Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 815: Secret

"Feng Laodi, you said that after I arrived in the southeast, could you help me?" This is the purpose of Lu Shao's invitation to Feng Yulai. He wants Feng Yu to help him brush his political achievements.

Why those second generations are promoted quickly, one can carry projects and funds, and one is a wide network of contacts, who can find someone to help with political achievements. Of course, they brushed out their political achievements, and others couldn’t get away and couldn’t cover them, so they would be promoted quickly.

These two generations have their own words and deeds, and at least in theory, they all have some foundation. However, from the middle to the central, many people are also stunned by the "water and soil dissatisfaction".

When Lu Shao went to the southeast, he naturally went with the project and funds, but he felt that this was not enough. Those projects and funds can guarantee that he will continue to rise to the vice-city to long after he has done a county-level committee. After a five-year period, he feels too slow.

These two generations are very proud and believe that their talents can be qualified for higher positions, of course, do not want to improve slowly, although it is very stable.

"Lu Shao, where are you going to work in the southeast?"

"Jianzhou Pucheng, I am going to be the top leader." When he said this, Lu Shaoluo was very successful. At this age, he can become a parent, not to mention nothing, but it is rare.

"Congratulations." Feng Yu eyebrows pick, actually it is Jianzhou, that is the base camp of Nanfu Company.

Nanfu Company, but Feng Yu has always been a company that has been shackled by foreign capital. The former state-owned enterprises have become a foreign-controlled enterprise, and the national brand has become a taste.

Of course, more of them are the sorrow of policy, and the corresponding country's call for attracting foreign investment. At the time of the joint venture, Nanfu Company did not lack funds at all. Even if it wanted to expand production, some banks were willing to give loans. However, in order to attract foreign investment, the government has taken out the shares of Nanfu Company and made a joint venture with others. Eventually, Morgan Stanley, the capital giant, has taken advantage of the money. They have acquired the shares of Nanfu in the hands of other companies and then packaged them. The original shares were sold together to Geely, the biggest competitor of Nanfu.

Since Lu Shao went to work in Jianzhou, then this Nanfu, Feng Yu must win. In his hands, it is always much stronger than in a foreigner's hand.

First of all, it is necessary to push Lu Shao up, at least to let Lu Shao become a deputy of Jianzhou, only have a bit of discourse power, if it is still in Pucheng, then the help can be limited.

“Lu Shao, I asked Bingcheng Machinery Company to invest in a motorcycle branch in Pucheng?”

The location of Jianzhou, but the junction of the three provinces, where the factory was built, can radiate three provinces. Originally, Bingcheng Machinery Co., Ltd. was in the site selection, which is considered to be two-fold.

Lu Shao Daxi: "Is it a Songjiang brand motorcycle? Thank you very much Feng Laodi. If I go down, I can bring in a big brand investment like Songjiang Motorcycle. It will help me too much."

However, Lu Shao asked hesitantly: "Feng Laodi, can only build a motorcycle factory? Songjiang Automobile, can't I build a branch factory in mine?"

“Lu Shao, first of all, the investment in the automobile factory is much larger. This money is not a big problem. But the domestic automobile market has just got a little better, but it has not yet reached the level of prosperity. The entire southeast, most of the automobile market is occupied by SAIC. We are slowly grabbing the market, but the market has limited potential. Well~~How long do you plan to work in Jianzhou? If you want to work for more than ten years, then I will pay for three or five years and go to Jianzhou. A branch factory!" Feng Yu said very proudly.

He knows that these second generations are promoted by means of up and down. For example, Lu Shao, in the Ministry ~ euphemism to the right ~, down to the place to mention the Deputy ~ Hall, and then back to the Ministry of appointment, when the next place, it will become the ~ Hall.

Others can only climb up one step and one step. They have a lot of steps to choose from. The speed of climbing is naturally faster than ordinary people.

"Feng Laodi, the motorcycle factory is very good, very good." Lu Shaoqi smiled, he certainly did not dare to make this commitment. If there is a vacancy on it, is he still not arguing?

Only step by step, you can hit the top nine positions!

"Lu Shao, as a brother, I have a few things to remind you. First of all, you are not short of money, no matter what time, you must not reach out."

"This is for sure, although the shares you gave me at the beginning were taken to my cousin's name, but when I want to spend money, he will not give it."

"The second point, a knife on the head of the color word, Lu Shao played for so many years, the marriage is also closed, the collection of the heart. Everything to play, the brothers can understand, but do not move emotions, but can not hurt family."

"I know that this time, the next place, I asked for it. I also want to do something. In fact, I am tired of the things I play." Lu Shaozheng.

"The third point, Lu Shao's character, making friends, being derogatory, this is a good thing in the past. After that, this is definitely not a good thing. If you have more friends, it means that everyone has it. They have an accident, You are thinking about pulling one. So chances are that you are being pulled down."

Lu Shaomei's head is slightly wrinkled: "Feng Laodi's sentence is a bit exaggerated? I have made good friends, friends are difficult, I don't reach out, then who am I?"

"If it's a little busy, then of course you have no problem. But you are too derogatory. As long as others find you, you will help, no matter whether the other person is right or wrong, always thinking about giving each other a chance. But have you thought about it, some principles? The above mistakes cannot be forgiven!"

"No one is perfect, who can make no mistakes? A friend is a person who stretches out a hand at a critical moment. If you don't reach out at this time, what kind of friend is it?" Lu Shao dissatisfied.

Lu Shao’s character is indeed worthy of making friends. But this character is definitely not suitable for an official!

"Lu Shao, don't forget your identity. You want to make a big business in the future, and some friends can only drag you down. You can take care of it, help your friends, and you should have Everything, we must take the interests of the country first!"

"This statement lets you say, of course, the national interest is first, I still can't understand it, I am also a D member." Lu Shaoxiao laughed.

Feng Yuxin said that if you can think so in the past, then you will not be silent and become one of the most failed second generations. I hope that this world will not be guilty again.

"Lu Shao understands it. There is another point. Some people are definitely not worthy of making friends. Especially if you are working in the southeast, then in the southeastern province, it is best not to have any friends who are too open to eat. There are no good endings for the slick people."

"Okay, how strange you are today. It seems that when I went to work in Jianzhou, I went to a dangerous place." Lu Shao said with a smile.

Feng Yu sighed and said no more.

Some words, he really can't say now, whether it is the Niu Meng family, or the rich and poor family in the southeast, the future may be implicated in a string of people.

Hold a secret that cannot be said, too TM is uncomfortable!

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