Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 833: Shocked by two music

Counter racks, that is, on this list of shelves, only China's beverage products.

This kind of treatment was previously only available to Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola. Even world-class alcoholic beverage companies such as Budweiser may not be able to get this treatment.

Now, Feng Yu actually asked for the same treatment as Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola, which made them frown.

Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola, the two giants in the beverage industry, Coca-Cola's market share in the world's beverage industry, more than 40%, and is gradually increasing, mainly because of the development of the Asian market. Coca-Cola followed closely, with more than 35 percent of the market share, as well as the Asian market.

In the North American market, Coca-Cola's market share reached 45%, and Coca-Cola's nearly 40%, the two joined forces, accounting for 85% of the market share.

This kind of status, the supermarket gave a special shelf, Feng Yu on what request, China's beverages, but also this treatment? Even most of the drinks on this list have not been heard, even the most well-known Jianlibao in this market, the market share is less than a fraction of Coca-Cola!

"Mr. Feng, Mr. Xiao Fu, in terms of beverages, there are counters on the shelves. There are only two brands, Coca-Cola and Caesar Cola. No other brand can do it. At least our supermarket is like this. I don't know what other supermarkets are. Kind." Someone said.

Of course, other supermarkets are the same. They are naturally competitors. How can they not send people to the other supermarket to understand the situation?

Others immediately said that their supermarkets would not work either. Although some people want to give Feng Yuhe Fu Guangzheng some face, but other supermarkets do not agree, your family promised, is not that your family is very low grade?

Even if they are not as big as Wal-Mart, they are not too small. Wal-Mart is only the largest in North America, but there is more than one supermarket in a certain state or region, and every supermarket has its own pride.

Can't because everyone has a good cooperation before, they have to be indented, and there is one less kind of two products, which has little effect on their supermarkets. But without the huge sales terminal of the supermarket, the sales of any beverage will be seriously reduced, including Coca-Cola and cooking cola!

The big deception shop, the store can also be the opposite to bully!

“Please consider, we have more than one product, but a variety of Chinese drinks, including carbonated drinks, tea drinks, dairy products, mineral water and special drinks. These are all from the mysterious East! Please think I want to make a shelf for the oriental beverage. Is there anything that can't be done? We have investigated that more and more people in North America are starting to like tea," Fu Guangzheng said.

“Mr. Xiao Fu, the number of people who like to drink tea has increased, but it does not mean that there are more people who like tea drinks. And your products, without any popularity, are completely promoted by our supermarkets, except for tea drinks. Are there any specialities in your drinks? Carbonated drinks, are you comparable to Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola? Dairy products are available all over the world, and there is nothing special about them. Even for tea drinks, we also have products from island countries. It’s not very good to sell. The special kind of drink you are talking about is Jianlibao and this... Kaili is it? How many people will buy it? Who are your target consumers?”

"Everyone, I said, we are not selling the taste, not the brand, but the region. I only need you to give an opportunity to put our products on a shelf for trial sales. And our promotion will begin right away. We have prepared ample publicity funds and will advertise in major newspapers, TV media, etc. Think of Jianlibao, we can use Jianlibao's popularity for three years, and we can use other time to make other The popularity of the product is done."

Jianlibao has been famous in the United States for three years, which is a miracle for many people! With such a magical marketing team, there is more sufficient publicity expenses, and it seems that it is not impossible to do other brand awareness.

This group of people looked at each other, and no one expressed their attitude. The concept of hot-selling Chinese products may have a selling point, but no one knows whether it will succeed.

Another one is also considering how to charge the counter shelves. It is the same conditions as Coca-Cola, or the conditions are improved.

Fu Guangzheng and Feng Yu did not say anything, what conditions were given. Of course, the representatives of these supermarkets did not ask.

After talking for more than half an hour, nothing was said, and after those supermarket representatives left, Fu Guangzheng was very excited and said to Feng Yu: "It will become, at the latest tomorrow night, they will talk to us about the conditions."

“Why?” Feng Yu asked curiously.

“Because you said that, we are Chinese drinks. Just like in Xiangjiang, mainland beverages and foreign drinks, they are very popular in the local area. At least in the beginning, there will be many customers who buy because of curiosity, and don’t even need to do too much. Propaganda, as long as it is on the shelf, someone will buy it. The same is true in the country. Even the people of the country prefer to try something new. After the launch of our Chinese drink, it will definitely bring a lot of profit to those supermarkets. But one thing is very Important, they will definitely propose conditions. For example, after the products are unsalable, they have the right to remove them at any time.” After all, Fu Guangzheng paid the family, which is much better than Feng Yu in terms of sales.

"At any time, I am passive." Feng Yu frowned. Sales are good or bad, not the supermarket has the final say, this is not a means of their threat!

"This is the place we want to talk about next, that is, sales are not good, there must be a certain buffer period, otherwise we will be too passive." Fu Guangzheng has a long-term solution to this, don't forget, Xiangjiang's largest chain Supermarkets can also be paid for.

"How long should the buffer period be?" Feng Yu asked.

"It depends on how we talked. But I tend to be a quarter. It's too long, they definitely don't agree, but it's too short, we will suffer very much. We insist on a quarter and there should be great hope for success. Well, we pay home with several supermarket chains, but we have a long-term cooperation agreement. Since these products give me 20% of the gross profit, then it is also a cooperation, I will try my best to fight for it." Fu Guangzheng said confidently.

"Pay brother, then please."

In the evening, there were supermarket executives who contacted Fu Guangzheng and expressed a strong interest. At this time, the supermarkets are enriching the product categories. If other supermarkets have them, and they do not have supermarkets, then they will be invisible.

And they also think that you can try it. If you really don't make money and the sales are not good, then you can also do the following, and they haven't done it before.

After the first supermarket signed a cooperation agreement, other supermarkets quickly signed an agreement. They don't want this benefit, they are monopolized by others.

A week later, all of Beverage's beverage products officially landed in thousands of major supermarket chains in North America and had a dedicated shelf.

Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola, who heard the news, were all shocked!

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