Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 828: Able person (please ask for a ticket)

Li Jingwei rushed into the office of Zhou Dawei with an angry anger, and the secretary could not stop it.

"Weekly ~ long, Jianlibao is going to be sold, how can I not know about this?" It is obviously his idea, but he is now questioning others.

"Old Li, what is this saying, who wants to sell Jianlibao? It is a joint venture, attracting foreign investment, and expanding the scale of Jianlibao. Besides, Jianlibao is not short of money now, you have always said that the city will solve it, I am Didn't you find a solution for you?" Zhou Dawei took Li Jingwei and sat down on the sofa, a little bit of a look.

"Joint venture? Joint venture also wants to know me." And after the joint venture, is it that the foreign businessmen have the final say? Then I? I made such a big contribution to Jianlibao, what should I do?" Li Jingwei asked.

"Old Li, who said that after the joint venture, Jianlibao is the foreign businessman to say the calculation? Certainly we still have to say it. You are the general manager of Jianlibao, this will not change." Zhou Dawei comforted.

"Weekly ~ long, I don't think I need foreign investment, I make a fortune with the management, you sell some shares to us, I promise to make Jianlibao better and better." Li Jingwei tried.

But he knows that the city will definitely not agree.

Sure enough, Zhou Dawei said: "Old Li, where did you come from? As you said, it will not be repaid in three years. You can use Jianlibao's funds to buy Jianlibao. How can the city agree? Then again, What are the four vice presidents you asked, what decisions are made? If it is not for them to operate indiscriminately, can Jianlibao’s capital chain have problems? You also said that if there is no more money, Jianlibao’s capital chain will be broken. Now, how do you do so many workers?"

"Weekly city ~ long, do you think that this situation is my fault? Last year I said that the city should not take so much money, it is because you have to do this, it will cause this situation. If you will When those funds are brought back, Jianlibao is not okay?"

Li Jingwei knows that those funds have been transferred to the following, and many have already been spent. When you eat glutinous rice, many units spent more than last year. They got funding this year and filled the hole directly.

Just knowing that there is no money in the city, he dared to do so, so to speak.

"Old Li, what do you mean? You mean, I created the passive situation of Jianlibao? You set the position, how to talk to me!" Zhou Dawei was angry.

After a fire, Zhou Dawei turned to Li Jingwei and said: "Are you still not the general manager of Jianlibao? This time, the funds are more, you can give me your salary."

Li Jingwei took a deep breath, which is why he wants Jianlibao to leave the Sanshui government. Paying wages? What I want is TM shares, shares!

"What is the plan in the city?"

"Let them invest 30 million US dollars, and then give them 40% of the shares." Zhou Dawei said he was very satisfied.

"No, then we will lose money!"

"Well? How lost?" Zhou Dawei asked inexplicably.

"We have more than 400 million fixed assets of Jianlibao. Although there are a lot of liabilities, it should be worth 350 million yuan. They will pay 40 million US dollars and give them 40% of the shares. It seems that we have earned But in fact? The profit of our Jianlibao is predictable, so that their investment can be recovered in three or four years. How can this be done?"

"What do you say?" asked Zhou Dawei. "Don't you sell them directly? Isn't that money going to the Jianlibao Group? And the shares can't sell much, they want to move Jianlibao What about the three waters?"

“Weekly~long, I have a way to invest in Jianlibao’s equity and establish a new joint venture with them. This new joint venture can be in other places, but Jianlibao is still in Sanshui. And this can be obtained. The funds will be more, Jianlibao's development will be faster!" Li Jingwei deliberately indulged.

"Investing in shares and setting up a new joint venture company? What does this mean? Why didn't I understand it?" Zhou Dawei was somewhat stunned.

"That is, we use the 90% stake in Jianlibao to make a share price, let them make a fund of the same value as our shares, and then we account for 51% of the shares, they account for 49%. In this way, we can get more than 300 million yuan of funds. Even I can adjust it slightly in the accounts, such as concealing the amount of money we owe to the dealers and owing the workers' wages. I am sure that we can get five. Billions of funds are used for development."

"How much, five hundred million? Can there be so much?" Zhou Dawei's eyes lit up.

"Yes, five hundred million. And in this way, the company has sufficient development funds, and the sales and profits, taxes, etc. will inevitably hit new highs. The profits of this part of the city will not be less, and the tax will be reduced. Increased." Li Jingwei step by step introduced Zhou Dawei's thoughts into his language trap.

"Old Li, you are so helpful in the city, it is really the hero of our three waters." Zhou Dawei sang Li Jingwei's shoulder and praised.

Sanshui heroes? But how are you doing to me? See how other governments have treated people who have made significant contributions to the company?

"This new joint venture company, we are the major shareholder, then the chairman and general manager, I hope to be me." Li Jingwei deliberately proposed a condition.

"Of course, no problem, this seat, in addition to you are not qualified to sit! Lao Li, the city really did not misread you, you really is a very capable person. How to operate, you write a report, I first Go and talk to Xu Shu ~ remember."

After leaving the office for Zhou Da, Li Jingwei sighed and rushed to these people's attitude towards him. He did not regret doing this.


"Every boss, we finally made a decision to take out 90% of Jianlibao's equity as a shareholding. You invested 500 million yuan to invest in a joint venture to form a new company. Huaxia Beverage Group, we hold 50% of the shares. First, you hold 49% of the shares.” Li Jingwei said on behalf of Jianlibao.

"General Li, how did you calculate this account? In the past few days, we had 40 million US dollars, we can get 40% of the equity, and now 500 million RMB, that is more than 60 million US dollars, actually can hold Forty-nine percent of the shares?" Fu Guang is deliberately displeased.

"Because the leaders of the city did not have enough familiarity with Jianlibao's assets in the past few days, the valuation was wrong. This is Jianlibao's asset evaluation certificate. Jianlibao has an absolute value of more than 500 million yuan."

Next to Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei are very satisfied, this is much more than their estimated money, this old Li, really has the ability.

"Why is it 90%? According to your assessment, you should also take out 100% of the shares." Feng Yu asked the table and asked in English.

After Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei finished listening to the translation, they only looked at Li Jingwei. How can we explain this?

"Because our Jianlibao brand is also worth a sum of money, this part of the value, you have not considered it? This is our bottom line, if you do not agree, then there is no need to cooperate!" Li Jingwei said strongly.

Xu Sicheng and Zhou Dawei are very worried. Lao Li is so tough, shouldn’t it collapse? Isn't the other party still in contact with the music event? If the conditions for the music event are better, then what about Jianlibao?

Fu Guang was looking at everyone, especially with Feng Yu for a long time. He saw Feng Yu pick up the cup on the table and put it down without drinking water. He understood Feng Yu’s decision.

"We need to think about it before we can answer you."

"Of course, but to be faster, maybe in a few days, our Jianlibao has appreciated again." Li Jing said with great voice.

Of course, Feng Yu has already promised in his heart, but he is just doing it. He will soon want a number of beverage companies in the United Nations to invade the European and American markets!

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