Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 2004: Imported rice country agricultural and sideline products

"Reed, I still have an idea, maybe we can work together. Are you good at agricultural and sideline products?"

“We are not the largest in the United States, but we have many farms here. We also have fishing boats and our own food brands. The potato chips we produce are the best-selling in the United States.”

Reed did not know what Feng Yu asked for this. Agricultural and sideline products must be large in order to have a good profit. How would Feng Yu want to invest in this?

Finance, IT, and automobiles are all highly profitable. Even if the profits of retail are high, why does Feng Yu do agricultural and sideline products?

"No, I am not investing in your food brand, but investing in your agricultural and sideline products, such as lobsters, crabs, freshwater fish, etc., which seems to be not selling well in the country."

Don't look like Western food says how delicious lobsters are, how many people like them, but in fact, the sales of lobsters in the country are now going downhill.

There are also many freshwater fish in the rice country, but the rice people do not eat at all, because there are many freshwater fish bones.

In many states of the country, there have been cases of crabs and squids flooding, but they don’t know what to do. If it was in China, it would have been eaten and eaten.

Once crayfish was also an alien species that invaded China. It was also madly breeding at that time, and now it has to be farmed because it is not enough.

Ralph once told Feng Yu that such an interesting thing is that a small town in the country used to sell lobsters to make money. But now that the economy of the country is declining, the price of lobsters is falling rapidly, and it is still not sold. The people of the country are not so fond of eating lobsters.

And that town, a good lobster feast, even less than twenty dollars! It can be seen that the cost of lobster should be less than half.

Feng Yu felt at that time that if these lobsters were shipped back to China, they would definitely make money. Lobster is still a rare good thing in China. How many people think that lobster is still more than a thousand yuan, not something that ordinary people can afford.

But actually, this is really cheap.

And even if it is airlifted to China, if you count the freight, the lobster will not be expensive. And with a layer of imported shell, you can make more money.

Don't forget, Feng Yu is also a shareholder of the North Dazang, and North Dacang is already the largest agricultural and sideline product group in China and even in Asia. Now it is trying to attack the European and American markets. As for the African market, it has already been fixed.

North Okura is looking for ways to introduce exotic foods or trade in regional cuisine. From a lot of places, transport to less places, and then earn a difference.

The demand for food by Chinese people is getting bigger and bigger. Because living conditions are good, Chinese people naturally start to pay more attention to food, clothing and housing.

Going to the city to buy a big house, the one to bring an elevator. If you buy a car, you have to have a special face. Everyone knows the brand. Clothes, the kind of thief that attracts the eye. Eat, naturally have not eaten before, not only delicious, but also say that others will be wow amazing.

Some Western foods, Huaxia have also been introduced, and the Chinese cuisine is delivered to foreign countries. For example, the North Da Cang will help China's snacks, opened to dozens of countries in the world, the most popular audience is Shaxian snacks!

There are also a variety of snacks such as Chinese steamed buns, dumplings, candied haws, and meat sandwiches. They have stood up in foreign countries and even got angry.

The difference between the introduction and the output is that the North Da Cang has made a lot of money, not to mention that many of them are self-operated by the North Da Cang, and the profits are higher.

However, there is some problem with the trade of Bei Dacang and the country of rice. Because Huaxia no longer imports GM food, it is no longer planted. This makes some of the former rice partners in the northern Okura, very dissatisfied.

But they never thought about it. They don’t eat GM foods. They control such crops, called cash crops or commodity crops, not food crops.

Everyone found that there is no GM wheat in the world. Is it not developed? Absolutely not!

Some people speculate that because wheat is the main food of Westerners, they do not study, nor let others study, who studies, is the public enemy of all.

But corn, soy beans do not matter, even rice, there are genetically modified, higher than the hybrid rice production in China.

China does not buy, there are more poor countries in Africa and Asia, and they lack food.

Although it is not possible to confirm that GM foods are completely safe, they have not been confirmed to be completely unsafe, so many countries have purchased and planted them.

However, China began to reject genetically modified foods, and many other countries have become vigilant. The agriculture of the country has also been affected.

If at this time, the North Da Cang is willing to import other agricultural and sideline products, then the agricultural assistance to the country is still very large.

Rice is a big country in science and technology, but it is also a big agricultural country. There are many large farms in the country. Many businessmen and athletes will buy a farm and enjoy the pastoral life after retirement.

"Feng, are you saying that you want to import a large amount of agricultural and sideline products from our country?"

"Not all, but part. What to import depends on us, but it can definitely bring you a lot of profits, and it can also increase the number of people employed."

Let the rice country become the planting and breeding base of China, and it is very interesting to think about it.

However, in the future, Huaxia will strive to be self-sufficient. These agricultural and sideline products, which can be found in the country, should have the geographical conditions of China. The two sides are very similar in latitude.

"Feng, then you predict, how much can this annual trade volume be achieved? How many people can be employed?" Reid asked in detail.

"How can we have more than one billion dollars in trade each year? It will only be more and not less. At least it can solve the employment problem of tens of thousands of people. Is this less?"

Tens of thousands of people, compared to a country in the United States, certainly not much, but compared to the number of unemployed people in the country, then the ratio is not low, this business can be discussed.

The reason why the big consortium is a large consortium, in addition to the main business, the investment industry involves almost all walks of life, to ensure that any industry is prosperous, they can share some. If any industry declines, they will not be hit hard.

"Feng, this is too little. If you can let Huaxia import our seeds, or food again, then the company here can count some of your shares."

Feng Yu raised his chin: "Is your food company very profitable?"

The implication is that these profits, Feng Yu did not look in the eyes. His main industry does not bring him billions of profits every year?

"And, I still have something to do. You will continue to talk with Li Zeju and Kamen Masato. This little business has delayed me for so long."

Reid is smiling, this is a business of billions or even tens of billions of dollars. In Feng Yu’s mouth, it is a small business that has delayed things. The world’s richest man is amazing?

Ok, the world's richest man is really amazing.


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