Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1983: Hard to come up with a lot

Feng Yu also knows that some problems he may think is simple, but Zhang Ruiqiang directly interrupted the rebuttal, he is still very unhappy.

He leaned back and put a look at what you said.

"You know that some time ago, the state did a survey to investigate the satisfaction of the people with the country, but the results were not very good."

Feng Yuyi waited for you to continue to say, and did not even talk about it. He can actually expect this. In any country, there is no political axe that satisfies the whole people. For example, on the other side of the island, the prime minister has changed frequently in recent years.

However, looking at Lao Zhang's appearance, it seems that the satisfaction is much lower than they think. How low is it, Feng Yu did not ask, and will not continue to stimulate him.

"I said that I have been working for many years. The country has grown from a medium-sized Asian country to the number one in Asia. From dozens of people in the world to the second in the world, is the speed of development not fast enough?"

"But even then, there are still many people who are dissatisfied, think that their income is not high enough, they get too little, how good the welfare of a certain country is, how bad our national welfare is. But why don't they think about it? How much contribution did they make, and why should they take high incomes? Why should they be so good?"

"If the country really has more money, it doesn't have to be said that it will naturally improve the welfare of the people. You said that the country has not paid less for the people in these years, social security is promoted by all, public facilities are constantly invested, medical care, Education, transportation, etc. are related to people's livelihood. Does the state invest less money?"

"But there are some people who are still advocating foreign countries. The national conditions of each country are different. How many years have we been developing? This speed is fast in the whole world, and many countries are looking at it. They are still not satisfied. ""

Feng Yu suddenly smiled, which made Zhang Ruiqiang very unhappy. I said such a serious topic, what are you laughing at?

"Lao Zhang, in fact, this is not necessarily what you imagined, but from the pride of our Chinese people."

Zhang Ruiqiang said hello, from pride?

"You think about it, we have received education since childhood. We are the center of the world in China. We have the longest history and our culture is colorful. Even if there are some hardships, we will eventually survive and develop better. ”

"Now our country is the same. Many of us don't think that the country's development is slower than other countries, but it is slower than what they expect."

"For a simple example, we hope that at the international level, when diplomatic disputes arise, we can be tougher and not be bullied by foreign countries. We will not be bullied to bully others, but we must not be bullied."

"Now, we have a lot of tough performance in diplomacy, but the country has not reported it at all. Instead, we may have suffered losses in what areas, and it has been exposed by the media. Many of them are exposed on the Internet. There are even a lot of distortions inside."

"In this case, why are some things not directly exported to the national media, and then let the people know, but let those rumors fly around?"

"Tell the people, our country is already strong, and it is very hard at the international level. Many of our money is spent on strengthening national security. Our right to speak is growing rapidly. So the people will have a greater sense of belonging to our country. High, there will be no feeling of being bullied but not able to fight back."

"Many times, the people of our country have very high requirements for the country. They want China to be strong, and it is not a little bit more than other countries, but a feeling of a big one. Just like the Tang Dynasty, Wanbang came to the DPRK, we are the feeling of the heavens going to the country, so that they also feel that they have become people."

"And the country, but failed to meet their expectations, they will inevitably have some disappointment. Those foreign so-called welfare benefits are good, you ask them that they are eligible to immigrate, and most of the rest want to Immigrants don’t accept it at all. And many people actually regret it after immigration, but they can’t come back.”

Foreign immigration, the review is also very serious, first of all, your income is higher than the average level of the country, but also the background is innocent, you must understand the language and basic common sense of the other country, but also have to protect people, than you think It’s much harder.

Even most people, it is difficult to get a right of abode.

And how many people in the world want to immigrate to China, but China does not want it at all. It is said that from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the present, the number of immigrants received by China has not reached even thousands.

Including many people who feel very good in South Korea, island countries, Russia, and the Middle East, how many people want to immigrate to China, but China does not accept it. We have enough people in our country and we don't need outsiders to join unless you can really make a significant contribution to our country.

In many countries where the welfare benefits are very good, such as the Middle East or the developed countries of Western Europe, there are many people who are separated from their nationality every year because many problems in those countries are unacceptable. The report was exported.

And most of the keyboard man on these networks, in fact, do not want to immigrate people, you have no ability, but also want to enjoy our welfare? Which country is not open to charity.

Zhang Ruiqiang looked suspiciously at Feng Yu: "You mean, will the dark faces of foreign countries be reported?" Someone said this, and finally it was rejected.

Feng Yu shook his head: "No, it is not just to report the dark side of those countries. The good places in their country should be reported, so that the people will feel objective and fair."

“Just like my company, employees rarely change jobs. Even in the early days of many subsidiaries, not many people will quit to big companies because they know what they want and know what they might get in the future. What will be lost afterwards."

"Many countries in Europe are now bankrupt, and they owe a lot of money internationally. Many countries are their creditors. Can such a country be sure to stand upright?"

"And you said that the country is developing fast. I certainly agree with this. It can be said that in the past two decades, no country has developed faster than us."

"But there are some that make people less used to it. For example, when everyone has a job, now they have to find a job, and even college students may not find a satisfactory job. For example, at that time, there were basically houses, but now Many people in the city can't afford to buy a house."

“There are still many people who bought cars, and many people can only squeeze buses and subways. Many people wear gold and silver, all of them are famous brands, and many people can only wear cheap clothes. These are the most dissatisfied people. The place."

It is human nature to not suffer from unequalness.

Zhang Ruiqiang explained: "Now everyone can have a job, but many people are not willing to do some work. At the beginning, they relied on distribution. No one has the power to pick it up. Besides, many college students now have what they want, and they want high salary when they graduate. At that time, we had to work with the workers at the university. Now they said that they didn’t live in the house. They were all three generations living together, living in a house, and then slowly living apart."

At that time, college students were still cadres. They were not to learn with the workers first, and even to call some old workers. What do you want to get, what do you pay first? I don’t want to eat even if I suffer, why should I have such a good living condition?

"And many of them are moving to the cities in the countryside. They don't want to go back to the countryside. They want big houses in the city. This is a contradiction in itself. The country has also begun to provide low-rent housing, public rental housing, and more and more. Doesn't the country do anything? Even if you give them a house, they still have to pick the location, pick the size, and pick the direction. These temporary countries really can't fully satisfy."

"And you said that wearing and traveling is simply about the gap between the rich and the poor. Are these countries not trying to narrow down? If the people were not allowed to get rich first, what would the country look like?"

When the policy came out, many people did not dare or even believe it. As a result, many opportunities were missed. Can this all blame the country for being bad?


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