Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 865: I feel like a wolf is coming.

The next morning, after Schneider went to work, he used to drink coffee, then turned on the computer and looked at the email in the mailbox. This is the main way he communicates with the headquarters. Unless it is anxious, you don't need to call, and you can report your email every day.

The headquarters is very satisfied with the sales of mobile phones in China last month, so he will focus on this. Pagers naturally have disadvantages. China's tariffs on electronic products are too high. Although they use lower-efficiency pipelines to make production costs lower, after they are shipped to China, the cost is much higher than that of Aihua pagers.

What's more, China has been springing up this year, and there are many pager manufacturers, and the price is lower than one. Although Motorola's sales are still good, it is after the price cut. And digital pagers are becoming more and more unattended, and the sales of pagers this year must be surpassed by Aihua pagers.

Anyway, the profit is not high, it is better to use all the expenses of promotion and promotion in the mobile phone business, in order to get the maximum benefit. That is, in China, in several developed countries in Europe, pagers have begun to withdraw from the historical arena, and mobile phones are the mainstream of the future.

If it weren’t for his precautions, let the headquarters agree and build a factory in China, and the profits of their mobile phones would not be so high. It is a pity that after the contract for the production of the pager was completed, they would be separated, otherwise they would not be so passive on the pager.

Although the headquarters did not blame him, but Schneider hated Aihua Electronics. If it is not Aihua Electronics, the pager will be able to earn at least five years in the Huaxia market!

Now that you are starting to produce mobile phones again, right now, let you know that we, Motorola, are not so good!

Up to now, Schneider is still convinced that their mobile phones are the best in the world, and that Aihua mobile phones, wind and rain mobile phones, technically at least three years behind them!

When the Chinese market develops for another two years, he will be able to compete for the position of president of Asia. At that time, he will be rewarded with some equity, and there may be opportunities to enter the board.

Dangdang ~~

"Come in!"

"Mr. Schneider, this is the technical performance parameters of the wind and rain mobile phone and the Aihua mobile phone measured by our technical department. Let's take a closer look." The technical person in charge of Huaxia handed him a document.

Schneider saw the other person's expression and suddenly had a bad feeling.

He took the file and immediately opened it carefully. The more he saw him, the more he was scared.

How is this possible, how can Chinese electronics manufacturers make such mobile phones? And the interface of the mobile phone is actually better than theirs. It also has a built-in pinyin input method, which is more useful than their input method.

The screen is bigger than theirs, the resolution is the same, the metal casing, the sensitivity of the button is not bad, the signal is good, the capacity of the battery is bigger, and there is a random original battery!

And the appearance is very beautiful, there are many choices of colors. In this comparison, Motorola's mobile phone is completely defeated in terms of cost performance!

The wind and rain mobile phone and the Aihua mobile phone have the same appearance except that the appearance is slightly different. The other parameters are exactly the same.

By the way, I heard that Fengye Electronics and Aihua Electronics have the same shareholders, and the two sides often cooperate. It seems that this news is true.

"Mr. Schneider, Mr. Schneider?"

"What's wrong?" asked Schneider angrily.

“Do we ask for authorization from the headquarters to bring our latest mobile phones to the China market for simultaneous sale?”

Previously, the models sold in the Huaxia market were more than half a year later than the developed countries in Europe and America. Because China is lagging behind, this model, which is half a year behind, is enough to guarantee that China is at the leading level, and the technology of other mobile phone manufacturers is indeed behind. Motorola has been half a year to a year, and even more, only Nokia in Europe can compete with them, but it is late for the Chinese market, not Motorola's opponent.

It can be said that the Huaxia market is the rest of the goods sold in the European and American markets, and then the Chinese people are also eager to buy. But that was before, now I have Aihua mobile phones and wind and rain mobile phones, if they still do this, then it is really dead!

The change of market functions will have no small impact on the company's overall strategy. The company will not be able to continue to produce mobile phones unscrupulously. Even if it is slow-moving in other countries, it can also be digested by the Chinese market.

If the Chinese market wants to sell new products, then a slightly backward product can only be sold in other markets, but there is also a large market in China that recognizes Motorola's market.


"President Watanabe, this is the parameter of the Aihua mobile phone and the wind and rain mobile phone that we tested. It is better than ours. In this way, our market share will be further compressed. We also need to maintain channels and promote There is no profit left!"

The person in charge of Huaxia, Watanabe Watanabe, was shocked by the reports of his subordinates. Why are Aihua Electronics and Wind and Rain Electronics, do they have to leave us with the past?

The two companies have never done a mobile phone before, and the first model launched is so outstanding, how is this possible!


Nokia's head of China, at this time is also looking at the information. They are just preparing to attack the Chinese market in a big way this year. The main product is the mobile phone. I thought it was all old rivals. The most important thing to watch out for is Motorola.

I know, I have come out with Aihua Electronics and Fengyi Electronics. The performances of the two companies’ mobile phones are better than those they sell in the Chinese market. The appearance is also more beautiful, plus the Chinese brand, which was previously in China. The popularity is just above them. This definitely has to share some market share. Can Nokia still be in the first place?

On this day, Ericsson, Sony, NEC, Siemens and other electronics companies that sell mobile phones in China all came up with an idea. Their enemies, not Motorola, not Nokia, should be Aihua Electronics and Wind and Rain.

From Aihua pager, in just three years, it will be able to compete with Motorola, and will soon surpass it. This Aihua Electronics' sales strength and technical research and development strength are very strong.

If they don't deal with it, then the mobile phone business of Aihua Electronics and Fengyi Electronics will grow up, but it can no longer be suppressed!

The wolf is coming!

The first thing that unites is the island-based electronics companies, which have just re-entered the Chinese market because of some cooperation agreements between the government and the government.

Originally their advantage business, now is not dominant, and now they mainly sell products, namely mobile phones and digital cameras. I did not expect that Aihua and the wind and rain also launched the mobile phone business!

They are too aware of the consistent strategy of the two companies. What they are best at is to seize the market, especially in China, which has a natural advantage. Once the market share is occupied by the two companies, they will once again be pulled out of the Chinese market!

This kind of thing can never happen again!

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