Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 812: The province also plays big

Yang Liwen, the leader of the Longjiang Water Conservancy Hall, has been cheerful since the beginning of yesterday. Seeing whoever is a smiley face, many people said that Xu Shu~ remembered to talk to him. Seeing this, Yang Liwen is going to be promoted. what!

But the provincial cadres have not heard of anyone who wants to move, is it necessary to go to the middle? Those below are also inquiring. If the leader moves, there will be a vacancy, and efforts will be made from one level to another. Everyone has a chance to move.

Today, Yang Liwen suddenly summoned all the middle-level cadres to open a meeting together, saying that it is a mobilization meeting. This time, everyone is forced.

After the opening of the mobilization meeting, everyone can understand, but this is about to celebrate the New Year, what mobilization meeting? Is it the cold weather of Longjiang, and what kind of water conservancy projects can it be repaired at this time? Shaved ice holes?

"I came back from Xu Shu ~ remember yesterday and got a good news. Next year, the province will have a big water conservancy project. The funds we can get will be very much!"

All of us are excited and have more money, which means more projects, more bonuses, and improved benefits. Of course, there are still some hidden benefits, such as giving the following grants.

If you don't mean it, I will give the city a grant, and your city can only watch it.

"Everyone is very happy? But it also means that we will have a lot of projects next year, it will be very hard. Now give everyone a task, our city's water conservancy - the bureau has a counterpart, I ask you, notice All cities must raise a water conservancy fund, and then first go to the account in our hall and tell them how much they can raise, and we will double it in the next year!"

Everyone has a confused face. What does this mean? Isn't it a provincial grant? How do you manage yourself? Self-raising, self-raising, why do you have to get to the hall first?

Besides, if you say how much you can raise, you will give it double return. The city of Ice City has so much tax every year. If someone raises 100 million yuan of funds, what do you do?

Do you dare to double? Zhang Shu ~ can't remember to pack you!

"Why don't you talk? Lao Liu, you are responsible for Qicheng, how much money do you expect to raise?" Yang Liwen began to name.

"Hall ~ Long, what do you mean by collecting this money? Our water conservancy department is not a strong unit. What if they don't sell their faces?"

"You can rest assured that all the cities have received the documents in the province, they will actively cooperate. If any city does not cooperate, you tell me, I am going to find Xu Shu ~ remember!" Yang Liwen said very hard.

He is not the traffic ~ hall, the financial ~ hall of the hall ~ long, usually do not say those books in the city ~ remember, that is, the city ~ long are not too bird, how hard is it?

But this time it is different. Xu Shu~ remembers that if he can get up to one billion yuan, then the province will give another ten billion. If there are two billion, then the whole body water conservancy project can definitely go up a step. what. That is a big achievement, he never dared to think about it before.

Xu Changyou is also no way, there is no money in the province. Before I squeezed out a sum of money and invested in the North Dacang Group, Bei Dacang has no profit yet, and it may not be profitable next year. There is still a lot of money to be invested in the province. Some things that were delayed last year will continue to be done. The province is really unable to make money to repair water.

But now it’s alright, Feng Yu wants a one-to-one donation, and that’s not taking the opportunity, he’s stupid! If there is no money in the province, it will only allow local cities to raise funds themselves.

To put it bluntly, this is also a good thing, a project for the benefit of the people, a project with political achievements. Sure enough, the heads of cities and towns heard that there was such a good thing, and they all began to think of ways. They must squeeze out a sum of money and hand it over to the water conservancy hall.

After the double return, the money will be drawn out again. Half of the funds will be used to build water conservancy, and it is already very successful.

These things, Feng Yu did not know, he has been raising funds, Xu Changyou has already promised, Feng Yu certainly will not renege.

After squeezing out some money from various companies, he made up five hundred million and thought that it was enough. The province's finances are not plentiful. Feng Yu is very clear that he can't afford much money. Feng Yu thought that even if the province could only get 300 million yuan, he would donate 500 million yuan and donate another one next year. It should be able to repair all the dams in the province.

By the time of 1998, at least the dam will not be washed away, and the houses of the people will be preserved. As for the farmland being flooded, this time to find a way, perhaps let them all plant corn, much better than the grain, wheat, beets, soybeans and other particles.

Today, Xu Changyou personally called Feng Yu and invited Feng Yu to sit in the past, saying that the budget for the province next year is good, and the budget for water conservancy is more.

Feng Yu has already expected that he will give this kind of promise. If the province does not allocate funds, then he has nothing to say. After arriving in the province, Feng Yu was dumbfounded.

"Ten billion? Xu Shu ~ remember, you told me that the province's water budget this year has a billion dollars?!" Feng Yu can not believe, where the province comes so much money?

Bei Dacang still needs a steady stream of blood transfusions. Although the industrial recovery is relatively fast, the taxation of Bingcheng is not much left to the province. The deputy-provincial-level cities have great autonomy. According to Feng Yu's estimate, the funds that the province can invest in water conservancy this year should not exceed one billion.

After he has stimulated his donation, he will definitely have a lot more, but it will be two or three hundred million days. It will definitely not exceed five hundred million. Where is this one billion?

Xu Changyou launched more than eight billion self-raised funds in various cities, and the province allocated more than one billion yuan to make up for one billion yuan, just to fight local tyrants!

Xu Changyou asked Zhang Ruiqiang, Feng Yu has more money in the end. Zhang Ruiqiang told him that Feng Yu is definitely the richest man in China. How much is the value of these industries in the ice city? Moreover, Feng Yu has investment in other provinces and cities, and also has investments abroad. He said to Xu Changyou that Feng Yu assets, I am afraid there are one hundred billion!

At that time, Xu Changyou’s mouth was not closed for a long time. The assets of a person had one hundred billion. What is the concept? How much is the tax of Longjiang for one year!

However, he really can't say anything. Feng Yu is all serious business, and every year he makes a big donation. He said that dozens of Taihua buildings have been built in all parts of Longjiang, which has saved the province a lot of education investment. what.

But after listening to Zhang Ruiqiang's analysis, Xu Changyou also made a decision. You Feng Yu did not say that the province can get out 10 billion, do you donate 10 billion? Then I really took out ten billion and see what you do!

Zhang Ruiqiang did not say that Feng Yu had never said anything about his promise of donation. That kind of meat that is sent to the mouth, can he still take a bite?

Especially if his political performance is good, he can delay retirement. How can he let go of such a political achievement? Even if you can't delay retirement, the people in the province will get benefits. Anyway, he didn't take a penny, and he has no worries!

"Feng, you told me at the time, if the province can get out 10 billion, you will donate 10 billion. Now the province has got 10 billion, you see?"

Xu Changyou looked at Feng Yu, laughing like an old fox...

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