Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 849: Smoke during the Olympics

In this Olympic Games, it is not the 100-year Olympics that has been remembered. It has not broken many world records. It is not the history of the audience and the record of ticket sales. It is this Olympic Games. There is an unexpected tragedy!

The country said that it had invested more than 220 million U.S. dollars, and tens of thousands of police officers were responsible for security during the Olympics. As a result, two people were killed and hundreds of people were injured.

The most ridiculous thing is that the Ming Lei ~ tube has been discovered, but the police arrived, but no one knows how to dismantle the bomb. As a result, the mine has exploded, and the nails and shrapnel inside have caused great damage.

What is interesting here is that the police have been alarmed, and the staff and police of the Olympic Park have not been able to evacuate the crowd in time. Five minutes, according to the statement is enough to ensure the evacuation of personnel, it should be 0 casualties.

Then in order to calm down the public opinion, they made a farce, and the police staff of the police were arrested as suspects. Only one month later, they proved that the other party was not guilty.

The real criminals were accidentally arrested in another case after seven or eight years. Feng Yu, like many people, maliciously speculated that the so-called real criminals who were caught may also be a top-loaded one. The police used to invite and forcibly settled on his head.

In such a dangerous place, how can Feng Yu let Li Na go? He can't remember the exact time when the incident happened, but it must have been during the Olympics. Therefore, during this time, Feng Yu will never agree to Li Na to go to the Olympic Park to play.

Li Na looked at the nervous Feng Yu, and some doubts: "Why not, come here, don't go to the Olympic Park, isn't it too regrettable?"

"There are too many people, not safe. You think about it, everyone has an idea with you, and there are many foreign tourists in the United States at this time, they will also go there. We can wait until the end of the Olympics, when You want to play for a long time." Feng Yu immediately weaved an excuse.

"At the end of the Olympics, I should go back to school." Li Na was disappointed. She never thought that Feng Yu would lie to her. In her cognition, Feng Yu will never lie to her.

"Hey, I will take you to other attractions, and they are all very fun. The Olympic Park is actually nothing. Some celebrities sculptures, what are you interested in?" Feng Yu began to flicker. "Think about the first time we went to the Great Wall. It’s not eager to climb before climbing, but after climbing for a while, I feel bored?”

"It's really, let's talk about it later. I heard that there are parks in the country where you can pick up gold!" Li Na asked excitedly.

"That's all made by the media, just to attract tourists. Even if you get gold, how much can you pay? How much gold do you want, I buy it for you. Or I will make gold beans, scatter on the ground, let you Play around?" Feng Yu teased.

The so-called 捡 gold, which is the gold ore with very low purity, is a means of propaganda. Just like the slogan of the Great Wall: "Not the Great Wall is not a hero", when you are a hero? And the Great Wall is really nothing fun, it is better to go to some ancient cities.

Li Nabai Feng Yi glanced: "You throw me in front of me, what do you mean? I will say, you are not afraid to throw me!"

"Yes, it's like this. If someone else throws it, let's not. Let them hand it to our hands, it's not good enough!"

Li Na was trembled by Feng Yu's flowering branches, forgetting about the Olympic Park, and then the two returned to the room again, talking about the endless whispers.


"What do you say? Well, I know. If you can do this, you can do it. You don't have to worry about spending money. What I want is the result!"

Li Na saw that Feng Yu’s face was not very good. He asked with concern: “What happened to you, is the company doing something? If you want to go back and deal with it, let’s go out and play for a short time.”

"It was not the company's accident. It was an accident at the Olympic Park. Fortunately, we didn't go there." Feng Yu said something to Li Na.

"Yeah, fortunately we have not gone. You are really right, there are more people, it is not safe. You said that the bombing ~ bomb is what to think, so what is the benefit of him!" Li Na admire Feng Yu's "high vision".

To tell the truth, Feng Yu doesn't know what this person thinks. Maybe it is to let the rice state government lose face in front of the world. If the goal is really this, then he did it.

Moreover, this person also indirectly helped Feng Yu to let the Austrian Olympic Committee of the country lose face. Feng Yu had an excuse to publicly criticize the Olympics.


The sports meeting that the private contractor got out is not good!

The country has seized the opportunity of the Olympic Games in Athens for a hundred years.

During such a bad event during the Olympics, the country needs to give the world an explanation!

There is no guarantee of security. Why does the country hold the Olympics?


The news of the article appeared on the front page of the world's major newspapers. During the Olympics, the Olympic Games itself was a hot news, not to mention the tragedy that occurred during the Olympics.

The most popular reports here are those in Europe, with Russia and Greece as the most.

Russia is always the first to jump out of the place where it can strike the country. Of course, the reverse is also the same, the country has also struggled to fight the first line of Russian reputation.

However, Greece has not been able to compete in the country because of the right to host the Olympic Games. They are the host countries of the first Olympic Games and the sponsors of the Olympic Games. The opportunity to hold the Olympic Games for a hundred years has been taken away by the country. How can it be so happy?

Let you grab it, do it?

Of course, more countries are neutral. Not gloating, just mourning for this matter.

Feng Yu thinks that this is the most ridiculous. With this kind of execution, can you also be responsible for security? Five minutes, actually caused so many casualties, the responsible person should be responsible!

There is a fart for mourning, you are catching the murderer! After the incident, no matter what you do, you can't recover the two people who lost their lives.

At this time, a news broke out and completely pushed this matter to the cusp of public opinion.

Feng Yu had arranged a letter to remind the Atlanta government to pay attention to the security during the Olympics. As a result, the other party did not pay attention to it at all, and such a tragedy occurred.

Now the contents of this letter have been blasted out. The Atlanta government, the organizing committee of the Olympic Games, the Miguo government, and the government have been drowned by the saliva of the masses!

Someone kindly reminded you that you still don't pay attention to it. This is a play for people!

The result is the same as in the previous life. The police staff of the alarm was arrested as the first suspect and wanted to temporarily suppress things.

Wilson, who can be responsible for pushing this up, bought some media and bluntly pointed out that the suspects who were arrested could not be criminals at all. No criminal would be foolish enough to call himself to arrest himself if he It’s a madman. He can watch the bigger casualties. If he regrets, then no one should be injured. Besides, what is the purpose of his doing this?

At this time, the Olympic Games were contracted to private individuals and were again discussed by people. Why does the country like the country that does not respect the Olympics win the right to host the Olympics?

Is there something tricky inside?


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