Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1965: Microsoft's concerns

In the first month of win7 and xos2.0 sales comparison, Microsoft is clearly leading, some media began to brag about Microsoft, saying that Microsoft is telling even think of Yinshan, what makes me as serious as you, you have no play.

They ignored it, and even thought of Yinshan as a pc system for a few years, and now it has only launched a second-generation operating system. The so-called operating system competition is actually not only the operating system, but also other applications and other aspects.

For example, if you want to play a movie, you need a player. Microsoft must push their player. Even if you want Yinshan to push your own player.

Even if you want to introduce the player from Yinshan, the biggest change is to add the function of playing while downloading. In fact, this is not a new feature. This feature has been used on video sites for a long time, but this feature is very popular among netizens.

There are many resources that are free to download, and can't be played directly on the web. For example, ~ ah ~ that kind of movie, the largest proportion of websites in the world, is this kind of website, it has been like this since ancient times.

You use my system, then the application inside is naturally using mine. Some of them are free and some are for a fee. Fruit companies are extremely good at doing this, and some even say that the fruit company's computer is simply reserved for selling applications.

There are also browsers, office software, photo editing software, etc., which represent profits.

Why xp clearly has such a bad sales, Microsoft has to extend its security maintenance period, because this is the world's most used PC operating system, with the largest number of users, users are potential consumers of other software.

So don't look at the sales of win7 better than xos2.0, but all the systems in the sales system are newly added together. Even if you want Yinshan to lead, Feng Yu thinks that he has won.

On the Microsoft side, the Big Three once again discussed together. After they saw the overall sales statistics, they couldn’t laugh.

The fruit company even increased its propaganda efforts, and it also won many large orders. The sales of new products are in full swing, and the market share has actually increased by more than one percentage point!

One percentage point, Microsoft can not care, but even think that the overall sales of Yinshan is actually above Microsoft, and it is so much higher, which makes Microsoft pay special attention.

"Our win7, so easy to use, with so many epoch-making features, sales can not go up, is it because our propaganda is not enough?" Paul Allen asked.

Ballmer shook his head: "The propaganda has been very strong. Although it is not as good as xos2.0, it is more powerful than the promotion of vista. The publicity expenses are already very high. This year we may not be able to make much money on the sales of win7 system. ""

"The main reason is that the current economic situation is not good, many people have bought a cheaper xos generation system, and our xp users have reduced too much, while vista sales have not gone up."

In order to develop an operating system, they have to spend billions of dollars in research and development costs. The profit of the software is high, but the sales of new software are not so big. Many users still insist on using the old system. They don't want to update, but they can't bear the money.

The global economic crisis has not completely passed. In the first two months, the Oba cattle also asked many countries to discuss the economic recovery.

Everyone has no money on hand, and even buying a new system may not be willing, let alone a new computer. Besides, even if some people are willing to change the system, their computer configuration is too old to be taken.

The current electronic product update speed is too fast. The last century is a generation from ten to five years. This century has changed from five years to three generations, and now there is an important technology upgrade for about one and a half years.

The easiest evolution from cpu frequency, multi-core evolution, to memory card capacity evolution, graphics card capacity evolution, hard disk capacity evolution, and screen resolution evolution, camera pixel evolution, low power of all electronic components Performance, the speed of evolution of these is getting faster and faster.

Some experts have predicted in the last century that the technological upgrade of electronic products will be shortened to less than one and a half years, and even some people say that for half a year.

At that time, most people thought that the person who said this was stupid x. We may not be able to upgrade the performance of the product for several years. Do you say that there will be an important upgrade for up to one and a half years?

However, Feng Yu was convinced of this, because before he was born again, many electronic products had important changes every year.

This year's mainstream pixel is still 5 million, and it will become 8 million next year. In another year, it will become 10 million. Later, a 20-megapixel camera can appear on a compact mobile phone.

Twenty years ago, some people said that mobile phones can take pictures, go online, and watch movies. Others must think that this person is whimsical. The current technology, 20 years ago, is the same as black technology.

The times are changing too fast, which many people can't think of. People used to think that buying a computer can be the same as a TV set. It can last for a lifetime, and the worst can be used for twenty or thirty years.

The result is now found, not to mention twenty or thirty years, it seems that two or three years have fallen behind.

Xp requires what configuration of the computer, what configuration does win7 require? If a lot of computers are equipped with win7, then it will be used, and it will not hold you, killing you.

Sadly, vista has higher requirements for computer hardware configuration. Some old models also don't move. They either continue to use xp. If you want to change the system, you can only choose xos generation. The second generation also has Do not move.

Now is win7, vista, xos generation, second generation sales comparison is 8:1:6:5, the best sales are the brand and channel more powerful Microsoft win7, but the overall sales of new products, but even want to lead Yinshan .

In particular, even if I think about the group's PC, the sales volume has once again been greatly improved, and the price/performance ratio is extremely high.

Feng Yu also took a photo on Facebook, Twitter, etc. The notebook he used was also like a card. When you look at it, the world's richest man is definitely using the best products. He uses the cards he wants, which means that even the best cards are the best.

Many people completely ignore it. Taihua Holdings is the major shareholder of Lianxiang Group. If you don't need your own home, can you use someone else's home?

Bill Gates knocked on the table twice: "The sales of vista are nothing to expect. The PC manufacturers are not willing to pre-install the vista system pc. We only have two main channels for CD and network download and sales. win7 Fortunately, it was very popular. Although it was expensive by many users, the function was not as good as the promotion, but after we adjusted the pre-installed system version, these negative comments were suppressed."

"But this way, we have to give the profit to the greedy pc manufacturers, which makes our overall profit of Microsoft not meet expectations."

"I look at our winphone system, to speed up the development, and strive to officially launch at the end of the year!"


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