Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 841: Sudden invitation

"Answer my question!" Fang said sharply.

Zhu Shuangyin supported me for a long time, but still did not say a word. The director’s wave of irritability, the team of official business is too large, there is always some sand.

"Go back and wait for it!"

This sentence, pronounced the result. Zhu Shuangyin, like a big man, hurriedly left. He has to hurry up with the two companies, at least not to be found that he is being bribed, and then everything will not be so bad.

"Director, there is another important thing, I think I should talk to you." Looking at the back of Zhu Shuangyin's wolverine, Feng Yu knows that Zhu Shuangyin is finished. That guy's **** is definitely not clean. This time, the newly appointed chairman, I don't know who it will be.

"What, you said." Fang Yi heard Feng Yu said, it seems that it is very important.

"Our country now has a trend, that is, always think that foreign things are superior products, and domestically produced things are inferior goods. This kind of consciousness is very dangerous. We should encourage people to buy our Chinese goods, in fact, many goods. The quality of our products in China is still first-class in the world. And many imported things, the price is high and outrageous, the money has been earned by foreigners."

"You mean, our manufacturing level has already caught up with the international advanced?"

"In some products, it is indeed catching up and surpassing. Most of them can only reach the international average, and some are indeed below the average. But if a large amount of foreign goods are poured into the country, it will be serious. We are suppressing the development of our domestic manufacturing industry. They have no sales, how can they continue to improve their technology and continue to invent and create?” Feng Yu persuaded.

Director Fang frowned, and some worried said: "Are you not a closed country? It is going to derail the international!"

"No, I am not talking about contact with the outside world at all, but a new kind of trade protectionism. Of course, trade must continue, but we must advocate people to buy goods from our country, let money flow, and let domestic enterprises There are funds to continue to develop." Feng Yu said bluntly.

"Do you want me to protect your business?" Fang Fang looked at Feng Yu with suspicion.

Feng Yu smiled and shook his head, proudly said: "Director, my company, whether it is equity or holding, all can export foreign exchange, do you think I need local protectionism?"

Even the most competitive beverages have now been exported to foreign exchange, let alone other products. Market share such as humidifiers, leafless fans and VCDs has always been the number one in the world!

Director Fang still does not believe that Feng Yu will consider other companies' businesses? Although this Feng Yu donation has never been soft, it is because he earns a lot, and the donated money will not affect his business development, and will not affect his life. If he earns less, will he donate so much?

Moreover, Feng Yu’s enterprises are very fierce in their development in China, not to mention monopoly, but they are also the first in the industry. What makes him most curious is that this Feng Yu investment is diversified. He should not invest in any industry. Do you want some policies?

"Feng, are you investing in any industry? For you, a kind-hearted conscience entrepreneur, proper care is also possible."

Feng Yu "..." I still think you are asking me for a policy?

Well, trade protectionism can really make Fengyu's enterprises develop better. For example, cordless phones and mobile phones will certainly develop better and faster. At present, these two items are indeed not advanced in the world.

However, this kind of policy is definitely for the benefit of the country and the people. The past China Huaxia did the same, but it did not do well. For example, the automobile industry as a pillar industry was completely occupied by foreign brands. There are also electronic products, clothing, daily chemicals, etc., all of which are dominated by foreign brands, and the protection is clearly biased.

"Director, you didn't understand what I meant. I know that our country has been jointly blocked by Western developed countries and is eager to catch up with the developed countries. Therefore, in order to obtain something, we have given up many benefits. But you Have you ever thought that we have gained a small amount of benefits, but it has given those countries more benefits and made our gaps even bigger. Now the world knows that Asia is the largest emerging market, while China is It is the main market in Asia. It can be said that all countries are staring at the Chinese market. They all regard Huaxia as a piece of meat and urgently want to take a bite. At this time, why can't we restrict them in reverse?"

"Reversely restrict them? What do you mean?"

"For example, the island countries, their economy is experiencing a large-scale recession. If they do not sign some trade terms with our country, their economy will be more severely degraded. After the last time the island business pollution broke out, we got a lot of benefits, right? And they have to agree, because they can't bear the consequences of losing our market. So now we can filter and select companies that shift their focus to our country and trade protection for the industries they involve. Import tariffs can be increased, and even if you invest in a domestic factory, you will not be able to enjoy preferential policies for tax reduction and exemption."

Feng Yu is very opinionful about the tax reduction policy for foreign investors. With what foreign capital can you get three free and two minus half? Joint ventures also have very good preferential policies, but there are no such preferential policies for Chinese private enterprises in China.

Yes, attracting foreign investment to develop is correct, but it can't be too much. The world factory, that is not the way China should go, it will greatly reduce the income of Chinese workers, while the profits are earned by foreign investors, but also squeeze the living space of China products.

"Increased import tariffs, isn't it an economic war?" Director Fang is very worried that once the economic war occurs, the loss is very huge. China is in a period of rapid economic growth and must not be flashed.

"Pull up a batch, suppress a batch, anyway, our country does not export a lot of products, they lose more in the economic war. We must protect the pillar industry, leading industries and infant industries. Steel industry, automobile industry, electronics industry, agricultural and sideline products The processing industry, the cultural information industry, the tourism industry, etc. must be protected. The tariff increase can increase the tariff, and even on some products, the import can be restricted. The advocacy must be advocated, let the people know, many things, We are already at the top of the world. If we all think that the quality of our products is not good, how can we compete with others in the international arena?"

What Feng Yu said is actually being discussed by the state. Some people say that they should join the World Trade Organization as soon as possible. They can break the barriers to trade blockade in the West. Some people say that they should continue to adhere to trade protectionism. Once they join the WTO, they must be internationally The impact of products from other countries.

But if you don't trade protection, can you join the WTO? On the contrary, after you protect it, for the Chinese market, the road to China's entry into the WTO will be flatter. Huaxia wants to join the WTO, and many countries also want China to join the WTO soon, so as to lower tariffs.

Director Fang thought for a moment: "We are also studying this matter. Your thoughts are very good. Then, when you discuss the next time, you can be represented as a businessman. For the discussion of this kind of issue, we invite people from all walks of life to participate. You Are you interested in becoming a member of the Political Committee?

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