Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 579: On the CCTV report

Only the central station is far from enough. To step on the death of the company and the Qiudu company, Feng Yu will also prepare some other means. To blame, they blame them for not checking, and Feng Yu grabbed the handle.

Feng Yu went to various branches and factories to inspect, and at the same time began to contact the local media to prepare a fatal blow to the two companies!

The leaders of Qiudu Company, today are receiving reporters from Yangtai, and they are sure to turn over!

"Hey reporters, I have made it clear, I promise, there is no trace of concealment. That person-meat" is absolutely nonsense, it is framed!"

"Ma, then, do you know who planted it? We investigated it. The first one broke out. You have a strange smell in the autumn ham. It’s like a newspaper in the crematorium burning meat. It’s you. Provincial newspaper, are you clear about this?" asked Yu Junyi.

The general eye of the horse stunned. What did you mean by the reporter? Are you ready to help us step on the company? This is a good opportunity for Tianda. The company has a knife behind us and let people know that you are behind the scenes!

"Of course I know, I just don't want to talk about it. Speaking of it, when their company wanted to produce ham, or come to our company to visit and study, we also gave all kinds of experience to the heart. As a result, they actually made our company and discredited our company. The image!" Ma said indignantly.

"Ma always knows, but I don't want to say that, the other side has a relatively close relationship with you?" Qi Junyi immediately grasped the key points in Ma's discourse.

"That was before, we will not have any relationship in the future, it is a competitor!" Ma said with a bite.

"So, the horse really does not want to say it, let the national audience know, who caused so much damage to you?" Qi Junyi continued to ask.

Ma always hesitated, remembering that he was the most beautiful company leader in the city and even the province, and he had the opportunity to make progress. However, because of this incident, he was discredited because of the accomplishments of Shanhui. The way up is also broken.

If someone is carrying a black pot, it must be him! The provincial leader ordered that he was not allowed to identify the company, although he had sufficient evidence. Proof is indeed a ghost of a single exchange company, but if the reporter accidentally discovered it?

As long as the single exchange company is finished, then those dealers will inevitably return to the embrace of Qiudu Company, and he will be able to revitalize the glory of Qiudu Company. Anyway, the ham in the autumn before is also in short supply. Even if the sales volume drops, but can always guarantee profit? So the province is to protect the company, there is no future company, or to protect their old company?

Thinking of this, Ma always pretended to touch the documents on the table inadvertently, revealing a document that Shanhui Company had studied at Qiudu Company.

Sure enough, Yu Junyi saw it and quickly asked: "Is the company that Ma said just now is this single-exchange company? Because it is a provincial enterprise, so you are not willing to point it out?"

Ma always sighed, and you already know it. Then I will tell the truth: "Hey, if it is not a province, can other companies enter our factory to visit and study? Their leadership, slanders hurt us, the first one said that we use people - meat newspapers That is, they bought a deputy editor! You can check this, I can take any responsibility."

Qi Junyi looked at the camera behind him, and the camera nodded, indicating that it was all taken.

"Okay, Ma. We will report it and won't let you suffer. But then, I still have a problem. Your ham is mixed with smoked pork. Do you have it?" Have you considered that this pork may have an inedible portion?"

"What do you mean?" Ma was shocked. How did this reporter seem to be coming for them?

“Are you sure that all the hams are tested before they leave the factory?”

"Of course all qualified! The batch of pork was only smoked, and there is not bacon in the south. How can you not eat it?" Ma asked.

"Okay, then I have no other questions. Does Ma have anything else to say?" asked Yu Junyi.

"Nothing, just want to apologize to the vast number of consumers. Before I was not well managed, I had this kind of thing. I promised here that there will never be similar things happening in the future. Please feel free to buy and consume us. Autumn ham sausage..."

After waiting for them to leave, Ma did not feel that something was wrong. Although the other party confiscated his red envelope, this is a reporter from Yangtai and a reporter for Focus Interview. It may be that the people themselves are more upright.

Besides, he thought about the content of the interview. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. The last words he said were also prepared long ago. In particular, the reporters also took some evidence that the company had planted them. After the show was broadcast, it was inevitable that they could completely turn over the autumn ham. Can also step on the single exchange company!


The efficiency of the central station is very high. On the third day after the interview, the "Focus Interview" broadcasted the program. Ma, who was informed in advance, also organized all the leaders to watch in the conference room. He wanted everyone to watch it together. To this wonderful moment!

"A few days ago, there was a message circulating among the people. In the autumn ham, the man was added with meat. Even some said that the Qiudu company was joint venture with the crematorium. So we sent a reporter to investigate and announced today. The result is that human-meat is completely a rumor!"

Ma always in the meeting room, all applauded. The "Focus Interview" of the Central Committee has ridiculed them. Is there anything to worry about?

At the same time, the provincial leaders who watched the program also nodded with satisfaction. It seems that the public relations work is very timely, and it should be able to restore the image of Qiudu Company to a certain extent, and save some losses for them.

"...this lens can be seen, the cold storage is being repaired. Because the cold storage has been on fire for a whole period of time, some pigs have been burnt out and smoked, and Qiudu Company, in order to reduce losses, mix these pork Into the ordinary pork, made into the ham. According to our interview, the horse of Qiudu Company said that the ham sausage with the added bacon was of good quality. We asked the Beijing Food and Drug Testing Center for this batch of ham. Intestines, some sampling tests were done. Below are the test center staff, the results of the test announced."

Seeing this piece, Ma always changed their faces. How was this ham in the test? What does this "focus interview" mean? Leaders are not saying that this is to help us ridicule? How do you look now, seems to be targeting us?

Of course, they know that there are definitely problems with this batch of ham, but there are not too many problems, and they can’t eat dead.

When I saw this shot, the leader of Shanhui Company was a happy face. It seems that the provincial leaders can only support them in the future, and the Qiudu company is over! (To be continued.)

Ps: First, thanks to laosuen, book friends 140911000629431, 暷褀, Tiandi, I voted for the honor, happy 250 and so on. There is one more behind

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