Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1942: Everyone is a multi-millionaire

"Boss, is there any more money for Taihua Consulting? We have to focus on investing in Xiangjiang market. The money is not enough. The fastest update" Sun Lijie sits opposite Feng Yu and seeks more funds for Taihua Consulting. .

He Zhaoji was sitting aside, he didn't say much. Even if this time is not equal to the funds, but as long as Zheng and He continue to invest in them, then his funds will not be less.

Again, this shows that the financial market in the country is the most severely affected. At present, the focus of everyone's work is on the stock market. Isn't the US stock market the most worthy of bargain-hunting?

Nowadays, major futures such as crude oil futures and gold futures have entered a stable period, and the price fluctuations are small. If they fail to rise, they will not fall, and there will surely be many people aiming at the stock market.

Coupled with their detailed analysis, the price of a lot of stocks is lower than the real value. As the economic recovery of the country is over, the stock price rebound is certain.

At this time, it is a good time to bargain-hunting. It is not just them. There must be many international hot money to choose from, so the stock market will pick up.

However, many retail investors who are keen on investing in stocks may not be afraid to continue investing because they are afraid. Therefore, even if the stock price rises, this year will not be too fast, but it is definitely more reliable than investing in crude oil and gold. .

"Old Sun, after your team analysis, what kind of stocks are suitable for investing in Xiangjiang market?" Feng Yu asked.

"Li Chaoren's Hehuang, Changhe Infrastructure, Zheng Jia's Zhou Taifu, Li Zhaoji's ... according to the category, then retail, real estate, technology, it..."

Although Sun Lijie is not good at financial investment, he can't even compare with the financial brokers of some exchanges. But his cautious personality allows him to avoid blind investment, and he will choose the team, and he still has many professional and excellent brokers.

Sun Lijie said very clearly that either investing in the industry or investing in people. The industry is naturally an industry that they have analyzed and has a very good future development potential. As long as they are led by a leading stock, they will certainly rise.

It is even simpler to invest according to people. The famous wealthy people in Xiangjiang, their industries are still profitable, and their stocks will definitely rise.

Feng Yu nodded and turned to look at He Zhaoji: "Old He, Xiangjiang is mainly investing in Taihua Consulting. How do you choose the markets in New York, London and Tokyo? Do you have a choice?"

"I am similar to Sun’s idea. I also screen the industry and individuals. However, I think it is best to continue to eat into the shares of our subsidiaries, and the stock market will not have much improvement in the next two or three months. I believe in our own company more than others."

Sun Lijie secretly worried, how did he forget this? Many of the companies that Taihua Holdings or their Taihua Consulting invested in the mainland have listed on the mainland and Hongjiang markets.

Their funds are relatively large. Many of the plates in the mainland market are relatively small. With a little movement, it is possible to manipulate the stock price. Therefore, they specifically avoided the mainland market and chose to invest in the Xiangjiang market.

Since it is all investment, it is actually better to invest in the stock of your own company. But there is also a shortcoming, that is, after two or three months, Feng Yu said that he still wants to invest in crude oil futures or gold futures. What do they do then?

It’s very simple to put in stocks of other companies. If you are in a hurry, you can even let the other party’s stock price fall. However, if the stock of the company is cashed out, if the company's stock falls, it will not be easy to explain with the holding company, and it is easy to make misunderstandings with the shareholders of other subsidiaries.

"Old, after two or three months, we have to invest in crude oil futures, etc., we need to raise funds. How do you sell the shares of those subsidiaries at that time? I want to be very anxious, you sell very hard, the stock price of the subsidiary falls. How to explain to other shareholders?" Feng Yu asked.

He Zhaoji has a good idea: "First of all, we have no affiliation with those subsidiaries. We are investing in their stocks and we have no plans to hold them for a long time. I don't need to explain anything to them."

"But everyone belongs to the wind and rain holding group, and it is also the boss's industry, so I have also considered this. We will slowly pull up the stocks of those companies, and then slowly sell them, guaranteeing a high turnover rate every day. ”

"The advantage is that the big consortiums that want to buy the shares of these subsidiaries can't figure out our intentions. If they are against us, the effect will be better. When we sell, the stock price will not fall. ""

"If they sell in reverse, then we will fight for a lot of food. We can sell these stocks directly to those subsidiaries, they don't want to buy back. Or they will use these stocks as the core, issue funds to raise funds or bonds, than Bank loans must be able to raise more funds. Although the interest rate is a little higher, it will not lose money."

"Or we can mortgage the stock to the bank loan, other banks may not give us too high assessment, but there are two banks we can get a high evaluation. One is the boss's own Minsheng Bank, the other is HSBC Bank, Li Zeju is a director of the bank."

In fact, He Zhaoji also wants to say that with Feng Yu’s face, he can use these stocks to mortgage the banks in the Mainland, and the amount of loans that can be made is not low.

Even in some banks, Feng Yu does not need any mortgage, just need his signature, he can easily lend a large sum of money, no one will think that Feng Yu will not be able to lend.

He Zhaoji also knows that the investment institutions in the Mainland have always wanted to invest in Fengyu's subsidiaries. They can directly sell the acquired stocks to the investment companies in the Mainland to ensure that they can also make money.

However, in this way, the investment companies in the Mainland may hold these stocks for a long time. This will have some impact on the boss's overseas investment. Many people say that the boss is a red top businessman.

"If you think about it, you don't need to worry about the things in those subsidiaries. It doesn't matter if the stock price falls. I can buy it back at any time. You two don't need to worry, this time, you will not be able to allocate more funds. On the one hand, 40 billion US dollars, after a few months to see the effect and then adjust. My request is to eat as much as possible, you think that stocks that may rise a lot in the short term, I do not need to ask you to invest in the long line."

"And, go back today, you have all drawn up a bonus table. According to what I promised, 2% of the profits are the bonuses for you. Each of them must become a multi-millionaire, better, can Become a billionaire!"

The two have never asked Feng Yu's bonus. After all, this investment has so much profit, 2%. That is an astronomical figure. I didn't expect the boss to give it.

The hundreds of them, on average, each can almost get a million dollar bonus, but not everyone can become a multi-millionaire at least, and the two of them can be more responsible as the person in charge, just like this. Easily become a billionaire.

It’s a wise choice to follow the boss!


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