The ancient songs prove that they have not reached a monopoly position. Even the ancient songs were not comparable to an Amazon who is doing online shopping, and now they are behind Amazon.

In terms of maps, ancient songs have gps as rivals and other competitors.

Search engines, they also listed thousands of degrees, Yahoo or something, to prove that they are far from reaching a monopoly position, but ultimately had to pay a fine of tens of billions of dollars. The judges did not accept their excuse, and in many markets they were monopolized.

In this world, the ancient song is already controlled by Feng Yu. Of course, he can't watch the ancient song being fined, so he should introduce competitors to the ancient song and weaken his monopoly position.

Although this may reduce the profits of ancient songs, it has been earned thousands of times. Even if Kirilenko earns it, it doesn't matter, it is much better than what is fined by the EU.

Feng Yu thinks that ancient songs should also be positioned like thousands of degrees to provide search services for enterprises, rather than to compete with thousands of players. Step by step, it will be possible to succeed in the future. When I came up, I thought about grabbing the site. The final result is likely to be less than the last one.

The three companies with the core technology of search engines have similar exhibition modes, but they are still slightly different from those of South Korea. The main reason is that South Korea is the co-enclosure of the three companies. It is too difficult to expand outward.

One is targeted, but it can be hard to fight, but the three are targeted, and each one is bigger than him. It is not easy to guarantee your own market.

The three search engine core companies also announced that they would enter three other markets, including South Korea.

The three of them are a group. Let’s stop the company in South Korea.

It is more interesting than the four countries to compete for hegemony. Everyone's territory can be bigger. In the end, whoever is good will have to look at their own skills.

Feng Yu told them that they should not engage in advertising campaigns, nor do they want to pull customers at low prices. They should maintain healthy competition, and it is absolutely impossible to open up the market.

The market itself is theirs, and it is not a big loss. In the past, the advertising campaign of thousands of degrees and ancient songs, but hundreds of millions of billions of ups and downs, and eventually won thousands of degrees, but also wasted a lot of money.

However, in the South Korean market, it’s okay for everyone to play advertising. If the three companies are combined, even if they can’t swallow the company, they will not be able to lift their heads!

Some people exclaimed on the Internet, Feng Yu's two subsidiaries hit, and there are Kirilenko's subsidiaries to join. What is the situation? Is Feng Yu’s control over the subsidiary worse? Is Feng Yu’s relationship with Kirilenko not very good, is it noisy?

Even Feng Yu, who was still calling Feng Yu, what happened, did you fight with my grandson’s cognac?

Feng Yu explained that it took half a day for Laos to understand that his relationship with Kirilenko is still good. This is a normal commercial means. Everyone has a healthy competition, sharing the market together and not giving other companies an opportunity to take the lead.

And Kirilenko is the godfather of your grandson, not a cognac, and the nature is different.

When Sergei and Li Yanhong were very happy, the Naval company in South Korea was going crazy. What happened? The top three search engine core companies in the world have announced that they want to enter the South Korean market. We have a South Korean market. So big, is it worth fighting for you?

They themselves are competing with Yahoo. Yahoo has used the core technology of ancient songs and has already snatched nearly 30% of the market. This time, three more tigers are coming. Can they still stand up?

Can it be said that the best market for South Korea’s online exhibition is to be occupied by foreign products?


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