Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 826: Crisis (request for a ticket)

Feng Yu quickly registered an investment company in New York, and agreed with Kirilenko to let Kirilenko face a shareholding to form a US-Russian joint venture, but there is also an agreement in private, Kirilenko shares, All transactions have been made to Taihua Trading Company, and the equity trading time is one year later.

This little busy, Kirilenko certainly agreed in one bite, anyway, he did not need him to pay a penny.

Feng Yu also contacted Li Zezhen and Fu Guangzheng. Among them, Li Zezhen used Lijia Resources to register a trading company in Canada, and Fu Guangzheng registered a company in Nanyang.

Like Kirilenko, they are all registered for Feng Yu. The company's entire shareholding has been traded to Taihua Trading Company, which is also a year later.

At this time, Li Jingwei just took a piece of land in Yangcheng, and all the funds were drawn. He started building Jianlibao Building and took away most of the company's working capital.

Then, based on the needs of the development of the rice market, most of the remaining liquidity was credited to the account of the company, which led to Jianlibao starting to press the dealer's payment.

This is just Li Jingwei's first step plan, and he will immediately implement the second step plan.

Li Jinwei and the city leaders said that the company has investigated that there is a good market prospect for tea beverages there, but Jianlibao does not have a mature tea beverage formula, and the best domestic tea beverage is Lehaha Group. .

Therefore, Jianlibao should consult with Lehaha, purchase the formula of Lehaha's tea beverage, and then improve it to produce a new type of tea beverage suitable for the rice market, which will definitely bring high profits to Jianlibao.

If you listen to it in the city, you can bring a high profit. Then you can talk about it and buy a recipe. Can we stop this kind of thing?

But at this time, Li Jingwei said that Jianlibao has no money. He wants to match the market and let Jianlibao borrow money from the bank.

The city leader was shocked. How could Jianlibao have no money? After the year, you said that you need funds, we are not giving it. Then the leader found out that Jianlibao didn’t have any money, and the TM didn’t give the dealer’s payment.

If you have not cooperated for many years, I am afraid that those dealers have already made trouble! Once the dealers strike as a whole, then Jianlibao’s sales will inevitably fall into shackles, so Jianlibao will be finished.

The leader began to check, where did Jianlibao’s money go?

Then they found out that Jianlibao bought a piece of land in Yangcheng. This is nothing, but why did you just start work, and you gave the project money and materials? Where should I do this, shouldn’t it be done after work?

The money has already been given, how can I get back? The country branch of the country has taken a lot of money, saying that it is developing the rice market and still open up it, which will certainly bring back lucrative profits, but when it can be developed, it may be!

The leader was not happy at this time. Looking for Li Jingwei to come over, he criticized the meal. With regard to this management ability, I still want to buy the shares of Jianlibao? Hey, sooner or later, I have to kick Li Jingwei out of Jianlibao!

Li Jingwei began to urge, to buy a recipe for tea drinks with Le Haha, otherwise it will not catch up with the summer sales season. When talking to the bank about the loan, Li Jingwei deliberately said "missing the mouth", Jianlibao's sales had serious problems, and owed a lot of money to the dealers.

Under this circumstance, the bank can not lend to the loan, especially Li Jingwei also lions open the mouth, to borrow 500 million, less can not!

So Jianlibao has fallen into a very embarrassing situation, and the city leaders are even more difficult. It’s still a good Jianlibao last year, and suddenly the money is not enough. However, Li Jingwei also said that he has developed a new product and will be able to get a steady profit from the country. Jianlibao will be able to take off again.

At this time, Zong Qingxian of Le Haha proposed a new plan and exchange of shares.

Le Haha exchanges part of the equity with Jianlibao, and then the formula for the tea beverage can be given to Jianlibao and Jianlibao after one year.

The city leaders are hesitant, so isn’t it selling the shares of Jianlibao?

Li Jingwei analyzed the accounts for them. How many factories in Lehaha have in China, and how well the channels, after the cooperation with Le Haha, will have the opportunity to swallow the sales channels of Le Haha.

Even if it doesn't work, Le Haha's profitability is not bad, and the city is not losing money. So the city leaders agreed to this plan after deliberation.

Jianlibao took out 8 percent and exchanged 6 percent of Le Haha's shares. According to their assessment, Jianlibao's market value is much worse than Lehaha. Who makes Le Haha's factory more?

The city leaders did not pay attention to it. Jianlibao’s newly-built building had a very low evaluation value.

After getting the formula, Jianlibao's product development team began to study the new formula, and said that with the mature formula, they only need to add steam to ensure the taste, and ensure that it can pass the test of the rice country.

Then the question came again, still no money. The domestic side can owe money, and the country cannot owe money.

The city leaders asked, isn’t it going to transfer money to the branch of the country? How can it be lost?

Li Jingwei said that it is an advertising fee. You have not always said that Jianlibao advertising is not as big as other products. We decided to increase the amount of advertising, increase the exposure of Jianlibao, let more people in the country know, Jianlibao, fall in love. Jianlibao!

To put it simply, the money is spent!

The leaders in the city have had a headache, and they have contacted several bank loans. They have no problems, and there are more loans. People don’t give loans, and the loans are less, not enough. Now they still owe a lot of money from dealers.

At this time, Li Jingwei made another amazing move. He stopped paying the workers' wages this month and prepared to use the money to make a turnover.

The workers stopped working immediately, and even the researchers in the laboratory stopped working. Li Jingwei immediately dissuaded and appeased the workers.

Li Jingwei, who is very prestigious, can't even hold a few managers at this time. The city leaders have to come forward and say they will find a solution.

How to solve it, although the city has money, but all plan to go out, if you give Jianlibao, fill in this hole, what if it is not enough?

One after another, the dealers gathered in Sanshui and asked Jianlibao to owe them their money. Otherwise, they would be blocked at the gate of the factory and at the gate of the government.

Paying back debts, it’s just right!

This banner fluttered in the wind at the municipal government gate, and the leaders in the city could not lift their heads. The important thing is that there are too many people, and the police can't control it!

What made them even more unexpected was that things went up to the newspaper, and their faces were thrown away!

Feng Yu listened to Fu Guangzheng saying that Jianlibao is in the current situation. He opened his eyes and did not expect Li Jingwei to be more embarrassed than he imagined!

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