Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 657: Teacher's Day, Teacher Robbery

Since 1985, the state has passed the Teacher's Day bill, and on September 10th each year, it is designated as Teacher's Day. At this time, the teacher's day in China has been changed and finally confirmed. At least until Feng Yu was born again, it is still used this day.

Originally, the meaning of Teacher's Day was to respect the teacher, because in the special period, the teachers were criticized as "smelly old nine" and became the object of the order-level struggle. At that time, many teachers were beaten by students, even yak. The shed and the chest are hung up, which is very miserable.

Although the country advocated respecting teachers and teaching after that period, but often teachers were beaten, beaten by students, and beaten by parents, causing many teachers to be dissatisfied and protest.

The State has established Teacher's Day, and the day when the festival is scheduled has also been discussed several times, including June 6, August 27, May 1, May 5, September 20. 8th, September 10th, etc.

It was finally confirmed, September 10. Because this time has already started, and it is just starting school, it is just an ideological education for students.

The state has also introduced a series of policies, such as improving the treatment of teachers, such as giving teachers more rewards, such as an increase in the number of evaluations, and resource-oriented teachers in other aspects such as housing, medical care, and life.

Even before Feng Yu’s rebirth, there were policies such as teacher welfare housing, and the treatment of teachers has been improving.

All of this was for the sake of teachers, but as time went by, it slowly changed.

The status of teachers is getting higher and higher, and at this time many parents think that the only way to get ahead is to study. If you have a lot of books, you can't go to the land. If you don't work hard, you can be an official, be a leader, sit in an office, and at the very least be a cultural person.

Parents desperately please teachers in order to get their children to be taken care of at school. At this time, there is nothing to teach according to their aptitude. There is no such thing as quality education.

What's more, in the past few years, college students have been cadres, and they can be cadres when they graduate!

Therefore, parents are becoming more and more respectful to teachers. It has evolved into a pleasing, responsive to teachers, and hopes that children will receive special care at school.

For example, if the child has a problem, he can ask the teacher separately, such as taking care of the child in class. Don't let your child slip through, such as avoiding children being bullied at school.

After all, many parents at this time are double-employed and have no time to take care of their children. If children are bullied, they don't have time to find their parents.

What should I do? Only teachers can take care of it. The teacher manages so many children, why should I take care of your children?


The old saying is not to say, many people do not blame. Besides, in ancient times, there were worshippers and banquets, and we also followed the tradition.

Therefore, the teachers not only received special care from the government, but also received special care from parents. This stage. It is also the stage where the child receives the most corporal punishment. Until a few years later, at the State Council's work meeting, the name was criticized for the education~ department~long, the teacher is not allowed to punish the student to become the teacher's code of conduct, but in fact, it is also implemented. Unruly.

Until the millennium, people's living standards are getting better and better, and many people see that they don't have to read too many books. They can also make money, and they can live well. They no longer say to the teachers: "Children have more management and you are not honest."

Instead, it changed to: "Children have more management. If you have any questions, call me, I will pack him. You take care of my children at school, don't let him be bullied, I will not forget you. Ok, this is a little gift. If you don't pay tribute, you still want to accept it."

There are even a group of parents who love children, mainly based on grandparents. If teachers dare to beat their grandchildren, they will work hard with teachers. We are reluctant to fight!

Originally given to the teachers are some pens, greeting cards and the like, not worth the money, is a wish. That was nothing, but I didn’t know who started it first. I sent the teacher what eggs, meat or food stamps, cloth tickets and the like.

Later, some people sent expensive, sent bicycles, and even sent large items such as home appliances in exchange for special care of the children.

Then many teachers' appetites are raised, and you send the pen again. He simply can't see it. Don’t say no, but you don’t want a pen. You try to send something worthwhile, and rarely push it back.

Although there are still many good teachers in this area, even if you don't collect money, you will be very responsible. You will treat every student fairly, but you have to say that since many people regard teachers as a job, the quality of teachers is uneven. Inconsistent, coupled with the teacher's mutual comparison, this kind of gifting is also a wind.

Some people have said that which parents give gifts, teachers do not necessarily remember to live, but who did not give gifts, he must remember to live. Gifts want to be remembered by the teacher, then you have to give a big gift.

At this time, not only did the teachers feel normal, but the parents also felt normal. No one thought that giving gifts to teachers should not be.

But what to send, it makes them bother. You send a bicycle, people have bicycles, what is the use of one more? You send it too expensive, and you can't afford it. Send it cheap, afraid to take it. Send some wine, what if the female teacher does not drink?

Sending money is the most direct way, but there is also a problem. Sending money is not as good as sending items. A thousand dollars, according to the current rmb maximum face value of one hundred, but only ten. This is a little bigger, and the envelopes are not bulging.

But if you buy a gift of a thousand dollars, it will be very big. Besides, many parents can't afford to pay for a thousand pieces. They are willing to give up a month's salary gift, which is just a few hundred pieces.

It’s a lot of money to send a gift, but it doesn’t look good. And many teachers don't dare to accept the money directly. They are also worried that other parents will send more, they will send less, and the children will not be taken care of.

As a result, many parents said that Teacher's Day is simply a disaster for them. This is the same as the Spring Festival that has been dubbed the Spring Festival.

The main thing is that I don’t know how to give gifts, how much to send, what to send, which makes them painstaking.

Now, the shopping card is the perfect solution to this problem!

Give the teacher a shopping card, just like getting married at the same time, you can discuss it. This is different from giving a gift. You can't send a silk scarf to this house. Do you also send a scarf?

The shopping card is given to the teacher, and the teacher likes to buy it himself. It’s not cash, there’s no teacher who wants it, but he’s embarrassed. And a card is also very good for the teacher, stuffed into the pocket, it is very convenient to shake the other hand when shaking hands.

This is caused by the national conditions. At least for a short period of time, there will be no change.

The new semester started, many students are looking forward to it, many teachers are also looking forward to... (to be continued.)

Ps: Fifth, the monthly ticket is three hundred and five plus. There are two chapters in front, don't miss it. Today, the speed of the fourth child is slowly recovering. Is the update still OK? Do you encourage me? You can get rewards, monthly passes, and recommended tickets. Thank you.

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