Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 854: Advertising bombing (request for a ticket)

“Drinking power, adding power, champion performance, unparalleled! Red cans, designed for athletes!”

“Jian Li Bao, master the extraordinary power anytime, anywhere!”

"Fresh cola, the choice of the champion!"

"Le Haha tea drink, choose not you are not thirsty!"

“Jianlibao Tea Drink, join us and create a miracle!”


The overwhelming advertisement of Huaxia beverage appeared in many TV stations, newspapers, stations and other places in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. The density and frequency are high, which makes the two music companies look at it.

With such intensive advertising bombing, how much advertising fee does it take, how many bottles of drinks do they have to sell in order to earn back the money? And they actually put a lot of advertisements in Africa, how many people in Africa can drink?

Indeed, such intensive advertising costs hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising costs for a period of one year. This year, whether it is Le Haha or Jianlibao, it is certainly not profitable overseas, and even in the next two years, it may not be profitable.

Jianlibao is okay. In the United States and Southeast Asia, there was already some popularity. Le Haha is a new brand overseas. Although Feng Yu helped them to go to the supermarket shelves through Fu Guangzheng’s help, it was also in the newspaper. Advertising, but also lose money.

At that time, the profit of the two companies' drinks was no more than one million dollars, and the investment in advertising fees exceeded this figure. As for the beverages of other brands such as Huiyuan, Leyi, and Coconut, they are also at a loss.

However, sales are climbing, and they are convinced that this year has passed. Starting next year, with the increase in brand awareness, with a certain consumer group, sales will increase again, and profits will inevitably rise.

But at that time, the companies were not optimistic. No company believed that the annual profit of overseas sales could exceed 20 million US dollars.

But now, Feng Yu suddenly invested hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising fees, advertising two companies, quite a desperate meaning, but the helm of the two companies, they also agreed.

A company with $50 million in debt, just this number, can crush the average company, and the helm of the two companies are still laughing.

Feng Yu and Fuguang's bottling plant, which is being acquired in Europe and the United States, can already start producing beverages from the two companies. The agency fee is based on the bottom-end profit sharing. That is to say, if the two companies have no profit, the foundry fees that these foundries can get will be very low, and they can only guarantee that they will not lose money. The conditions, except for oneself, no one will give it.

Of course, Feng Yu and Fu Guangzheng are not fools. Both of them and the team analyzed that they believe that the miraculous victory of Nigeria will increase the brand value of these athletes several times, and they will only be advertising density after their endorsement. Enough, it will greatly promote product sales.

Drinks are not a necessity, but a hobby. When they like the taste of a certain drink, the next time they want to drink, they will prefer a certain drink.

For example, some people are used to drinking Coca-Cola, and cooking cokes never drink. Even if most people drink it, it feels no different.

The most important thing now is that consumers will be willing to try to buy, and then they can cultivate their hobbies and then hobbies to truly occupy the market.

Whether it is Jianlibao or Le Haha, in the brand awareness of international beverages, the top ten are not ranked. However, after this year's intensive bombing of advertisements, I believe that it is still no problem to upgrade to the top five.

When a drink is very familiar, then when a consumer just wants to buy a bottle of drink, or to help someone bring a bottle of drink, and do not know what to buy, first choose the brand he is familiar with.

What Feng Yu is doing now is to let the beverages of the two companies increase their brand awareness and seize the market. When the market share comes up, profits will naturally come.

A million dollars, as long as the two companies in the beverage industry market share increased by 1%, then it is sure to earn back in the future.

This year is definitely not the money that can't be earned. It may not be possible next year, but for up to three years, it will certainly be able to earn this money and provide a steady stream of profits!

Beverages are not new products, and there are two Big Mac companies that dominate most of the market. If you rely on traditional sales methods, then it is too difficult to increase your visibility and increase sales.

Although this method is extremely extreme, it is very easy to use. It is just a general company, it can't afford it, and they don't have a brand spokesperson with such a high price/performance ratio!

The effect of advertising is very good, and it has a great relationship with advertising words and brand spokespersons. It is not a high density that will succeed.


"What do you say, all the players of the Nigerian football team have been signed by those Chinese drinks? Also included coaches? What are you doing, let you choose some athletes to be brand spokespersons, you have chosen these losers? "Cruise is angry.

All of us are silent, and my heart keeps groaning. Isn’t it that you want to choose these people? Now they lose, who can think of it?

Those Bo ~ color companies, did not even think about it, I heard that a lot of Bo ~ color company, this time all the heavy losses, actually someone bought a Nigerian to win the championship, or re-note!

Then the professional company is not sure, we can see where it is.

"We can promote other achievements of those stars, such as their performance in the Champions League."

"This year is the Olympic year. No matter how you promote it, you can only be a foil! Anyone else who wants to say that it is an Olympic champion is enough to cover all the other limelights! Those people should not focus on publicity, and focus on other athletes with gold medals. !"

"Mr. Cruise, there is one more thing to report to you. The advertising volume of those Chinese beverages is too large. They seized the Olympic champion and started to publicize madly. I heard that some big supermarkets have added them to them. Orders, and some ordinary retail stores, also started selling their drinks!"

Cruise was shocked and entered the supermarket chain, which has already increased the sales of those Chinese beverages. If they can enter ordinary retail stores, it means that those drinks have been accepted by consumers.

How is this possible, how long have those drinks entered the European and American markets, and how could they enter ordinary retail stores so quickly? Even if it is an advertisement, it is just beginning today. Where is it so fast?

"They seemed to have contacted before, and there are some promotions, such as the pull ring, and now there are more posters of the Nigerian national team, signature football or something, many fans are willing to buy their products for these things."

"They contacted before, how can I not know about this? What have you been doing before?! Roll, get out!"

Cruise calmed down for a while, grabbed the phone, and seemed to be uniting with Coca-Cola again!


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