Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1947: The download volume is leading

"Old Yang, how is the situation?" In the afternoon, Lei Dajun just came to work and grabbed Yang Yuanqing.

“The first day of sales, can you see what? But the sales in North America have also begun, and Microsoft’s sales there are good.”

The biggest sales volume of this system is the pre-installation of the manufacturer, and then the sales of the system CD. The manufacturer’s sales for a day have not yet been counted, and on the first day, it may not be able to see what it is.

The sales of major PC manufacturers in one day can't really represent anything. It takes a cycle to judge who is more dominant.

Just like the release of two new movies at the same time, the first day of the box office is high, not necessarily the final box office will be high, but also depends on the follow-up word of mouth.

On the first day, most of them were influenced by propaganda. Basically, whoever promotes better and has better channels, whoever wins the first day.

After a week, I will return to dullness. At that time, I have to rely on word of mouth to speak, and I can really tell the winner.

Much of it was starting to be very fierce, breaking a series of records, but in the end it was flat and even disappointing. There are also many that are not fire at first, but then they have risen against the trend and eventually performed better.

However, although this is the case, as a party, not many people can be so calm.

In fact, those manufacturers are also very worried, because the system has been updated, so their PC prices have also been adjusted. Basically, the computer is pre-installed with the home version, and the price is not high.

The price of Huaxia everyone is the same, 399 yuan rmb, 59 dollars in North America, 59 euros in Europe, other major markets, and these prices are similar.

The previous generation of operating systems, Microsoft's price is even more than the number of Yinshan. This time I even think that Yinshan does not play the price war, because the brand, technology, etc. are not weaker than Microsoft, and will not lower their profits.

Due to the introduction of a new generation of operating systems, the old system's computers are doing clearance, especially for xp systems, and there are no pre-installed machines. As for the vista and xos generation systems, the price has been lowered, and the market has not completely withdrawn.

This time is equivalent to the price increase of the same configuration products, and those manufacturers are also worried, will it cause the products to be unsalable? What if consumers want to buy cheaper?

The clearance processing of outdated systems also allowed them to make some adjustments to the sales of the products, such as taking advantage of the bad market and reducing the shipment of new products.

Now these major sales models do not actually upgrade on the hardware, nor do they know whether consumers accept it.

The impact of the economic crisis in Europe and the United States has not yet passed, and the market has not recovered. If there is a large amount of shipments at this time, what should I do if it is slow-moving?

Their pc manufacturers have less than 10% gross profit, and even many of them are less than 8%. If the sales are slow, the pressure on the funds will be very serious, and they are also somewhat worried.

Now that Microsoft has competitors and the economic situation is not good, their PC manufacturers have talked to Microsoft and talked about it, so that Microsoft finally agreed to lower the price.

They hope that the market share of the two sides should not be too wide, so that they can balance each other and their PC manufacturers can take more initiative.

It would be better if you didn’t even think about the group’s spoiler, but unfortunately.

The major PC manufacturers also pay special attention to the sales of the same products of different systems. They even secretly united and planned to make some balance.

There are some problems with this balance. If they are balanced, some manufacturers only do Microsoft systems, such as monks and nuns. Some manufacturers only do systems that want to think about Yinshan, such as even thinking. They want to balance, but this kind of system-only pc brand will break this balance.

Huaxia's brand, in addition to even think about the group, but also other brands are also introduced two models of the system. This point makes Qiu Bo and Lei Dajun very angry.

Then they think that if they don’t even want to make concessions, then those brands can develop?

Now you are helping foreign companies to grab the market with us. Don't you think this is betrayal?

Domestically, there are imported brands that sell PCs pre-installed with win7 system. Even the Group's more powerful sales channels, more powerful cost advantages, more intensive targeting, advertising, etc., can be completely suppressed.

However, if the domestic brands are also suppressed by the same means, the domestic brands may be finished. It is difficult for them to go abroad. As long as they rely on the Chinese market, the market will be finished and the enterprise will be finished.

It’s hard to listen to the brand of your own country.

"Old Yang, you should talk to domestic manufacturers such as Shenzhou, and you can't do it right or wrong." Lei Dajun thinks that Yang Yuanqing is too kind, and when necessary, it should be stronger.

If the domestic brands are not interested, let them experience the same treatment as foreign brands, let them know, even why they are the industry leader!

"I know, I will talk to them again. When you come, I will go back there first. I will go and see how the sales are even thinking."

Lei Dajun sat down, opened the l-pad, and immediately logged into their office system to view real-time statistics on sales.

The data of those manufacturers have not been returned yet, but their disc sales in various stores will be updated at any time, especially for the paid download data of those websites. This statistic is the easiest.

What is the disc may be returned, but this paid download is generally impossible to retreat. After you download, the activation code is directly seen, how can I return?

Even the silver mountain official website has a good download volume, which has exceeded 50,000.

Even the group's official website downloads are also very good, and it is close to 50,000.

There are also some PC manufacturers' consignment downloads are also reflected in the above, those who do not have more than 10,000, it is obvious that they are not enough publicity.

However, Lei Dajun did not take those channels seriously, the most important channel is the software park.

Seeing the number of downloads in the software park, Lei Dajun blinked his eyes. Did he still wake up and look at it?

One two three, six digits, the download volume is more than 180,000!

Lei Dajun quickly grabbed the phone: "How much is Microsoft's win7 paid downloads now?"

To count your own, you should also pay attention to the data of your peers. Don't think that some data is not visible on the surface, even if you want Yinshan to have undercover at Microsoft.

"How much? Is it the sum? Well, before you get off work, you will count the data again and send it to my oq."

Hang up the phone, Lei Dajun waved his hand.

Leading, and not a little ahead, is a lot ahead.

The paid downloads of Microsoft's win7 have been counted, just over one hundred thousand, only one-third!

The gap is so obvious that the previous publicity effect is still very good, and now I am waiting to see what countermeasures Microsoft has!


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